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Equestrian Dossier: 적 · 6:53am Jan 16th, 2017

Dossier entry from Tarbtano T. Grendelson, priority message due to unexpectedness of threat

Theme Motif

Alias: A beautiful terror, I am still unsure of it's name if it has one
"Now where could they be?~"

Height: 1.5 meters
Weight: Unknown, higher than an average kirin
Length: 6 meters
Ki Seong - ??????
Name Unknown - ??????, deceased
Place of Origin: Western Continent, Carrea
Morality: Has a morality center completely unlike Equestrian or Kirin. Whatever one does, no matter how charming or attractive she might appear, do not let her approach. This is not your pretty magical marefriend, this is not your benefits buddy; this is a monster who looks like anything but. Any and all attempts to befriend her will fail due to extreme values dissonance and misunderstanding of concepts most would consider simple. This thing was directly and indirectly responsible for the destruction and deaths of all aboard a merchant ship heading to Equestrian some years ago.
Traits: Incredibly sharp fangs and claws, powerful senses that seem supernatural

Physical Prowess:
Deceptively strong despite leanness, but only marginally more so than an average earth pony. Claws and fangs however mean fighting her up close is very dangerous.

Can travel overland at up to 65 kmph. Build however means she can quickly scale trees, buildings, rough terrain; and snowy terrain quickly. Notably slower in the water.

Much more durable than she sees and can only be actually hurt by a select type of weapon or attack. Physical attacks can knock her around with enough force, but leave no lasting damage.

Indicative of what she resembles to an even greater extent, 적 has ludicrous stamina. She's been known to track down what she's after for weeks, if not years at a time with little pause.

Will-O-Wisp - Resembling fire, this is nothing of the sort. It's much, much worse. 적 has enough control over it to inflict purely psychological sensations of pain rather than actual pain but it is impossible to distinguish between the actual wisps and the mental ones. They are charged and launched out of her mouth or extremities.

Illusions- You won't see her coming and when you see her, you won't think it's her. That is the simplest way to explain it. Do not trust your eyes even if you think you're safe.

Phasing Claw- Her most dangerous ability and one that has to be avoided at all costs. If the bead shaped object on her necklace glows, avoid close quarters at all cost-.... Oh no. She's close! Listen just don't let her get in close!

Weakness: - Quickly, you stay near dogs. Any breed will do, but preferably large ones to increase the effect. They can sense her through her illusions and instinctively perceive her a threat. Their barking can drive her off, it feels like a gong strike in her ears. Proper ward spells and charms can keep her from detecting who she's focused on or crossing a boundary. The only thing that stands a chance at hurting her is-... Sssshhh shhh! Something's inside... Oh fuck no. Okay I say this as someone who's armed and a trowe, run!


"Found yoooou.~"

The trowe troll, Tarbtano T. Grendelson come rushing at the noise down the hall brandishing a box of nails and a blow torch, looking back at the audience with a baffled look.

"I said run! Go! GET-OUT-OF HERE! NOW!"

Comments ( 45 )

Woah, this is interesting...

Oh fuck-nuggets, incoming Kumiho.

I know who this is and I'm gonna NOPE THE F**K OUTTA HERE!

Sweet, a new villain. Looks like a day in the limelight for Ki Seong as we deal with an enemy from the past.

(Looks around for his two huskies) Well... I think I'll be mostly safe... Plus I'm suspicious of anybody who talks to me IRL. I don't have many friends... or life.

Ha-ha! love it Tarb! Can't want to see what En-Ami has in store for us! This should be an interesting path for us to explore.

Based on a few of the descriptive elements you spared us, and taking a quick gander at the Wiki page for Korean folklore, I'm gonna take a stab and say that this creature is your version of an Kumiho. I'm more probably than not wrong, bu that's my guess.


You're probably right. Like they didn't have enough to deal with already...

Kitsune, hopefully not all of her race is like that.

Very intriguing. Since this new foe can cast illusions, our heroes are likely going to be going into "trust no one" mode very soon.


"A kitsune? Lemme check."

The trowe pokes his head out around the broken door he's using as a shield.

"One fae to anther, by any any chance are you a kitsune?"


After an angry roar, the trowe gets bashed through a table. Grendelson grabs his throbbing head, shaking off dizziness while reloading the nailgun.

"Nope, think she took exception to that one."


"Wait...let me look this up."

*types on keyboard* "Huh? "Enemy"? "Foe"? "Adversary"? And it's definitely Korean text, which means that it's one of those ****ed up monsters. :P But......WHAT DOES IT MEAN!?!?!? "

*Yells at Tarb* "CURSE YOU AND YOUR PUZZLING WAYS!!!!! Oh, and Ask her if she knows Kuchisake-Onna."

4384664 i might have to agree with your evaluation yet i also get the H-Man vibe from this creature.

I speculate that she is Seong's Mother and the deceased unknown male was her husband, it'd explain how Seong managed to tame a horde of baby Destroyahs.

