• Member Since 7th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen Aug 20th, 2018


[shitposting loudly]

More Blog Posts1042

  • 367 weeks
    I'm back, bitches, and still kickin'!

    So yeah. Sorta went awol out of nowhere without really saying anything. Big 'pologies there to anyone who missed me lol u probably didn't even realise I'd fucked off did u

    Truthfully, I was getting sick of the site.

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    4 comments · 451 views
  • 387 weeks
    Rest In Peace, Buster.

    November 7 2000 - January 7 2017

    So long, old friend. You were the best damn fifty bucks we ever fuckin' spent.

    goddamit, I hate goodbyes

    12 comments · 631 views
  • 388 weeks
    oh yeah, that's right. the year ended did it?


    I spent the last couple of hours having an emotional breakdown. fuck you, depression

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    7 comments · 576 views
  • 388 weeks
    It's very fitting they used 'meh'

    Not even the movie itself sounds excited, holy shit

    of course the shit is classy and British

    I can't wait for the Snapchat Filters Movie to come out in 2017

    2 comments · 407 views
  • 388 weeks
    Mein Gott!

    So you're telling me that

    A video game made by DICE in 2015 on the Frostbite engine
    Looks better graphically...

    Than a Battlefield 1942 clone made by a dead developer in 2005......

    I am 3shocked. Never saw that one coming, not for a million years.

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    6 comments · 506 views

oh yeah, that's right. the year ended did it? · 3:00pm Jan 1st, 2017


I spent the last couple of hours having an emotional breakdown. fuck you, depression

Year was pretty arse wasn't it? Buncha famous people in their 50s+ died, go figure. Yeah, it's sad that they've passed on and we're all giving our condolences, even me, trust me, but honestly they're old. It was gonna happen one year, and we all knew it. It just happened to all be on the same year.

RIP Carrie. Rip.

The Man, The Meme, The Legend got into office. Honestly not too worried about him.
Worried about Trump? No.
Worried about The Republican Party that now basically controls the entire US Government?
We'll see what happens.
please note, attempts to make this a political anti-hillary/pro-trump or vice-versa blog will be ignore. I'm done with your country's politics to be perfectly frank

fuck, someone get Goku!

Robbie Rotten got pancreatic cancer, and the internet made him a meme.
That was a thing.
Lazy Town is officially best anime.

The Youtube Rewind was even shitter this year, I didn't even think they could manage it, but they did. GG Youtube, you spent more money funding a shit montage of youtubers that nobody knows, when you could have spent it on fixing your site's problems.
GG No Re

this guy gets it. btw watch his stuff, it's gud shiet

Battlefield 1 and Planet Coaster came out, bye bye social life. If anybody's a dumbfuck like me and has Origin, lemme know, we can squad up sometime in BF1. I have no friends on there :c

This is where I'd normally post something like 'rip CoD' but let's be realistic here, they're just gonna fart out another one next fucking year anyway.

Rip Atari tho. God Bless u, Frontier.

I built a gaming PC and became a part of the Master Race.
rip $1600 that I'll never see again. >inb4 u could have done this and got it for only $1000 because apparently pc gamers are all stingy fucks

Guess now all there is to do is sit back and wait to see what 2017 has to offer.....................

it's gon' be a gud year

Comments ( 7 )

BTW should mention that don't look for Stiggerzz on Origin. the name is apparently taken, I'unno if I signed up there once upon and time and forgot, or if someone's being cheeky, but that's not me.
My Origin account is called Zzreggits.

What if I turn this into a religious blog about the Flying Spaghetti Monster


Robbie Rotten got pancreatic cancer, and the internet made him a meme.

... basically yeah.

I do respect some Youtubers who post his GoFundMe page in their description in order to get him the support he needs, which is amazing. Meme magic finally does something good.

I'm done with your country's politics to be perfectly frank

So am I, and I fucking live here, :raritydespair:



>using Origin

fuck off kangaroo cunt :trixieshiftright:

4364489 I have to so I can play Battlefield D:
Sacrifices had to be made.

Yeah, the guys who linked to the fund are the real MVP's of the meme magic

What about overmeme?

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