• Member Since 2nd Aug, 2013
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I came, I saw, I got turned into a Brony. Tumblr link http://xeno-the-sharp-tongue.tumblr.com/

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????? Profile: - -_ _ _ _- · 8:23am Dec 15th, 2016


"Holy **** where am I?!"

Title: the ______ Ranger
Alias: Master Fragger
Coloration: Green [DATA EXPUNGED BY SOPA]
Gender: Male
Weight: 60,000 tons

Morality: Very crude and unrefined, much to his brother's annoyance. Mostly sticks to the job to bash some heads but ultimately does mean well. Just hope your not too attached to the nearest landmark and historic sites once he's landed.
Traits: [DATA EXPUNGED BY SOPA], Fourth Wall Awareness, Extensive swear word vocabulary, and- hey listen, my profile, my ****** **** writing, If SOPA wants to **** my *****, I'm going to keep going!


[DATA EXPUNGED BY SOPA] - I see something, I get the hots for it, it gets the hots from me whether it likes it or not

[DATA EXPUNGED BY SOPA] - Weakness? This ****** implies I give a damn about not being able to frag something this way. If I'm going to ***** ******* ******* some *******'s head in, I'm gonna do it without **********!

[DATA EXPUNGED BY SOPA] - The more someone moves, more things I use to ********** 'em up, so personally I hope they just start flailing.

Weakness: - Oh really? ********* REALLY?! You ****** heads block everything but this? No no no! Tryhard basti**es trying to get me killed?! And I only stuck around cus it's ******* fun! Guy's gotta kill time somehow.

I came, I saw, I
So yah I'll leave you to plant your ***** garden, I'm just in it for the kicks of who I gotta frag into slag next time they decide they want to go ape**** on the weeds. It's crude, get my *** racked in a few times, but it's ******* funnest **** I ever get to do working with the ************ or the old ****. Holiday special's mine jack***. Worries? Hells am I even canon in this story or we saving me for the sequel? **** if I cared, time to save Christmas *******!

...........Christmas is doomed....

Comments ( 32 )

I literally have no clue who this could be. Which I imagine was the idea, so good on you. Now I'm very curious. There are clues there I suppose I could use to try to discern the profile's identity, but I think I'd rather just be surprised.

I have no idea who the balls this is but I find myself not caring. This is gonna be goooood.

Indeed, I'm quite stumped as well. I think I'll just go for my old standby of sitting back and seeing what happens next. ^_^

Gigan? G-Gigan is that you? Did we leave your torture chamber open again? :derpyderp1: :rainbowlaugh:

Fully aware it's probably not Gigan but I can dream.

Wait.... green..... and.... a....... Ranger............. no. NO YOU'RE NOT.

So, we know his color (green), gender (male), that he has a brother, and is well-meaning but destructive.... :duck:

I got nothing. :twilightsheepish:

Oh man, its Gaira.:yay:

Why has Dead Pool taken over the bio?

The following is my guesses
A. A shit OC (probably mine)
B. The most foul mouthed green power ranger in existence
C. An obscure monster we never heard of
D. Deadpool with green text for some reason
E. None of the above

4340556 4340489
Erm... Who exactly is this Power Ranger you guys are talking about?

..............Has Deadpool gone green this season? :rainbowlaugh:

Mirror!verse Megalon?

4340440 Hey Lance, mind if I join you.


HOLY CRAP, it must be, cause why would SOPA be mentioned? That's old news.

It makes sense now. Maybe this Megalon is from a terrible mirrorverse where SOPA did pass, and the internet is watched like an Orwellian nightmare society! The horror. :twilightoops:

It's supposed to be Christmas, not Halloween. :rainbowlaugh:

4340572 ...... oh dear god in heaven.

4340716 Just....... it's gonna take a while.

What is this facade, a prank?

4340532 It's a joke article my friend.

Mirrorverse Megalon would be interesting.

But when will Mane-iac return?!

She cannot live without her ideal barbaric barbarous barber!!!


By all means. The more the merrier. ^_^

Also, I think I have a good idea now as to who this mysterious fellow is, but my lips are sealed. '3'

......something wicked this way comes?



Buck you SOPA, buck you. SOPA is the Stop Online Piracy Act.

aaahhhh, wake up and smell the [REDACTED]

... Wait a second. That wouldn't happen to be... the Gigan from Terra's Mirrorverse?!

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