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The Psychopath

My very first (self-published) book can be found on Amazon Kindle for 5 or 12 paperback! If you love dragons, give it a look! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CSM7QQ2M

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Cameos for The true Psychopath sequel · 4:11pm Oct 3rd, 2012

Listen to this while you read.

Yup. That's right. I'm going to ask those who like the story if they want one of their characters t make a cameo in the story. No, Samaru, you can't have GM and F in it. Basically, the characters must have relations to Illogic or Insanity. While they'll make minor cameos, they'll appear in a chain of chapters that'll appear later on.

Slendermare already has her character of the same name linked to the Illogic, while BludgeonWarrior has a mare called Pyre linked to Insanity, and I quote:

"A dark gray unicorn mare with a flame-like mane and tail walked out of the ally. Her cutie mark was just a simple fire. With a crazed look in her eye she then turned away to leave her handiwork behind.

as well as

--Far from Fillydelphia, the unicorn mare with the fiery mane was trotting towards Baltimare, giggling to herself in a disturbing way. She looked up at the sun and smiled to herself. "If only I could be there instead of here... hehehe." she whispered to herself. The mare then continued to her next target, still giggling with her eyes and head twitching...--

And finally

"So much Fire, so little time..." The Flame maned mare chortled as she look on over Baltimare. She began to laugh again, "So much Fire, so little time...," she repeated as walked down to the unsuspecting city.
"So much Fire..."

The Sociopath gives this mare a 8/10 on the Insanity scale. She loses two points because she failed to finish off every. Last. Survivor.

We'll make the system like this:

Color: (mane, tail, eyes, whatever)
Relations: (Who they side with and why. As well as what brought them to that side.)
Species:(Nobody ever said that the Illogic and Insanity only affected ponies, but to relate better, ponies are preferred. You aren't forced to.)
Powers:(What their powers are and if they've been enhanced thanks to the powers they side with. Or, what powers they were given. Don't forget that onlyI make heralds, unless you make one and want to propse it. Otherwise, your characters don't have the extreme abilities like Psycho and Sociopath.)
Back story: --Optional--

Note: The Couvent du Crépuscule is also a viable option, but do know that the character becomes an official bad guy after that, and they don't benefit from the insane powers of the two worlds.

The World of Insanity requires more characters. Let your inner evil erupt forth.

World of Illogic: 6 characters Secondary Main: Illus Ion.
World of Insanity: 4 characters Secondary Main: Bloody Red
Couvent du Crépuscule: 2 characters

(Both secondaries are to appear at a later date)


Name:Star Prophet
Eyes: Left eye is dark blue for the night, right eye is golden for the sun
Mane: the hair changes colour depending on which side its on like the left side is black which slowly changes as it moves to the right side which is white
Body: a natural earthly brown colour
Relations: They side with psycho as they find that they are bored with their life of simple, vague yet accurate fortune telling and how many people wish to see her.
Species: Unicorn mare
Powers: vague yet accurate fortune telling. With the power of the Illogic they have become more frequent (they weren't very frequent in the first place) and more specific. However ever vision has some kind of illogicality within it
Back story: She got her cutie mark from fortune telling as a young foal and has made a living with it. After becoming well renown and rich she became bored of her lifestyle and wished for a change. Her wish was granted when Psycho invited her to the world of Illogic during the period of when he went into ponies dreams.

Name: Bloody Red
Eyes: Red
Mane: Red
Body: Red (See any patterns?)
Back story:
He was born around a couple hundred years before the release of nightmare moon. He was brought up in a plain white house with plain white parents. His original coat was also white. At around his 8th birthday some raiders stormed into his house. His parents tried to defend their house but where killed, spraying blood across the walls. Fascinated by the colour he started playing with the blood and painting with it. Disturbed by the image the two raiders left him there to loot the place. Eventually the colt began to think that he needed more red and so took one of the family's prized sabers from its storage and cut down the two raiders.

For the next 15 years until the day he disappeared he was feared as one of the worst criminals and was nicknamed "Bloody Red" since he would always be found with blood painted onto himself and around the area where his victims died.

