• Member Since 9th Sep, 2014
  • offline last seen June 23rd


Me. Take it or leave it.

More Blog Posts730

  • 42 weeks
    Just some thoughts

    Yeah. Been awhile, I know.

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  • 198 weeks
    Why I Don't Write Here Anymore

    I suppose it's been on my mind for a long time, but it never really occurred to me until recently. And because a few of you have been waiting for some projects I promised I'd finished, you deserve to know, as well.

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  • 232 weeks
    This exists . . .

    This is a thing that exists. This was made with effort, and money.

    And Hasbro actually put their name on this.

    . . .

    . . .

    . . .

    I'm gonna step away from this one.

    9 comments · 793 views
  • 238 weeks
    My good friend needs some support

    You all probably know HudsonHawk, especially if you know me. Even though I've never met the man in person, he's my best friend on this site, on the internet, and probably ever.

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  • 242 weeks
    Embarking on a new venture

    Recently I discovered a site for content creators called Daisie. It allows people to post their work and ask for collaborators, and it was created by actress Maisie Williams, whom many of you might know as Arya Stark from Game of Thrones.

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Finally, my 900 follower special! · 8:33pm Jan 9th, 2017

Fast as lightning, sharp as a sword

I couldn't do it before, while I was still in school, but now that I have more free time, I can do it.

I said back in November that I knew what I would do for my 900 follower special, and here it is. I'm going to write a fic, a series of one-shots between 1,000 and 3,000 words apiece, as many as ten chapters to start.

And what will be the basis for these one-shots?



Yep, I'm taking one-shot requests! I'll set up a blog post later to make it official, but this will be my 900th follower special, and it pays homage to all of you. Just to show you that, without you, I wouldn't be who I am here today.

Keep watching for my request blog post, I'll post it soon! :raritywink:

Stay quick, stay sharp, and thanks for reading!

Comments ( 23 )

Good Idea Lightning, you can do that because you are awesome.

A shipfic.

Twilight x Book.

Rated M.

How about Flash x Sunset
Since that's the new ship :fluttercry:

4375982 I laughed harder than I should've.


Congrats! I can't make it past what, 50? 60? IDK. But I need to think of something...GOT IT!

Nice man :twilightsmile:
That's very kind of you to do

Comment posted by PhoenixDragon44 deleted Jan 10th, 2017
Comment posted by PhoenixDragon44 deleted Jan 10th, 2017

Can these one-shots be based on your own fanfics, but as stand-alones with one or several elements going differently?
If yes, I sure would be interested in an alternate one-shot based on "Equestria : Civil War", with the idea I had suggested you by PM.
Reposting the post here if you are interested (I sure would!)

I'm wondering, since you've put Moondancer as Twilight's main opponent in the fanfic, how you plan to do the serious fight like at the end of the film.

IF it was Cadance who came for this scene, here is how it could maybe work. In the show, Flurry Heart's birth happens soon after the event in which Starlight tries to create the new timeline with Twilight not meeting her friends. What if Starlight, before settling for that plan, had learned Cadance was pregnant, and had, even just a brief moment, considered foalnapping the soon to be born Flurry and raise her as her own, under equality's principles, to get at Twilight?

What if that unnamed, plotting purple mare had somehow found that out (maybe by surprising Starlight once and casting a spell to get her memories, looking for more incriminations, before disappearing without leaving a trace)? What if Starlight, on her guilt, had confessed to Twilight that she had thought of doing that? Twilight would still forgive her, but she wouldn't have told this to her brother and her sister-in-law. Then, as the 2 friends, joined by Cadance, would reach the place where they see the plotting mare, that last one would reveal the memory, and Cadance... would see red. Her unbridled rage would make her able to face Twilight and Starlight on her own.

The one-shot would be Twilight and Starlight having an argument with Cadance...

You know why you got all these followers? Cause you're awesome!! :pinkiehappy: :raritywink:

Congrats and thank you! Could you do a Hard Reset crossover with Nocturn during the episode, The times they are a changing? That would be amazing!!!

Hard reset basis:

A unicorn casts a spell and gets (Character) stuck in a time loop. From the very second the spell is cast, (character) has one week to make the events go correctly. If they get killed, they restart back at the time the spell is cast./quote]

4376254 Umm . . . I saw the first couple of posts. :twilightsheepish:

I'm not sure how the "Hard Reset" concept works, and I'm not sure how to incorporate that episode and Nocturne into it. I don't know whether I just don't understand you, or I'm not familiar with the concept. :applejackunsure: But I'll put up a request post soon, so ask me then, okay? Thanks. :scootangel:

4376277 Ok!!!:pinkiehappy:
Also, sorry about that :twilightsheepish:, my laptop kept telling me it wasn't posting, ALWAYS remember to wait, the cake MIGHT be a lie...

Do a Barbara (Spike's Genderswap) story

Congrats! Lets hope im not out of town when you decide to roll out the 900 special- I'd like to see that. I'd love to toss my hat into the ring for that- though I'll need to give it a bit of time to think about

Congrats bro, gotta think for a bit, but It dont matter to me one way or another if you write me fic, Im still gonna be here for ya bro!

Congrats pal! You the-serve this!
As a one -shot I was thinking that how about doing like a meeting between Steel Valor and yours? (Note I am taking a hiatus and rewriting the first part)

4375971 Thanks for your contributions and suggestions, guys, but remember, I'll be posting a blog welcoming suggestions later. Post your fic ideas there, okay? Thanks, you guys! :twilightsmile:

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