• Member Since 7th Mar, 2016
  • offline last seen May 5th


Feel lonely? Need an editor? A proofreader? Somebody to talk to? Write me. I've been detached from this fandom, I want to make up for it.

More Blog Posts60

  • 174 weeks
    Small update

    Hello everybrony!

    So, two months ago I posted a blog and announced my comeback. What did I do in the meantime?

    Well, I actually got some fanfics done.

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    1 comments · 245 views
  • 186 weeks
    Back alright, back again...

    What a crazy year, huh?

    TL;DR: I'm about to point what I scumbag I am for leaving the fandom (also my readers, and the writers I'm helping) without a care in the world.
    Seriously, I'm sorry.

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    2 comments · 313 views
  • 261 weeks
    Just rambling... also, new update

    So, I finally published that damn Chapter 9. Other pain is out for all Sunset fans.

    Also, I'm liking S9 a lot up till now. And Rainbow Roadtrip is on youtube.

    I just hope it won't be another two years of hyatus.
    I have a ton to do.

    This chapter is a turning point. Both the best and the worst I've written so far. And there's much more to reach next.

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    0 comments · 312 views
  • 291 weeks
    Continuing an "old" story.

    Hello everybrony.:pinkiehappy:
    So, I've finally found a way to be consistent again (300 words per day average, for now) and now I'm set on continuing my work with Other.

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    5 comments · 432 views
  • 293 weeks
    A new update (finally)

    Hello everybrony:pinkiesmile:

    So, I went back into writing (whoever is waiting for 'Other', half the chapter is done)
    and I have a new short comedy about Apple Bloom swearing a lot.:applecry:
    I just need a proofreader/editor for the final touch, and I can update
    if I can't find anybody, I'll publish someday the next week.

    0 comments · 289 views

Next updates · 5:11pm Feb 4th, 2017

Hello Everybrony!:pinkiesmile:

So, I'm actually working on many projects at the same time now.

Next chapter of Other. (It's titled "Other Wrath")

My first Clop. (I found some help, so I deleted my blog where I asked for editors.)

New stories, involving comedy.

I'm proceeding quite well, and also Other has already 98 likes. Just two more and I'll check one mile stone from my list:twilightsmile:

Report andrizzi · 125 views · #news #updates
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