• Member Since 7th Mar, 2016
  • offline last seen Jun 30th, 2022

PanzerBrony Metallicom

A 26 year old german, drumplaying, metalhead Brony (with ADHD), that loves WW2 stuff and good stories. Working as freelance editor and proofreader.

More Blog Posts60

  • 310 weeks
    I'm still here.

    Hello everybody.

    I'm not dead and still alive and kickin'. I'm also putting the finishing touches onto Chapter 10 of 'The Rise of Metal' (or TRoM for short) before it goes into editing. Most was done before the Metallica Concert in march but after that I had no time and inspiration to get the rest.

    Summer holidays work wonders sometime.

    Your PanzerBrony Metallicom

    0 comments · 357 views
  • 326 weeks

    Gonna see them tonight for the first time!! My first real and huge concert!

    I’m so excited!! And I just can’t hide it!!

    Have a nice Easter Holiday btw.


    2 comments · 329 views
  • 329 weeks

    Wonna see me take on some World of Warships?

    Going live in 10 minutes!

    Stream Link

    0 comments · 320 views
  • 336 weeks
    The Rise of Metal - Chapter 9

    It is finally up and done!!

    Let me know what you think about it!

    0 comments · 361 views
  • 337 weeks
    Great News

    Hello everypony!!

    After over a year of silence on „The Rise of Metal“ I can tell you the following:

    New chapter this weekend!! :yay:

    It’s been undergoing the editing process since last week and it only needs one or two more minor things.

    Get ready and get hyped!!

    I really can’t wait for your reaction to the new content.

    Have a nice week!!

    0 comments · 400 views

Trouble on my mind · 3:35pm Jan 16th, 2017

I'm struggeling pretty bad with life again. Everything I try or do just falls apart. And its going this way for nearly over an year now.

And the worst is: I'm getting sick of myself. I just want to break out, open my wings and fly away and leave everything bad behind me. I really don't know how much more I can take, before the point of no return is reached.

Thanks for listening and stay awesome out there!

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