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I came, I saw, I got turned into a Brony. Tumblr link http://xeno-the-sharp-tongue.tumblr.com/

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2016 Holiday Special Teaser · 1:03am Dec 24th, 2016

It was a cold, snowy day in the otherwise magnificent city of Maretropolis. The winter holidays were soon to arrive and many were eagerly awaiting the arrival of the community donation drive the city had been holding, the biggest of the decade. Hundreds of thousands of gifts to be sent in for all with millions of bits pitched in by both the more humble city slickers to the rich CEOs like Mica Hackett. But trouble is afoot and soon even the city’s beloved heroine will find herself in need of the boldest, bravest, most heroic help she couldn’t imagine to assist her!

But instead she got-

“Holy ****** where the ***** am I?”

The green and gold cyborg creature squawked after stepping out of the white portal from Zenith, looking around too and fro from the alleyway he’d landed in. This was Gigan, though not one most of the world knew. He’d come from another realm, just as this city did, one that was a reflection of the prime dimension. This Gigan was a “hero” where he came from, the Nebulan Confederacy’s ranger unit whom was deployed to protect their worlds and fend off incursions. In summary he got the job done. In details he typically caused excess property damage, had obscene behavior, little to no inhibitions; and a more extensive swear category than five systems put together. Over all, kind of a di-

“Don’t think I didn’t hear you ********!....?!”

Gigan paused and would have been blinking in confusion had he the multiple eyes.

“...****?... ******.... ***!... *******! *******!......”

He sucked in a deep breath.


Are you done? And how are you going off the page?


Oh for the love of god.

Gigan took a split second to correct the narrator before continuing on with the impossibly long swear word.
“Tanaka- **********************************************************************************-”

With a clap of magic, Gigan’s body was covered in a pale light that receded as his form was reshaped. Gone was his long tail, retractable dorsal fins, hooked forearms, cycloptian visor, and metallic spines. Now he had taken the form of a man vaguely in shape and wearing clothing referential to his true self. Whereas the prime universe Gigan’s human form was consistent with dark grays, blue, and camouflage patterning that gave him a mildly militaristic look, this version was more, outgoing. He wore a large, thick dull-green jacket with a saw pattern for a zipper that was left open with no undershirt, a pair of torn green pants with a golden trim and patterning down the sides, torn fingerless gloves, a pair of red riding sunglasses that wrapped around his eyes and green headband, dark green, steel plated boots; and several gold or steel piercing rings on his ears and brow. His skin was a messy, faded green, lighter than his cloths; with a red bead on his forehead that corresponded to his beam emitter in his true form. The only similarity between the two Gigans was the steel colored hair which arched forward, though in this one the hair on the sides pushed inwards enough to make it vaguely resemble a mohawk akin to his true form’s spine pattern. If the prime timeline Gigan’s human form looked like a soldier or mercenary, this one’s look was more akin to a chopper biker, complete with the letters P.T.R.U-A, the serial code from his creators, tattooed onto the sides of his neck.

And whatever cursed word he was speaking was so long it was still being censored by the same bleeping that had caused him to belt it even after he finished transforming.


Impressive, he actually managed to briefly overload the censor function.

Gigan, not minding or noticing he was in a human form to allow him to blend in better, sneered at the narration caption.

“What did you do to me ********?! My first appearance and did you put me in a ********** A-Rated comic book?!

Yes, and this is a T rated story. Needless to say such vocabulary would be, excessive.

“Hey, I’m already trolling them by showing up instead of the other Gigan, so why troll my ****** dubs? I got the TvTropes swearing tag on my profile, what am I supposed to say in this special?!”

Gigan growled, gritting his nonexistent beak.

How about stand-ins? Worked for Deadpool and Lobo on TV.

Gigan’s eyes twitched behind his sunglasses, raising his hand up in a distinct human gesture only for his limb to be covered in a pixelated censored mess. He grumbled, not even caring at this point because of how livid he was.

“... Narrator, Grendelson, you’re a fraggin’ geekwad and a tool.”

Yes and how unnice it is to see you to.

“Gonna keep flabbin’ your eat-meat or get back to telling this shin-dig?”

Shut the frag up Gigan.


Yep, here comes the weird special

Comments ( 15 )

OMG, this was epic. Tell me, Tarb, did you had a lot of fun trolling Mirror Gigan?


Varily, problem is now he keeps following me around. I found four death threats from carrier pigeon this morning. He laughed when I said four. He also keep barging in on my-

"Can it dip-weasel! Soon as I'm outta this dungheap I'm fraggin' your house a new on-"

Mane-iac in this universe is 6'0 and very fit.

".... She got an address?"

Just start shooting at the air and cause a panic, she'll come running.

Just double checking that unlike the march 32 special, this one does take place in the main continuity, right?

4352902 It's iffy, but this is in the mirror universe more or less. After a very harsh exam season I just wanted to write something very fun so hence this. Might be canon, might be non-canon. It wouldn't really matter for awhile anyways.

I, personally, loved this teaser.
My sides, however, hate you right now.
I think I will enjoy this Gigan going out for an enthusiastic walk in Maretropolis.
I just suspect being shorter then usual, and human, won't keep the damage down very much.
That said, if you want stress relief, have a Death Battle.

"The Fourth Wall is Dead.
Gigan cursing overload.
What have you done, Tarb?"

How are you going off the page?

So on the negative side, we have the concern on Gigan being able to puncture the forth wall at any time and he has shown... animosity, let's say, to his author. On the positive side, he is easily distracted and mostly harmless, so we can simply laugh at the results.
And if you are reading this Gigan, feel free to sputter at me angrily. I shall simply sit back and laugh, for I am safe here, beyond your reach.

... I think you should watch the Death Battle. I also think you should invest in a good, well hidden, tech-free shelter.... :facehoof:

4353215 yooooouuuu dunno how badly that can backfire, shane....just...good good if Mirror!Gigan and Scylla teamed up...it'd be horrifying.

Oh, I'm not too worried. See I have my own plan of... defense let's say. He wants to get to me, he has to get through someone just like him.

The last time a fourth wall breaker decided to visit someone in the real world who dissed them, he arrived through the roof less then two meters away. Do you plan on keeping your bodyguard that close at all times?

4353487 Ah ah ah. I cannot tell, for it is both a secret and a layer of the defense. Plus, I actually like Gigan so I'm betting I can just listen to a few of his jokes and what not and he'd leave me alone. Probably.

Mirror!Maretropolis is in for a wild, wintry ride of Yuletide fun. Strap yourselves in. ^_^

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