• Member Since 17th Dec, 2014
  • offline last seen Dec 14th, 2018


I'm ded lol. Fuck you, bronies.

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No. · 2:26am Dec 7th, 2016

I can't believe Michael Bay is doing this. Again. For the fifth goddamn time. Look, I really fucking love the original Transformers movie because of how kickass it was (though still really silly), but every movie after that just felt like the same goddamn thing only with more explosions and more boobs; the two things Michael Bay is best at.

Yeah, I say the fourth one is boring even with the motherfucking T-rex in it. But it's so goddamn boring...

I'm not saying that this movie is gonna be bad, but for those diehard Transformers fans who follow me: don't get too hyped just in case the movie turns out to be a huge disappointment.

Comments ( 24 )

Nemesis Prime has returned.

anyone else notice that Optimus' eyes are purple? in lord, blue is for good and red is for bad. purple is for.......... holy truck, that giant planet actually is Unicron.

4331336 i'm calling it: Unicrons here

.......... and automatically thinking it's going to stink mode has been engaged.

While the film may suck, I gotta say, 3D Unicron would be badass, especially if voiced by James Earl Jones or Morgan Freeman

Haven't seen the trailer yet. Like all things I hope it will be good, but we'll see eventually.

I have some bad news..... I heard they're planning Transformers 8..... I only wish I were joking....

Sorry... who? Not well-versed in the Transformers lore. :twilightsheepish:

...heh, it's one letter swap away from being Unicorn. :derpytongue2:

4331403 Nemesis Prime; The evil version of Optimus Prime

Same here. Michael Bay can make some sweet trailers but pretty shitty movies.

Michael Bay or no Michael Bay, they'll all probably be equally as terrible. :facehoof:

I damn-well hope its good, but I'm in no way "hyped" for it.

That makes sense, actually. Sorry! :derpytongue2:

4331407 Oh you misunderstand. I wasn't saying that about me. I was just summing up the blog. I'm actually excited as all hell about it.

You will be met with disappointment... oooOOOOooooOOOoooooo :derpyderp2: (imma ghosty goo)

4331418 Nope. Cause I always go into these action movies not expecting a great movie unlike half the Internet. I go in thinking 'I'm watching robots shoot each other this is awesome!' and leave it at that.

4331405 he's a giant planet eating Transformer- basically their devil.

Actually, that wasn't a T-Rex in the fourth one, it was a carnataurus, which is actually worse. Why, because that mean that every single one of the dinosaur themed robots, which were one of the coolest parts of the original Transformers, in the the film are nothing like the ones from the source material. As my brother, and some other people are fond of saying when they see what Micheal Bay is doing, "Stop raping my childhood"

What's next? Micheal Bay gets the right to Gummi Bears into a live action film? While seeing an action/adventure film, or series of films, based on Disney's Gummi Bears would probably interesting to see, Micheal Bay is the best choice for something like that, and he should never be allowed any more cherished classic shows or movies from the past, mostly because of how he mishandles or outright ignores the source material.

God damn it :facehoof:

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