One day Bloody found a green pony in a plain alley. Finding no red, Bloody decided to try and fix that. No matter how much Bloody tried he couldn't get any paint from the green pony. he had some resistance in the past but never like this. Another blue pony walked from around the corner, not noticing what was going on. Finding the easier prey Bloody made short work of him and started painting over the alleyway.

When Bloody was done the green pony walked up to him and spoke something about a test, but Bloody wasn't interested in that.What he was interested in was the deal he was talking about. If Bloody did what the green pony wanted, which usually involved getting some "red paint", then Bloody would be able to get "red paint" easier through increased physical abilities. But even better was the fact the Bloody's white coat and blond mane would become fully red Just like he always wanted. Bloody agreed and stayed by the green ponys side, occasionally going out to get some new "red paint"

Bloody is obsessed with the colour red, stating "everything goes with red!" with this obssesion he believes that every living being has red paint in them and if he sees a lack of red he always has to fix it. (Basically wont hurt ponys with red colours)

Relations: He sides with the sociopath so that he can better get to the "red paint"
Species:Male Earth pony
Powers: An increase in physical power making him faster, stronger, etc.

Name: Quick draw
Eyes: Green
Mane: An almost black blue
Body: A Night like dark blue
Relations: Couvent du Crépuscule- Is hired gun who is skilled at magic
Species:Unicorn Mare
Powers: Knows a variety of spells but prefers to stick with Small, fast projectile shots which is her speciality
Back story: Classified


Name: Solo
Color: Body is dark grey. Mane/tail is white with a single light grey stripe going down it. Eyes are blue.
Relations: Psycho. She was disillusioned with her life as a heavy mare-tal vocalist, and she jumped at the chance to follow Psycho.
Species: pegasus mare
Powers: The only power she has is the power to amplify her voice waves to cause destruction (think Havoc/Banshee/Ruckus from X-men).
Back story: Her cutie mark is a treble clef, reflecting her calling in music. She has a filly named Chord (same color scheme, except with green eyes). She believes herself to be distantly related to Vinyl Scratch, though this isn't actually true.

Boolyboo (this one is BIGASS):

Name: Illus Ion (get it? illusion)

Color: Coat colour is a mirror reflection, mane and tail are an absorption of white, eyes are purple, she has a black tuxedo vest with a white collar and black fedora with a spade and club ace and some cigarettes in the hat band and has a pocket watch in her left vest pocket and has some poker chips, a lighter and some dice in the other (there is an infinitive space in the pockets just like the psychopaths hat, only not as deep and it has a limit).

Relations: The Psychopath got to her first after some dimension jumping and got her to join him, granting her more power and will never age (she is loyal to him but not too much like Celestia's guards, more like a best friend that will stand by your side even in the end), she has been tasked to spread illogic in that dimension, she is in isolation now in a prison in a mountain, powerless, waiting to be freed again or for her "dealer" (nickname for the Psychopath) to come and get her (Psycho told her that when the time comes, he will get her). She would gamble on things that she thinks is fun to bid on, that is: who's is going to win a battle, who will fall first, if someone is in a secret relationship, ect. ect. and she would always win. She would even go as far as to do it Two-face style but with dices and an unfair win, get a 7 and you'll live! Get anything else and you die. But she only kills on very special occasions that are very, VERY rare. She usually drinks Martinis and smoke cigarettes and on occasions smokes a cigar. (the reason why is in the back story)

Species: Pony, female, earth pony, looks 20 years old (human years) but is a few hundred years old, her cutie-mark is a horse shoe with a 7 in it and with 2 dice and a pair of black aces, meaning she is very. VERY lucky. Pic is here.

Powers: Illusion magic, nough' said. But really, illusions are her trait and uses them to play with her enemies making them go insane/crazy. Her coat is mirror reflection that helps making her unnoticed. Her theme is casino so card games, poker chips, martinis, you get the idea. Her 'lucky' cards and her father's pocket watch and her mother's dices increases her illusion magic.

