• Member Since 8th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen April 29th


I am the guy who writes the Equestrian-Marvel Universe. If you don't know what that is, take a look at The Iron Mare. Oh, and I write other things.

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The End is Also the Beginning: State of the Writer Report 2017 · 3:55pm Jan 4th, 2017

Before any of you jump to conclusions because of the title of this post, no I'm not leaving. I'm not even really stepping away. I just liked the sound of that title, nd thought it was fitting for the new year.
2016 has been an eventful year. Many hopes were high, and many were crushed. Now, the year has come to a close, bringing a new one, and with it, a new set of hopes and ideas. So, to take part in the yearly tradition of making a resolution for this new year, I have decided to write more, and give you guys more than the EMU or the Darkness Trilogy. I'll try to put out a few more slice of life stories, and make some more relatable works. And hopefully, if any of you start to get torn down by this new year in a fashion not unlike last year did to a great many people, I can at least provide something positive to look forward to.
However, my work on here may still continue in its slow pace, as I do have another writing project I'm currently working on. It's a novella that I hope to publish. I don't have much for it right now, but it's making progress, and if all goes well, it'll be up on Kindle by this summer. I'll be sure to make a blog post to let you guys know when it finally gets out there. Once I get most of it done, I'll even give you guys the summary and first chapter up here as a sneak peek at what it is. Until I finish this one, though, my focus on fanfiction work will be less so.
And I would like to give a huge thanks to Jarkes for editing my stories. He's been a huge help in getting what little content I get out to be better than it would be otherwise. Just take a look at some of my work before he started editing my stuff and you'll see what I mean. Thanks to theponymaster for prereading, too. It might not be much, but it's always helpful to have some extra feedback before posting something. Finally, thank you to all of you who have stayed around during my long hiatuses (hiati? hiatus'? I should look that one up.), and to all of you who have left upvotes on my stories, or have pointed out the flaws in the storytelling. You all have been truly awesome.
So here's to an awesome year, and if I can stick to my resolution, the rest of Phase One in the EMU.

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