• Member Since 5th Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen Jul 25th, 2023


I do nothing of merit. On occasion, I give the impression of being creative, but this is a deception. I am merely derivative in clever ways.

More Blog Posts225

  • 214 weeks
    Dropping in to try and find some art

    So my hard drive bricked back in the fall, and I finally replaced my computer with the stimulus money. But I don't really have a good way to try and recover the stuff that was on there, so that sucks.

    But, I was hoping for some help in finding one particular bit of pony art that I haven't been able to dig up again since then.

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    3 comments · 394 views
  • 240 weeks
    a brief summary of my life the past few months

    June 17: I wreck my car.
    July 5: My cousin I grew up with dies after an extended illness.
    July 26: Neighbors threaten to sue us over payment for repairs they did on a shared driveway, wind up paying them over $1,000.
    August 15: Dropped my phone and busted the screen.

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    2 comments · 475 views
  • 247 weeks
    Welp, that's just... everything fucked, I guess

    So back around June 20, I wrecked my car.

    Then back on August 28, the tires on my wife's car got torn up hitting something on the road, and we wound up needing all new tires.

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    3 comments · 411 views
  • 248 weeks
    I don't think my cat likes my work

    So it's been a struggle to write anything, for various reasons, but I *was* trying to get back onto Legacy Ch 4 not long ago.

    Then today I was sitting at the table and started hearing faint tearing noises from behind me. I turned around and discovered that somehow my rough draft had wound up on the floor and the cat had done this:

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  • 266 weeks
    Random Encounter

    This was a fun moment. Choppy cause I had to remove a bunch of game speech commands and the usual bit of racist shit-talking.

    Also this was before I found out Scribbler did another reading of my stuff. I would have probably said that instead of RCL.

    2 comments · 444 views

Story Folder Cleanup: Princess Celestia Is In Your Bed At The End Of All Things · 12:20am Jan 8th, 2017

I've decided I have far too many stories I've started but will never finish, and to relieve some of the mental load, I'm just going to post what I have done in blogs. I don't have any plans to cancel stories I've already submitted on FIMFic — these are just things I don't think I'll ever get back to in my WIP folder. Also, as might be expected, I'll only be posting E/T stuff when I do this. Mature fics will either just get dropped unceremoniously into the junk folder or wrapped up for a one-shot clop collection I've had on standby for ages.

Abandoned Fic: Princess Celestia Is In Your Bed At The End Of All Things

This began as an entry in Admiral Biscuit's Fimfic Authors Are In Your Bed, but I haven't worked on it since January 2015, and the collab hasn't seen an update since June 2016 (and that was a straggler — high activity on it ended in May 2016). I still like the tone I had going, but I no longer have any idea where I was going with it and, as I said, the collab it was to be part of is basically dead now.

You sit in bed, staring out into space.

Not that you have much else to do, aside from pondering the nature of things, or trying to achieve inner peace. You’d been at the last one for a while and, frankly, it was a rather dull endeavor. Which left pondering the nature of things, though sometimes that leads you to attempting to achieve inner peace again. The one just seems to follow from the other.

First on the list of things which are due to have their nature pondered: space. Particularly, the space you are staring into. Of prime importance was the question of whether or not one could even consider this space. Certainly, it didn’t seem to be outer space. After all, it isn’t cold and you aren’t suffocating. Also, there seems to be gravity around you.

But nothing else.

It also doesn’t qualify as outer space because there’s nothing to see. No sun. Not stars. No moon. Just you, your bed, and a vast, empty void that harrows the soul and leaves one with the sensation that they are truly insignificant, in the way that only the infinite can.

Which also leaves the question of whether it can be called not outer space, but space in any sense at all. Terms of distance and time seem meaningless in the face of endless nothingness.

It’s enough to make one feel downright philosophical.

You were just pondering what would happen if you got off of the bed, since there seems to be gravity but nothing beneath you, when you feel a faint warmth radiating against your back, and the sudden sensation that another presence had joined you.

Also the bed shifts with its weight.

But, to be honest, you were rather enjoying the solitude. It had been, perhaps, the most calm and pleasant Monday you’d had in weeks.

Some time passes, or maybe it doesn’t. You can’t tell in this place. But, eventually, your visitor gives a quiet cough and speaks.

“I do hope I’m not intruding upon any important thoughts,” she says, her voice feminine and very familiar.

You shake your head. “No. I think I was just seeking inner peace again.”

“I see,” she says, moving to sit beside you, and coming into your view in the process.

You were right about the voice. Princess Celestia has finally followed in the hoofsteps of many of her subjects and arrived, uninvited, in your bed. At one point, before certain violations of your privacy became commonplace, you’d have been thrilled at this. But now, you’d been hoping the ponies would stop when everything else had.

“And what is that like?” she asks, finally.

“Distressingly like boredom,” you reply.

You see a soft smile on her face from the corner of your eye.

“I’ve always found it a rather dull endeavor, myself,” she says. “Though, on the whole, you seem to be taking this rather well.”

“Any day I don’t have to get out of bed is a good day to me,” you say.

“Another sentiment we agree on, though, alas, royal duty often keeps me from such simple pleasures.” She turns her attention to the soul-crushing void surrounding you both. “How is the vast expanse of nothingness, by the way?”

“Mind-rending and unfathomable, like usual,” you say, shifting to prop your chin up on one hand.

...and that's where I left it, almost two years ago, along with these notes at the bottom:

only been 15 minutes in the void, thinking minds just don’t cope with a lack of input well

“Pinkie Pie and both Twilights have apologized profusely for the… incident, and Discord assures me he will have the current rent in the universe patched very soon.”

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