• Member Since 21st Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen 12 hours ago


Son of Princess Luna. A Bat Pony Alicorn who's small for his age.

More Blog Posts571

  • 94 weeks
    Gonna be streaming Sam and Max on Twitch

    so, as the title says, I'm gonna be streaming Sam and Max Save the World Episode 5 on Twitch after I get a bite to eat, but while I do that, check out my twitch stream account. When the stream does start, refrain from asking anything in relation to my fanfictions here please. I will pick back up on them. Just need to deal with some real life issues at the moment.

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  • 102 weeks
    Gonna do some fixing on MLP: A Lunar Twist

    So, I've been debating this for a while, but I am going to be doing " a lot" of maintenance on my story, MLP: A Lunar Twist.

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    3 comments · 226 views
  • 106 weeks
    Regression is canon now in MLP TYT

    So, the latest episode in MLP Tell Your Tale has now made regression canon in the new Gen 5. Watch "Make a Foal of Me". And you will see what I mean.

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    3 comments · 225 views
  • 137 weeks
    Well...... here is what I sound like...... when prank calling Uncle Jasper.


    Oh, I hope Harmony Dancer doesn't use the gong on us again.

    0 comments · 197 views
  • 138 weeks
    I Need To State Something.

    So, I know I put out some positive thinking about My Little Pony A New Generation in some of my previous blogs and it's been a while since the moive came out and other stated their thoughts. But I do need to state something I do see negative about the show.

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    3 comments · 297 views

Which Disney Animated Film Deserves Another Sequel? · 7:51pm Feb 3rd, 2017

So, it's time for you to cast your vote on which deserve an animated sequel, even if some are already receiving sequels currently in production.

Be aware, don't tell me that sequels were already made that were behind-the-scenequels.

Timon: A What-a-whoquels?

Me: Oh you know, inbetweenquels and sidequels.

Timon: Ah.

Me: Yeah, for example, Bambi 2, Tarzan 2, Lion King 1 1/2, The Lion Guard, Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas/Beauty and the Beast Belle's Magical World. All of these were inbetweeenquels. And Disney short films like the Frozen Birthday short, do not count...... though that was extremely entertaining, with a satisfying punishment for Prince Hans.

But enough holding off, here's the list of movies to vote from (Note you can vote for all listed if you so choose):


Robin Hood

The Lion King 2



The Sword In The Stone

Sleeping Beauty

Peter Pan Return to Neverland

Beauty and The Beast

Snow White

101 Dalmatians 2 Patch's London Adventure

Lady and The Tramp 2 Scamp's Adventure

The Jungle Book 2

The Little Mermaid 2

Fantasia 2000


Mulan 2


The Aristocats

Any Other Disney Animated Movies You Can Think Of That Deserve a Sequel (List your movies down in the comments below if you choose this option.)

Personally, I'd love to see a sequel made for Robin Hood, Sword in the Stone, Lion King 2 and Fantasia 2000. Those are top movies I would like to see have a sequel.

Please cast your votes in.

Report Night--Mist · 308 views ·
Comments ( 8 )

I think Treasure Planet deserves a sequel! Its an awesome film!

4408215 And the game for PS2 was just as spectacular from what I recall. Especially the Solar Surfer levels on each world. The levels in Centroid of the Mechanism were the best of all, though. They were just so stunning to look at and even more exciting to zip around with Jim's surfer.

As for what disney movie I'd like to see get a sequel, I would LOVE to see a Wreck-it Ralph sequel...

4408235 I never played the Treasure Planet game but it sounds cool!

I'd love to see a sequel to Fantasia.

4408215 I was JUST going to say that.

Robin Hood, the Aristocats, and the Jungle Book 2. The first two because they are Disney classics that need follow ups, and the third because there wasn't enough Kaa scenes in Jungle Book 2.

Robin Hood
The Lion King 2

Think I heard a rumor there's gonna be a 2nd Zootopia movie at some point

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