• Member Since 7th Feb, 2014
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Stories about ponies are stories about people. Every challenge is an opportunity to change. My Patrons let me keep writing, at: https://www.patreon.com/RealStarscribe

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I finally made a Patreon · 11:17am Feb 9th, 2017

Hey everypony! Just thought I'd drop this blog post to let everypony know that I've finally done what so many other authors have done before me, and created a patreon profile. Any of you who wish to support me may do so there. I do not expect anything from any of my wonderful readers, the fact that you're reading and enjoying my work with me is more than contribution enough. But for those who feel like pitching in, thank you so much!

Now a little more detail about the why of this development, I wanted to provide a little more context. I've updated at least weekly for about three years, and written well over 1.2 million pony words. I want to keep writing for years to come, but I find myself with less and less time. I'm hoping that the addition of a Patreon will be able to help keep me efficient, accountable, and help justify the thousands of hours I've spent doing this.

Another big part of why I'm doing this is that I've been asked to. Several individuals have asked if there was somewhere to donate, well now there is. I do not expect this to change the quality of my content, though it should help me stay writing for far longer than I would have otherwise been able.

Report Starscribe · 497 views · #Writing #Stories #Patreon
Comments ( 6 )

How does Patreon work?

It's a way for people who like what creative people are doing to support their work by donating a small amount of money each month. In return, the creative person generally provides various perks.

It is completely optional. I expect most of my readers will not donate, and I don't fault them for it. But for those who want to, there is now a way.

Somebody like Starscribe decides whether they want to be paid on a per-item basis (eg, get paid for each story or each chapter written), or per-month basis (which is what Starscribe has done). Then they can set up different rewards for individuals paying more, and/or for all of their patrons collectively paying more (frequently, the goals based on all of the patrons together also benefit non-patrons). Patrons can pay whatever amount they want, and if you pay enough, you get the appropriate rewards the artist has set up. Monthly patrons can pull out at any time.

@Starscribe, You're the first person to whom I've felt patronage was worth my time, so I bumped you up to the $100 goal with a $3 pledge. :twilightsmile:

Have decided to pledge a bit since I've enjoyed your stories immensely. I probably won't bother with asking for the Google docs access because I can wait patiently here for the finished articles, as usual.

Well thank you for your support! (and between you and me, you're probably better off that way. Those stories are unfinished and unedited and there are lots in there that won't ever be finished. It's a pretty unsatisfying place).

4416463 I'm doing the same, but because I don't want to spoil the weekly releases.

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