"As much as I like obscure Toho creations, I can verify this thing is definitely from the Equestrian realm- Hang on it's charging up Will-O-Wisps."

The trowe ducks behind a wall to avoid the fireballs, cycling his playlist to dog bark recordings and putting the volume up to max.

4385060 though i wonder if the relation is reversed or sideways into something else?

*ducks out of the way*

Come on Faith, YOU can do it. :)

You SOCKED a Hurricane in the jaw before. XD

"I'm about to sock this *loud growling drowns this out* in it's STUPID FACE!" >8E3



"F! A! I!-T!-H!

Faithy's gonna sock you out,

Hey Tarb, could Anguirus's roar work in driving her off?

At full form, he can rupture Dragon ears and he could probably still work his roar as an equestrian?

A common but very unfortunate mistake to make when dealing with Korean (not Japanese) fox-demons. As I said earlier, this can only be a Kumiho; I've seen this exact sort of scenario a few years ago whilst I was browsing the records of the SCP Foundation.

4385083 It's less the loudness and more fact it's dogs making the noise.

4385106 ohh then Anguirus would be somewhat useless?

i think Celestia is gonna be involved, given that you recently released a bio about her detailing her powers and the fact that Asian demons are usually weak to solar related objects?


I'm going to hazard a guess and assume this she has some connection to Grogar. Mainly due to the description reminding me a great deal of how Bagan's Aspects have been.

Particularly the Implacable Man nature, habit of setting off dogs with its presence, and that you can knock it around all you want but can never harm it.

Granted, there are difference, but while similar, I wouldn't expect those two to ooperate the same.

Hang on, Grendleson, my sister's dog Ruby is being delivered as we speak, and if a Newfoundland isn't enough to drive her off, a portkey to an ancestor of mine who's often confused for a real son of a bitch will be attached to Ruby's collar; just grab on and say Fenrir to get to ... relative safety.

ETA of Ruby: 65 seconds, MARK.

Oh no. This can't be good.

I just realized something now that I have a pretty good idea of what this THING may be. *cough* Kumiho *cough*, took me this long to realize.
What type of mythological DOG spirit would be needed to get RID of this thing? Fenrir? Cerberus? Inugami? Anubis?

Any ideas? XD

Warning: Highly probable spoiler alert:

According to the Korean fairy tale "The Fox Sister", a Kumiho might be killed. or at least significantly weakened, with fire. That said, the fire in question was provided in a magic bottle by a Buddhist Priest, so magic flames may be needed.

So, as a guess, Spike may well be Her bane.

I think i now know who this individual could be, by which i mean her relation to Ki Seong.

Only time will tell if I'm correct.

So whatever she is can be driven off by dogs. King Ceasar interrupt? :P


I see. Ain't that the truth of life. When in doubt: KILL IT WITH FIRE!!!

I think i can say this with a certain degree of certainty: RUN FASTER. How did you let one get close to you in the first place? How did it know you were written' about it??

Are you still there? Did Ruby arrive in time?

I know the answer is "shape shifter", otherwise I'd ask how a 20 foot long monster like that got so close.

Just remember, if you have to use the Portkey, once in the cave on the other end, do not cross the red line on the floor. You do not want to be less then 6 feet from the entrance without a member of my bloodline to calm down my (great x9) grandfather.

The Portkey will bring you back after 24 hours, and signal it's creator of a threat where it was activated. No matter how cleaver, how tricky, how deceptive or how dangerous She may be, HE will be far, far worse. Just be sure to grab Ruby's collar when it starts to glow; the Portkey will go off 60 seconds later.

The banged up, scuffed, singed, and cut trowe pats the pooches' head lightly, slumping into a chair overlooking a big whole in the wall.

"Took an exit, stage that way. Thanks for the pooch, but didn't use the key. Thought calling in the F wolf would be overkill and not work since it's dogs, not wolves that affect it. Either way, it's gone... for now."


"I was writing this after I glimpsed it nearby, to warn others about it. It must have seen me and trailed me back home."

Good to know you are safe.

Just for the record, while the Portkey would have brought you to the Wolf, it's his father that made it....

4385651 I recommend buying a brittany spaniel breed. They bark at everythin'. TRUST ME.

Considering there's no recent word from Faith, it's safe to assume she's KIA.

Well crap, who's gonna do the illustrations?

*rises up from a pile of rubble* .......... *spits out a tooth, holding up a thumbs-up*
"I'm 'kay"

4385990 that's what you get for trying to punch something you're specifically told not to get into close physical contact with.

(Hides in a bunker, and shall never come out again):twilightoops:

In view of recent events, might I suggest contacting a breeder and getting some proper protection from this particular threat? She seems to be the vengeful type.

I have contact information of a breeder recommended by Arawn...

I know this sounds rude but how close are you to finishing the chapter?

Because I'm bored with how slow things are lately.

4393474 so what's gonna be the main focus?(spoilers unnecessary)

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