• Member Since 29th May, 2016
  • offline last seen Apr 30th, 2023


Just a guy writing stories, mainly crossovers.

More Blog Posts166

  • 277 weeks
    This Weekend in a Nutshell

    1 comments · 563 views
  • 294 weeks
    Rest in Peace, Stan Lee

    He’s actually gone...

    Thank you, Mr. Lee. For giving us a wonderful universe filled with amazing characters and stories. For being an inspiration to many people young or old. And for making so many fun cameos until the end.

    You will be dearly missed and may the legacy you left behind continue for generations to come.

    7 comments · 594 views
  • 295 weeks
    Super Smash Bros Ultimate: Everyone Is Dead!

    The best part of the Smash Direct today:

    Nintendo pulled an Infinity War and killed everyone, except Kirby (because Sakurai favoritism).

    Lifelight is the best Smash theme as of today.

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    11 comments · 616 views
  • 299 weeks
    Web of Magic: Next Arc Teaser

    Since Venom premiered on Friday, I feel as though it’s only appropriate to tease my next Spider-Man arc. It’s almost time to pave the way for yet another one of Spider-Man’s iconic villains to be introduced and to bring in more MLP villains into the mix:

    The Symbiotes and Sirens Arc.

    7 comments · 555 views
  • 299 weeks
    What Goes on in My Head

    The Web of Chaos series. It’s a story I’ve had in the back of my mind for years now, started almost three years ago, and then scrapped because my writing was definitely not good in the slightest. It was the very first fanfic I ever wrote and it definitely showed.

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    1 comments · 410 views

Ramblings · 12:13am Nov 29th, 2016

Alright, let's start from the beginning.

I just wanna apologize to those reading my Mario/Sonic stories and/or Red Guardians. I know I've stalled on writing them, but I promise I will finish them. I just needed to get that off my chest real quick. But I just haven't felt motivated to write them lately, and I want to fix that soon since I want to finish them.

Secondly, Spiders and Magic is nearing the final act. Once that's done, I'll put all my focus into my other stories (for real this time) and continue my original plan and story-line. The reason I stalled was because Dimensional Crisis was the spin-off I wanted to make before I came up with Edge of Time.

Thirdly, I've been brainstorming. At some point, after the Warriors team-up, would anyone like a story based on a certain time-travelling team of superheroes? It won't be connected to the other crossovers, but will be its own separate thing.

Report MetalJrock · 416 views ·
Comments ( 1 )

I say go for it. The legends have had a great season an their second is goin willl wat with reverse flash havin another time randemt. An damian dark.... i say ppl should make stories this too.

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