• Member Since 1st Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen Jun 16th, 2020

Sabertooth Pie

I'm a brony and my OC name is Sabertooth a kind hearted stallion

More Blog Posts6

  • 379 weeks
    New or old?

    So I was thinking should I add another story to the pile or work on some of the ones already started.

    0 comments · 234 views
  • 397 weeks
    Back Again!

    When you be like "Nigga you alive...WORD ?"
    Yes I am back I haven't decided What to start working on yet but I'm also open to suggestions :pinkiehappy:

    0 comments · 287 views
  • 420 weeks

    Schools out and it's summer time so I'm going to try to update more often and make new stories.

    0 comments · 281 views
  • 426 weeks
    Twilight's wierd logic

    How the hell is trixie the one to be a bitch Starlight almost screwed the universe also no second prances was great.

    6 comments · 295 views
  • 431 weeks
    OC universe

    Hey I'm trying to build a universe with a shitload of oc's so send me any of that you want to be featured in this story, also I would appreciate people who could include some of the horse famous of too like woodentoaster, living tombstone, ratchetness, bronymonster etc etc.

    0 comments · 221 views

Back Again! · 7:01am Nov 23rd, 2016

When you be like "Nigga you alive...WORD ?"
Yes I am back I haven't decided What to start working on yet but I'm also open to suggestions :pinkiehappy:

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