• Member Since 3rd Apr, 2012
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I've heard that I write a pretty good story named Fallout: Equestria - Memories.

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  • 376 weeks
    I swear, it's almost done this time!

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  • 383 weeks
    Alright, real talk.

    So you've probably noticed that I've done basically nothing. My birthday happens in a week and I'm going to spend it watching John Wick 2 and the Lego Batman Movie.

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  • 389 weeks
    A Hearth's Warming Update.

    Hey guys! I just got back from a mandatory fun vacation with family. Didn't get a whole lot done, but I guess I'm ready to get shit done at this stage. To those of you who celebrate it, Merry Christmas! To everyone else, Merry other-nondenominational-holiday!

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  • 391 weeks
    So I'm working on this other thing.

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    That's all.

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  • 400 weeks
    Status update and shameless plugging!

    Alright, so it's no secret that I've been updating incredibly slowly. This has to do in part that I have been almost nonstop playing God Eater Resurrection/God Eater 2 now that they've been ported to PC and because I literally have no motivation to write at the moment. I've got most of the chapter planned out and basically all of the major

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Alright, real talk. · 5:52am Feb 3rd, 2017

So you've probably noticed that I've done basically nothing. My birthday happens in a week and I'm going to spend it watching John Wick 2 and the Lego Batman Movie.

For a while I've been stumped on where to take the next chapter-- partly due to planning reasons and partly because life got in the way. As it's gone on and on, I've realized I actually just don't have the drive to continue writing Memories. There's little to no feedback per chapter, interest in FoE has been going down, and recently I found out that I have basically no chance to get the quarterly EQD nomination. For those of you who don't know what that is, check the FoE subreddit on how that works in detail. The long and short of it is that the 300 people that go to the sub vote on stories, then the top three are thrown at some reviewers for an arbitrary rating system then the last story standing gets sent to EQD. Last quarter was my good buddy Tofu, whose story Outlaw won the nomination. Yay!

Now here's where the problems start. I read the reviews on Memories and basically the problems are with pacing and character development. Thank god that Unknownlight-- the editor I need and not the one I deserve-- has all the grammar and wordsy problems all ironed out. On that front, Memories is nearly flawless. The big problem is pacing-- nothing happens in the first bit of the story, which is what is being reviewed. Another issue that got brought up is just how silly and unfeasible things are sometimes. I'll address both of these at the same time: Memories is not something to be taken ultra-seriously in dark and edgy fashion. From the start, this story was made to be read like a game. At the start of Fallout 3, Vegas, and to an extent, 4 as well, you do nothing of note unless you decide to bugger off and ignore the plot. Don't tell me that you guys didn't hang out at Goodsprings or near Sanctuary when you first started the game. As to the latter point, Frosty's character development hinges on how she loses her goddamn mind over the course of the story. Everyone else's is admittedly a bit lackluster, only because Frosty just really doesn't care for the most part. Not sure if that's something fixable.

So that's problem number one: would adding a prelude-- either story or a disclaimer help at all? Problem number two: pacing. I can't fix this. I physically cannot even fathom having to fix this story again. Admittedly there are a few sections of chapters 8-10 that don't need to exist, but at this stage it's so much work to retcon that.

So. Yeah. I''m going to keep plinking away at the chapter, but don't anticipate anything happening soon. I'm thinking about throwing together a VN in the future, seeing as those are 80% dialogue and that's what I'm good at in the grand scope of writing things.

Comments ( 13 )

I never really saw many problems with the story to be honest, but then again i'm one of those people who love long drawn out stories. Slice of life stories make up a good portion of my favorites, and the longer a story the longer i get to enjoy it. Like you stated with it being a fallout story; not a whole lot of important things will happen in the beginning, but not everything in a person's life is important. Hardly anything in a person' life is largely important, and none of it is consistently exciting. From this i can see Frosty's life being a bit more realistic than some other's.

I personally love the story and i'd like to give feedback on it, but i'm not the best at looking real deep into a story. If i look too deep in a story i start to be able to connect stuff together and i start guessing what will happen next. For me this takes away from a story because i like moments with big reveals and i love following the characters as they figure out things. So watching a character figure stuff out and feeling happy for the characters solving mysteries feels so much better than just being able to say 'i was right' or ending up wrong and no longer being certain of any of the things i was thinking before.

I think the story is great for a longer story, and you're definitely a decent enough writer. As for the EQD nomination well...... why does it matter? Other than feeling good for critics liking your writing and probably getting some more exposure, i can't really see why it would matter unless you use it for income.

The drive to write the story kinda gets to me though. I love the story and don't want to see it end prematurely, but at the same time if you don't enjoy writing it and it feels like a chore then i don't want you to push yourself to finish something like this. Writing is an art and art should be done out of passion and genuine enjoyment of it, not because a person feels like they're forced to. I definitely want to see the story finished for sure, but i can completely understand if you just don't feel up to it anymore.

Thanks for responding.

See, the thing about the EQD nomination is only so that I have some sort of validation of wasting this much time writing this nonsense in the first place. Now that that's out of the window, I really don't know if I still have it in me to continue.