Back story: She was raised in Las pegasis (Las vegas) with a unicorn mother and an earth pony father. She learned to do illusions (not magic, you know, because she is an earth pony), play card games and even how to win on gamble pretty quickly. Although raised in Las Pegasis, she never really became a boaster or takes up the stage (basicly not like Trixie). As years went by she became a famous magician in a very young age and even performed on stages. Her parents died later when she was 19 and when a new (unicorn) stallion came to town showing magic that she never could cope with she starts losing fans. 20 years old and she was nothing more then a nobody, 'her luck just ran out'. She took up drinking, smoking and gambling to ease the pain put it didn't really help. When having nothing more then just a little money she had left she went to the nearest table and bidded on what was left of her money (She would never bid or sell her parents things, her current clothes or her body). She loses all her money, so to speak. The "Dealer" talked to her about how he can 'help' her. With nothing more to lose she says yes to him. The "Dealer" shows his true identity as the Psychopath and grants her powers and enchantments, making her the better magician. After making the new magician insane, she starts spreading the 'Word of illogical', but after having her fun, she gets taken down and put in the most powerful jail in that dimension, a prison in a mountain, a mountain prison so to speak. After years of waiting to be set free the Psychopath shows up and tells her that she is to come with him and help him.

Name: Mr. Cracker

Color: Coat is a wooden colour, mane, beard and tail is black, eyes are blue. He has a hat and a coat (basically, he is a nutcracker, just ponified)

Relations: He joined The Sociopath after figure out that he will have more fun with him, killing even more and gets to eat some special snacks, and try to find his hero, Pinkamena, and try to get an autograph (In his dimension 'Cupcakes' is like one of these camping stories that parents told their children when they misbehave)

Species: Male Earth pony, trapper, ex-lumberjack, cannibal, cutie-mark is an axe and a log, crossed. He is as the saying goes 'he isn't the sharpest knife in the shed, but is the heaviest'.

Powers: Increased strength (basically Tank level, but is very slow), Cracks bones will his metal hooves (pure metal to crush his enemies), eating bones will heal wounds, will also use traps to weaken his opponent (bear traps is one of his favourite).

Back story: He lived in the woods with his wife as a lumberjack, but after finding his wife cheating on him, he killed them with his bare hooves, cracking as many of the victims bones in the process. He liked the cracking sound that they made, and even tasted the flesh, taking a liking to it. He started eating meat, and lots of it. He then started putting traps out, and killed every time with his hooves (he didn't like the axe so to speak but uses it for cutting the meat for lunch, knives? what are those?). He prayed every night that he would finlay meet his hero Pinkamena and try out one of her cupcakes. One day, he meets a green stallion that is standing on one of his traps, but does not activate it. Finding no other choice he rushes him and tackles him to the ground. The stallion used some of his magic and freed himself. He complimented his fighter and even said that he could help him get even more fun if he joins him. After some time he says yes and that's how he joined the Sociopath's faction.


Name: Mind Breaker.
Color: Dark, near black purple with bright green stripes along his body. His mane and tail are also these colors and stick up in in every direction like a mad scientist. His empty eye sockets are filled with happy looking pink contact lenses that allow him to still "see" what's around him.
Relations: The World of Insanity so he could get back at those who wronged him and later to bring others into his state of mind.
Species: Earth pony stallion
Powers: He has the ability to teleport, go into/warp ponies minds and dreams, and create creatures form his mind to do his bidding.
Back story: Originally he was a normal and well behaved earth pony colt. One day he was blasted by a spell from another pony and had his mind completely wiped. He remembered nothing and became a prisoner in his own body, until he was invited into the World of Insanity. It filled his empty head and gave him new purpose in life; to spread insanity to other ponies and make the world - in his demented mind - a better place.

He caught up with the pony who wronged him and broke his mind to the point where the pony gauged his own eyes out. After this the colt adopted the title Mind Breaker and a new look as well. He covered himself with purple and green paint that some how only covered certain parts of his body. After this he traveled around Equestria, leaving behind a trail of broken ponies.

