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Natural Tooth Healing · 8:42pm Jan 4th, 2017

Natural Tooth Healing


Always consult a doctor, healthcare practitioner, or dentist about which foods, vitamins, and dental routines are best for you. Never take anything that you have an allergic reaction to. There are always alternatives out there. Take everything in moderation. Never over brush or overdo any dental routine as it causes more problems than it solves.

Good Mouth Products to Buy:

The best dental products you can buy are ones that contain neem. Neem naturally strengthens and remineralize your teeth. It also removes harmful bacteria and other invasive organisms/ particles from the mouth. Try to purchase toothpastes, mouthwashes, and flosses that contain neem.

Here are some places where you can purchases these items online, but you can also find them at most heathfood stores such as Sprouts. Some grocery stores and other major chains have neem products as well. Just keep your eye out for the best prices.

TheraNeem toothpaste: http://www.iherb.com/Organix-South-TheraNeem-Naturals-Neem-Toothpaste-Neem-Therape-with-Cinnamon-4-23-oz-120-g/17634

TheraNeem mouthwash: http://www.iherb.com/Organix-South-TheraNeem-Naturals-Neem-Mouthwash-2-fl-oz-60-ml/17663

TheraNeem Floss: http://www.iherb.com/Organix-South-Neem-Floss-Mint-50-Yards/47736

Non-invasive Dental Techniques:

If you have a cavity that needs treatment, look into non-invasive procedures such as gel treatments, sound treatments, electrical current stimulation, or laser treatments as opposed to traditional invasive techniques like fillings. Non-invasive techniques promote tooth growth and can help to prevent future tooth decay.

Here are a few articles on the subject that are with checking out.

Electrical currents to cure cavities: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/06/16/tooth-decay-treatment-no-more-fillings-teeth-repair_n_5499401.html

Lasers to cure cavities: http://www.seas.harvard.edu/news/2014/05/researchers-use-light-to-coax-stem-cells-to-repair-teeth

Vitamins That Are Good For Your Teeth:

It is good to take vitamins that help to strengthen teeth and bones daily to maintain a healthy smile.

Here is a list of vitamins, supplements, and natural minerals that aid in helping to remineralize and strengthen teeth.

K2: https://chriskresser.com/vitamin-k2-the-missing-nutrient/
Vitamin D3
Vitamin C
Msm Organic Sulfur
Omega 3

Foods That Are Good For Your Teeth:

In addition to taking supplements, it is good to eat foods that are good for your teeth and bones.

Here is a list of foods that are good for remineralizing and strengthening your teeth.

Eggshells, ground up, eaten daily: https://www.nytimes.com/2014/07/01/science/eating-the-shell-along-with-the-egg.html?_r=0

Making eggshell calcium: https://youtu.be/xra1regtIvM

Dark Leafy Greens

Chlorophyll has been shown to cure mouth cancers.

Things To Rinse Mouth With:

It is good to rinse your mouth with both coconut oil, wheatgrass, and organic sulfur after brushing with a neem toothpaste and flossing with a neem floss.

Here are instructions on how to do all three methods.

Oil Pulling: Tablespoon of Coconut Oil. Place the coconut oil in your mouth and gargle for 20 - 30 mins.

Wheatgrass Pulling - Quarter of a teaspoon of wheatgrass in a shot glass filled with water, stir together, swish for 5 - 10 mins per shot.

Rinse mouth and brush with msm organic sulphur. Place a tablespoon of MSM organic sulfur in a mug of hot water. Heat it in the microwave for one minute. Stir the sulfur with the spoon. Swish in your mouth for about ten minutes. Then spit the MSM out.

Floss Or Remove Food Particles:

If you can, try to chew on African chewing sticks, Miswak sticks, or chewing gum between meals to remove unwanted debris and help remineralize your teeth.

African Chew Sticks - One stick after each meal.
Miswak Sticks - One stick after each meal.
Chewing Gum - One piece after each meal.

Chewing gum and eating mints actually helps create saliva in your mouth, which naturally helps to neutralize and naturally rinse away the acids in your mouth when breaking down foods. Chewing gum after you eat could help protect your teeth and help keep your entire mouth clean. By chewing gum, you are also removing food particles left over from eating, which helps continue to clean the surfaces of your teeth.

Not all gum and mints are “healthy” for your teeth, however. It is best to avoid sugary gum, like bubble gum, as these sweet, sour, sugary gums are actually damaging to your teeth. Instead, look for sugar-free gums that have been approved by the American Dental Association. Any chewing gum with an ADA seal of approval on their packaging is okay for chewing!

You will also want to look for gums and mints containing a sugar replacement called Xylitol. Xylitol is a natural sweetener that has been proven to lower the amount of cavity-causing bacteria residing in your mouth. Unlike sugar, Xylitol does not feed these bacterial organisms in your mouth, making your teeth safer from infection.

Gums and mints with phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate (aka CPP-ACP or Recaldent) can actually help harden tooth enamel, making your teeth stronger and less prone to tooth decay.

Other Tips:

Floss regularly.

Swish with plain water after each meal to remove food particles.

Avoid foods high in sugars.

Eat foods that contain vitamins and minerals that strengthen teeth and bones.

Take vitamins daily that help to strengthen teeth and bones.

Chew gum, mints, or chewing sticks between meals to remove food particles and remineralize teeth.

Avoid excessive brushing. Plan a long, extensive brushing session once a day in the evening.

Massage gums with medical gloves occasionally to stimulate tooth growth and remineralization of the teeth.

Swish built up saliva around the mouth for 5-10 minutes occasionally to remineralize the teeth.

Brush teeth with toothpastes containing Neem.

Floss with flosses containing Neem.

Rinse mouth with mouthwashes containing Neem.

Follow by rinsing mouth with both coconut oil for ten minutes, wheatgrass for five minutes, and msm organic sulfur for ten minutes.

Comments ( 10 )

My teeth are in quite the predicament, I believe I'm going to see a dentist soon enough though.

But I will be sure to check over this from time to time mate. Quite a few things seem quite intriguing about it.


4369348 You are very welcome. These are all things that have really seemed to help with my own teeth. So I just thought I would pass the information along. :)

4369615 After doing some research on the topic and following the advice, my teeth are doing pretty good I must say. :) So I decided to pass the information along.

4369524 How about your mom?

4369630 You are very welcome. I am glad that it can help. :)

4369716 My mom is in a lot of pain but we are doing are best to treat her and take things a day at a time. :)

4369782 I'll be keeping you all in my prayers mate, as you well know.

4369800 Thank you so much my friend. That means a lot. We will be keeping you in our prayers as well. Keep on being awesome. :)

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