This is the unfortunate consequence of serialized production. It is very hard to fix what is coming out because there is generally so much of it that to fix a problem you have to spend a ton of time reworking it getting back to where you were, while readers are stuck with the story stagnating. Literary format is a very slow medium, where as things like games can be very fast. Its hard to use a game as a backbone for the general story of a piece of literary fiction because a game can take a lot of space to hide its narrative through out and has to fill out every detail, but a story wants to keep the flow of interest moving. Video games encourage side quests, while stories generally want to avoid them. That said, you have the story you've built, so work on what you have and do what you can. Make a direct story and make it exciting. People who stick with your story will like it. If pacing is a real issue, you could always try to figure out the strongest points of your story and cut out entire chapters out between those strong points, and give little blurbs connecting chapters in summary.

Honestly, I'd never use EQD as a measure of quality, because they a giant mess of nepotism and their own vain, elitist nonsense. You have one of the more successful FOE stories. I would be proud of that. When people say "Memories" in the FOE fandom, people know what you are talking about. You have an oc that is very much celebrated in the circles I've met, so it shouldn't be taken too harshly. If you asked me, I'd say that pretty much all of the FOE "Greats" have rampant pacing issues, so it isn't like this fandom isn't used to it. It might help to figure out where you want the story to go in a more direct manner and approach that with resolution. If you write for a response from others in this fandom, I've found that you will end up wallowing in despair, because they just don't give feedback that much, even if its really good. We are a niche of a niche, so it helps to have something you are personally invested in. Write memories because you want to write memories, man.

4407686 honestly if the only reason you are writing this story is for validation of a broken system maybe you need to find a new reason to write. Please dont stop though I love this story and its hard to find good not super serious F:oE.

I really don't know what to say other than focus on what matters to you. If you're writing a story that you don't have a reason to write anymore then you need to change something. The thing to keep in mind is persistence, persistence to reach a goal. To finish the story, complete the arc, get through the next chapter. If you can't find that persistence to continue then it may be time to quit. What ever you do, let it be your own choice because that's what matters the most.

Wow, I had no idea you were struggling so much with this. I'm sorry to say that I'm one of those people that doesn't leave feedback for the most part. I think it's partially that either I'm reading a lot on my phone (which I don't like to type comments on and I'm usually at work then) or that I really want to have something deeper and more meaningful to say or contribute than simply "Good chapter, please continue." However the result of that mindset is that I rarely comment unless the time is opportune or something in the story really reaches me in a particular part and then I remember to actually sit down and write out a comment.

That being said though I freaking love this story and always have. What drew me to this story all those years ago was while I loved both Fallout Equestria and Project Horizons I truly loved your story being a bit more lighthearted and leaning more toward the comedy side. Sure those other two stories have their funny moments occasionally but neither of them had me chuckling or smiling as much throughout the reading as your Fallout story has. Don't sell yourself short. Sure the story isn't perfect but I still think it's really good. Take your time and don't be in a hurry to rush something out.

Perhaps there are also others like me as well; people who love the story but just don't regularly give feedback. Well here's one member of the possible silent majority saying "You're awesome. I love your story and keep up the good work, but at your own pace."

4407686 Ignore EQD, as much as I do like the site overall..... the way they handle fics is fucking atrocious. If you aren't one of the authors they already know, or writing some sad/romance sob story shipfest they like, you might as well give up on even thinking about it, getting on the site is not 'validation' at this point because of how fucked their entire fic system is. I have not seen anyuone that does not love your story, and quite often see it brought up as one of the next "Big fics" now that the oringal ones are ended mostly.

Also everything that 4407744 said.

Yeah I do agree the story has pacing issues, but it's still an overall fun story and was finally getting to the point and looking awesome. We got one more arc to go... don't leave us hanging, Frosty deserves her happy ending.

I don't know, seeking validation from somebody who's only reading the story because they have to doesn't strike me as very meaningful. You have people who like the story and are reading it of their own volition. Doesn't that strike you as more meaningful? Another thing; Is it really a waste of time if you enjoyed writing the story and had some fun with it?

Fucking hell, guy! There's only five chapters left! And not super long ones either. We're at the final stretch here! You didn't spend the past five years working on this story to quit now.

I know what's supposed to happen in each chapter until the story is over. If you don't then we have (yet another) big miscommunication problem. I'll chat later when I'm not at work, try to work something out...

I really like memories it's good story in my opinion, but then again I do get drawn into FoE stories.

4407940 If we actually are agreeing on anything, then the stars and planets must be in alignment, therefore, Bobulator needs to keep writing.

I see you posted this like 3 weeks ago but...
Dude, take as long as you bloody need to get out the chapters.

I'll admit, im not usually the type to leave overly long comments or often any comments at all. The only reason I didn't leave a comment till like Chapter 25 myself was cause I was forced to read the thing in PDF format due to internet issues at the time but If I had the time to go back and leave comments I would:fluttershyouch:

Don't give up Bobulator, this is like my favorite Fallout Equestria fic:fluttershysad:

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