When one of the towns he visited fought back against him, he suffered an ironic fate and had his own eyes blinded by magic. This did not discourage him though, and he used them along with pink crystals to create a set of contact lenses so he could "see" the world around him. In reality what they do is allow him to see the minds of ponies, which allows him to narrow his targets.


Name: Dysfunctional Calamity
Color: Body:Slides through a random shift of all colors but never the same colors in a row
Mane and Tail:An almost Translucent Blue
Relations: Sided with Sociopath because he figured psycho would be too boring. He initially joined Soci's side because his powers got him run out of every town he entered. After that, he wanted vengeance and he figured what better way then to side with others who wouldn't hate him for his powers
Species: Apparently a male earth pony only because no wings or horn are ever visible and no "magic" or flight are ever used. (tis confusing)
Powers/backstory: From birth, His body underwent a rapid aging process in both form and mind. His powers manifested only a few hours after birth and with them, his parents abandoned him. His power is that within about 4 feet around him, everything loses sense of any reality. The ground rises and falls as if quicksand, time loses all meaning and anyone within the radius can age forward or back without warning, colors change rapidly which accounts for his coat change, however, because of this radius, he has been unable to hone his body in anyway and is extremely susceptible to any harmful objects that reach him. Somehow, this field provides some form of sustenance so he doesn't eat. Any buffering to his powers would only increase the radius of his powers.

Neon Slash

Name: Neon Slash
Color: He is light orange with a neon green and pink/red mane and tail, his eyes are neon green.
Relations: He sides with Psycho because he thought that he looked cool and got bored with the average day to day life.
Species: Pegasus
Powers: Has the power of telekinesis and his wings have a faint glow to them when he uses it. Because of this, he can make small gusts of wind. Most don't know he has this power.
Backstory: He was raised by griffins and was taught how to use telekinesis with his wings by a unicorn that was living in the palace where he lived. Everybody thought that it was a joke that a Pegasus wanted to learn magic since they are incapable of doing, which is why he made a deal with the unicorn to make a spell so he could have one power, but only one, forever. He chose telekinesis as he wanted to control and manipulate things more easily.


Name: Svell Fleinn

Hair: Ice Blue
Skin: Frost white
Eyes: Green as grass

Relations: The Couvent

Species: Jotun/Ice Giant

Powers: Ice breath, punchification, short distance teleportation, ultra durable, immune to cold/ice based magics, highly resistant to normal arcane magics, normally resistant to electrically based magics, slightly resistant to fire based magics, also has a ridiculous healing factor, even for an Ice Giant. His only weaknesses are ultra high pitched noises, volcanoes, and just being swamped with attacks.

Back story: Svell wasn't a normal Jotun from birth. He was a bit on the 'special' side, not in the sense of being dumb, but in the sense of having ultra severe ADHD, no sense of pain, and somehow being able to use magic without being aware of it. He dislikes violence, but isn't afraid to resort to it. Surprisingly enough, he's on good terms with Loki and most other Asgardian gods, since he's a friendly enough person/Ice Giant and doesn't want to cause much harm.

He needed something to do in his spare time after the Ragnarok, and decided to follow the Couvent, simply because Equestria was one of the few worlds spared by the Ragnarok. Besides, he had a free pass from Heimdall, since he was drinking buddies with him.

Just going to suggest two more characters, neither one is going into the Couvent dude's side.

Name: Ferro


Skin: Dark gray

Trimmings: Light gray

Eyes: Soulless black

Relations: Insanity, his entire village was destroyed after a magical accident that turned him into an Iron Golem. The only thing that calms him down is good metal music, and Insanity has LOTS of good metal music.

Species: Iron Golem, but with the armor of a GO3LM from Madness: Project Nexus. Plus brass knuckles.

Powers: His headbanging can convert people/ponies around him to Insanity's side, though only temporarily. He is ultra durable, though not as much as Svell. Other than that, he can coat his fists in lightning and is a great boxer

Back story: Bob was just your normal old Testificate librarian, dicking around with potion recipes and experimenting on the animals.

