• Member Since 28th Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen Jul 4th, 2023

Big Brother is Watching

Big Brother is Watching You

More Blog Posts190

  • 68 weeks
    Get it while it’s Hot!

    I’m slowly but surely taking down the videos on my YouTube channel. Watch them while they last!

    Here is the channel!

    4 comments · 85 views
  • 91 weeks
    The Raven is Up

    My first dramatic reading. I’m a bit nervous to share this, but excited too!


    I have more audio play & dramatic reading projects on the way. Hopefully this one works.

    12 comments · 96 views
  • 93 weeks
    New YouTube Channel

    I technically already had a YouTube channel, but I made a new one to put my personal creations into it. The videos on the old channel will start disappearing in favor of putting them on the personal channel instead. I used a new pen name for it, "Bernard Butler", which is a Megamind reference combined with obscure DC comics from the 1940s.

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    1 comments · 101 views
  • 94 weeks

    The day that changed everything. I’m not forgetting it any time soon. Nearly 3000 people tragically died that day, & because it happened at home & caused such destruction, it made so many Americans feel far less safe. Many feared being in urban environments & around major landmarks out of fear of copycat terrorism, & there was an anthrax scare too - Americans were afraid Al Qaeda was planting

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    4 comments · 165 views
  • 104 weeks
    Need for Voice Actresses

    I'm going to eventually move on from MLP fanfiction for a while, if not forever. My plan was to become to Discord what MemJ or whatever she's called became to Princess Celestia. But I'm choosing a new life, so I'm going to, instead of making this the grand opening to a new fanfiction career, make this the temporary or permanent swan song to MLP fanfiction.

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Happy Thanksgiving from Little Richard! · 11:48pm Nov 24th, 2016

Funny thing about this Holiday: The old narrative of the 20th century is that it was celebrating the Pilgrims and the Native Americans uniting, but most of the Native Americans were gone. The new narrative of our century was that it was celebrating the Pilgrims wiping out the Native Americans, but most of the ones in that area had already died of plague!

In actual fact, the Pilgrims were people who were hardly allowed to practice their own religion in their homeland, or at least not the way they wanted to, because this was during a time in which the state would generally adhere to the religion of the King, and while other religious practices were legal, there would always be a stigma against them, and it was not always easy to practice what you wanted to. So these people were grateful to live somewhere in which they could. Religious freedom is something we are so used to that we take it for granted (though we have some who misinterpret the "separation of church and state" clause in the Constitution as "no religous exposure" when it really meant that the state couldn't favor one religion above the others; take the context of time period into account), but these people couldn't take it for granted, so I think we should be grateful to live in a country in which we have it. Even today there are many countries that won't allow people to practice religions besides the religions favored by the state, one thinks of Saudi Arabia, or even religion in general, one thinks of North Korea. If you believe in prayer, pray for the oppressed who live in these countries.

And speaking of prayer, I want to support Cookie Crumbles, a FIMFiction user whose mother recently passed away. She needs all the support that she can get. I wish I could say, but sadly there is not, I'm not good at this, but I know some of my loyal readers are.

That being said, I have a question for you all: What PS3 games would you recommend? I recently got a custom PS3 that will not break so easily, and has all of the ability to play games that are compatible with all of the older PS models.
...Because a customized PS3 is still more affordable than a non-customized PS4. :applejackunsure:

So, would you mind listing me some games that would be compatible with my PS3 I should look out for? And listing me Wii games would help too.

Comments ( 1 )

happy thanksgiving!:pinkiehappy:

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