He made a mistake when he mixed the End Stone dust he had gotten from Steve?, the normal stone dust, and some Netherrack dust he had found in an old chest.

Suffice to say, his village was destroyed, and he was turned into an abomination. He took the name of Ferro, and abandoned his old life, seeking to destroy Steve? for causing that.

Then, Insanity found him.


Name: Pyre
Real Name: Candelle
Eyes: Burnt orange
Mane and Tail: Orange with yellow streaks
Body: Charcoal gray
Relations: Works with the Sociopath as she only want to burn and kill
Species: Unicorn mare
Powers: She has the ability to control and manipulate fire, but is was unable to create fire...til now; she can also walk through fire
Back story: As a filly, Candelle was desperate for her cutie mark and one day, she accidently struck two rocks together and sparked a little fire. She watched it and as she did, she noticed that the flame moved as she wanted it to. She was exillerated and started to move it everywhere, even into her hometown... Before she realized what she'd done the whole town was ablaze, yet she was untouched by the flames. She ran to her house only to find her parents and little sister burning outside it. She then fainted and the fire engulf her. When she awoke, she found her body to be dark gray like , and charcoal and her hair fiery orange and yellow, and most disturbingly... her cutie mark: a burning flame. She then spent the last 14 year in a well-guarded facillity, and during this time she had her epiphany: her talent was fire. Since then and after her escape, "Pyre" craves nothing but all of the world ablaze for eternity...


Name: Role Play

Eyes: Deep Blue
Mane: Brown
Body: Yellowish green.
Side: Psyco, he thinks he is a bugbear adventurer and joins Psyco cause it's better to adventure with someone fun.

Powers: His first power is that anyone within close proximity will also follow is dillusions. They will think themselves in a adventure, generally it wears off after death. The only other thing about him is he can shoot lightning bolts.

Backstory: Ever since he was a child he thought he was a creature called a bugbear that was on an adventure. He killed a snake and claimed it was a basilisk. He also had an unusual attachment to bugs and dogs claiming they were his traveling companions. He was put in an institute when he was young because he always grabbed a random pony while shouting adventure, and ran off somewhere dangerous. He got his cutie mark of a bolt of energy after he vaporised a cat that he thought was an owl.


Name: N/A
Nickname: Jack
Eyes: Red
Mane and Tail: Black with white streaks
Body: Chalk white
Relations: He joins the Psychopath in the World of illogic after getting attacked ruthlessly by those he loved.
Species: Pegasus Stallion
Powers: Can transform into other ponies at will(like a changeling). As long as he is in this state, any sentient being nearby will slowly begin to lose their sanity. He does not require love as changlings do, and rarely eats anything at all.

Back Story: As a young colt, Jack was always told that he could be anything(or anypony) he wanted if he tried hard enough. One day while enjoying a picnic with his family, he caught of glimpse of the Wonderbolts as they trained for their next show. After remembering what his parents had told him, he shut his eyes and did his best to imagine himself as Soarin, his idol. After about a minute he heard his mother scream and he quickly opened his eyes, thinking he had missed a fantastic trick. As soon as he did, he noticed something was off. He was at least 5 feet taller, his mane and tail had changed from black and white to a greyish phthalo blue... and everyone in the park was staring at him. Before he could say anything, a multitude of spells(mostly sleeping) hit him directly in the head. The combined force of all of these spells caused his mind to metaphorically break, sending him straight to the World of Illogic. While the ponies were trying to report to the princesses about the changeling spy, their prisoner woke up. Nopony knows how it happened, or what caused it, but after only ten minutes, everypony in the town of Everfree City had gone completely insane. Years passed, and Jack found himself a new family within the World of Illogic, specifically with Psycho and his followers. As for Everfree City? it eventually became nothing but a sad memory. The new creatures that now resided there made the area to dangerous to reclaim, and it was soon renamed as the Everfree Forest.

Report The Psychopath · 1,016 views ·
Comments ( 117 )

She loses two points because she failed to finish off every. Last. Survivor.

would this happen to be a Cabin in the Woods reference? perhaps?


Name:Star Prophet
Eyes: Left eye is dark blue for the night, right eye is golden for the sun
Mane: the hair changes colour depending on which side its on like the left side is black which slowly changes as it moves to the right side which is white
Body: a natural earthly brown colour
Relations: They side with psycho as they find that they are bored with their life of simple, vauge yet accurate fortune telling and how many people wish to see her.
Species: Unicorn mare
Powers: vauge yet accurate fortune telling. With the power of the illogic they have become more frequent (they werent very frequent in the first place) and more specific. However ever vision has some kind of illogicality within it
Back story: She got her cutie mark from fortune telling as a young foal and has made a living with it. After becoming well renown and rich she became bored of her lifestyle and wished for a change. Her wish was granted when Psycho invited her to the world of illogic during the period of when he went into ponies dreams.

is this good?

389552 Cabin in the woods?:rainbowhuh:
389558 Good for me.:pinkiecrazy:

it's a horror movie. also, my character bio:

Name: Solo
Color: Body is dark grey. Mane/tail is white with a single light grey stripe going down it. Eyes are blue.
Relations: Psycho. She was disillusioned with her life as a heavy mare-tal (metal) vocalist, and she jumped at the chance to follow Psycho.
Species: pegasus mare
Powers: The only power she has is the power to amplify her voice waves to cause destruction (think Havoc/Banshee/Ruckus from X-Men).
Back story: Her cutie mark is a treble clef, reflecting her calling in music. She has a filly named Chord (same color scheme, except with green eyes). She believes herself to be distantly related to Vinyl Scratch, though this isn't actually true.

389584 A classic music pony? String Weaver would certainly adore her.


I would try to ask to include Order... But he didn't want to destroy a great work of literature. Let me try to talk him into it.

Wait is this a OC recruting thing?

Well too bad I have a habbit of killing mine:pinkiehappy:

389591 Is your name up there?

389639 I won't bring in Order anyways. The whole point of the Psychopath series is to create as much mayhem as possible and see how the normal denizens try and deal with the problems without any real help.

389686 I nevver said you'd control them.:trollestia:

What im sorry? I cant hear you over the mental and physical stabbing of my OC that I thought I was going to create.


Say.... can i make another one? :twilightsheepish:

Name: Role Play
Eyes: Deep Blue
Mane: Brown
Body: Yellowish green.
Side: Psyco, he thinks he is a bugbear adventurer and joins Psyco cause it's better to adventure with someone fun.
Powers: Very power magic bolts, uses only earth, water, fire, wind, light, dark, poison and lightning. Bolts fired are randomly picked from those things.
Backstory: Ever since he was a child he thought he was a creature called a bugbear that was on a adventure. He killed a snake and claimed it was a basilisk. He also had a unusual attachment to bugs and dogs claiming they were his traveling companions. He was put in a institute when he was young because he always grabbed a random pony while shouting adventure, and ran off somewhere dangerous. He got his cutie mark of a bolt of energy after he vaporised a cat that he thought was an owl.

389709 Sure.

389714 Sorry pal, but those powers qualify him as a herald. Choose two elements. The bolts can stay. Chocolate thunder is always tasty.:pinkiecrazy:

I have a message for you Psycho: Text, and LOTS of it.


I've been writing from the beginning of this post about a character that I think is pretty well gone if I do say so myself. I just gotta paste it in the add comment section and send.


Name: Bloody Red
Eyes: Red
Mane: Red
Body: Red (See any patterns?)
Back story: Bloody is obsessed with the colour red, stating "everything goes with red!" with this obssesion he believes that every living being has red paint in them and if he sees a lack of red he always has to fix it. (Basically wont hurt ponys with red colours)
Relations: He sides with the sociopath so that he can better get to the "red paint"
Species:Male Earth pony
Powers: An increase in physical power making him faster, stronger, etc.

389755 I can't find any patterns.:ajsleepy:

Now Psycho, as I said, I have written from the beginning of this post and even went into details about her and stuff, thinking that she will not be a minor character and instead be someone with a purpose and all that funny stuff. If you choose to still make her a minor character then I don't even think that I even need to give you her because, keep in mind here, A LOT of time and effort went into writing her so.....yeah......

389775 YOu can post her, but if you don't want me to use her, then make your own "The true Psychopath" side story. Don't let something you worked hard on fall to dust.

389781 Oh but I do want you to use her, only, I don't want her to be a minor character that died in the first few minutes of a battle, I want her to be like...... The Psycho's right hoof. yeah, I'd like that. Anyways, theses texts about the Ocs that people have already sent in is nothing compared to what I have written.

I actually think you might like her.


389790 This sounds awesome so let me see it naaaaooow:raritycry::raritydespair:

389790 Hmmm. I never said any of them would die. The respective worlds don't obey the laws of the Creator and the Destroyer as they should. How do you think Psycho is still alive despite being well over a thousand years old.

Let's see if we can make an arrangement seeing as you want her to be used so badly. Like I've written before, everyone is free to make their own side stories of The true Psychopath. What did you have in mind?

389813 Fine, but can you tell me if it's good or not because I got a condition (dyslexia) that F#CK's with my mind so when I look at something with my eyes it might be pure gold, but looking in someone else's eyes, it is complete crap.

389823 I don't know what I had in mind, a one-shot about her and her life before and after she meets the Psychopath? I don't know, and it doesn't help that I'm listening to this Song which I can't seem to stop playing over and over again. Why must music be so good. This song is to good to be true.

But I'll put her Bio up.....After I have edited it one last time.

389828 Sure. That'd be interesting to read. There was another person who was going to make a side story involving Psycho's Equestria...but...let's just say things didn't go so well. Yes. I made a story showing the Equestria The Psychopath lives in.

389813 389833 Well the bio is going to be the next comment, tell me what you think?

Name: Illus Ion (get it? illusion)

Color: Coat colour is a mirror reflection, mane and tail are an absorption of white, eyes are purple, she has a black tuxedo vest with a white collar and black fedora with a spade and club ace and some cigarettes in the hat band and has a pocket watch in her left vest pocket and has some poker chips, a lighter and some dice in the other (there is an infinitive space in the pockets just like the psychopaths hat, only not as deep and it has a limit).

Relations: The Psychopath got to her first after some dimension jumping and got her to join him, granting her more power and will never age (she is loyal to him but not too much like Celestia's guards, more like a best friend that will stand by your side even in the end), she has been tasked to spread illogic in that dimension, she is in isolation now in a prison in a mountain, powerless, waiting to be freed again or for her "dealer" (nickname for the Psychopath) to come and get her (Psycho told her that when the time comes, he will get her). She would gamble on things that she thinks is fun to bid on, that is: who's is going to win a battle, who will fall first, if someone is in a secret relationship, ect. ect. and she would always win. She would even go as far as to do it Two-face style but with dices and an unfair win, get a 7 and you'll live! Get anything else and you die. But she only kills on very special occasions that are very, VERY rare. She usually drinks Martinis and smoke cigarettes and on occasions smokes a cigar. (the reason why is in the back story)

Species: Pony, female, earth pony, looks 20 years old (human years) but is a few hundred years old, her cutie-mark is a horse shoe with a 7 in it and with 2 dice and a pair of black aces, meaning she is very. VERY lucky. Pic is here.

Powers: Illusion magic, nough' said. But really, illusions are her trait and uses them to play with her enemies making them go insane/crazy. Her coat is mirror reflection that helps making her unnoticed. Her theme is casino so card games, poker chips, martinis, you get the idea. Her 'lucky' cards and her father's pocket watch and her mother's dices increases her illusion magic.

Back story: She was raised in Las pegasis (Las vegas) with a unicorn mother and an earth pony father. She learned to do illusions (not magic, you know, because she is an earth pony), play card games and even how to win on gamble pretty quickly. Although raised in Las Pegasis, she never really became a boaster or takes up the stage (basicly not like Trixie). As years went by she became a famous magician in a very young age and even performed on stages. Her parents died later when she was 19 and when a new (unicorn) stallion came to town showing magic that she never could cope with she starts losing fans. 20 years old and she was nothing more then a nobody, 'her luck just ran out'. She took up drinking, smoking and gambling to ease the pain put it didn't really help. When having nothing more then just a little money she had left she went to the nearest table and bidded on what was left of her money (She would never bid or sell her parents things, her current clothes or her body). She loses all her money, so to speak. The "Dealer" talked to her about how he can 'help' her. With nothing more to lose she says yes to him. The "Dealer" shows his true identity as the Psychopath and grants her powers and enchantments, making her the better magician. After making the new magician insane, she starts spreading the 'Word of illogical', but after having her fun, she gets taken down and put in the most powerful jail in that dimension, a prison in a mountain, a mountain prison so to speak. After years of waiting to be set free the Psychopath shows up and tells her that she is to come with him and help him.

That is her origin. ©

389848 Ooo. Interesting. The power enhancing sounds eerily like Samaru's two pegasi sisters. As for the killing, the World of Illogic does not appreciate that very much. That sides more with the World of Insanity. Well, I already found how to make her a main, but we'll need someone to make a mane for the Insanity as well. Still, make that one-shot so we get more in-depth with her.


389893 why not Red?

389893 really? ok, the killing will not happen but how about if they get a 7 or 2 in the dice game they keep their insanity, if you get anything else, well to bad, it is gone.

And could you define what you mean about "but we'll need someone to make a mane for the Insanity as well."?

389856 Ehhh. No. Shadow Pony is nice, but its powers set it too much apart from the two worlds. It could work if you tried one of the areas I noted in Psycho's world. (the story)

389894 Yeah. This is what I was afraid of, and why I didn't want to add another main. Seeing as yours has a promising idea, why not add more history to it, and I can make it a mane of the Insanity. The other characters WILL get their own chapters, but tiny portions of them will appear. Don't forget that The Sociopath is extreme evil and that he doesn't care how a job is done, as long as it's done.

389907 Since you made a "secondary" mane for the World of Illogic, someone needs to make a "secondary" main character for the World of Insanity.

Also, didn't you mean "keep your sanity"?:ajsmug:


389908 cool. So by history you mean like adding exactly how he met the sociopath and such like that right?

389910 ok, I get it now.

Also, didn't you mean "keep your sanity"?

Whops :twilightsheepish:

If you think the 'Illus Ion' character was good, I could do another one if you want, if not Addz's is going to do it with Red.

389914 Exactly.

389918 Yup. Addz is already on it. I just hope to God that this story doesn't become an overhyped mess.

389894 You didn't quite tell me what you thought about my Oc charactar after I asked you. Could you just tell me if it was good?


389910 I forgot, what are the colours of sociopath?

389926 Who do you think the green guy next to Psycho in the image up there is?:pinkiecrazy:


389927 Really should have noticed that.....


Why did you want to know his colors?:rainbowhuh: One more thing

The Sociopath used to be the Commanding general of the entire Council's Militia (The predecessor of the royal guards), and he was nicknamed "Impaler". It's in the origin story of Psycho, so don't get too surprised in this story if he ends up beating everybody up.


He was born around a couple hundred years before the release of nightmare moon. He was brought up in a plain white house with plain white parents. His original coat was also white. At around his 8th birthday some raiders stormed into his house. His parents tried to defend their house but where killed, spraying blood across the walls. Fascinated by the colour he started playing with the blood and painting with it. Disturbed by the image the two raiders left him there to loot the place. Eventually the colt began to think that he needed more red and so took one of the family's prized sabers from its storage and cut down the two raiders.

For the next 15 years until the day he disappeared he was feared as one of the worst criminals and was nicknamed "Bloody Red" since he would always be found with blood painted onto himself and around the area where his victims died.

One day Bloody found a green pony in a plain alley. Finding no red, Bloody decided to try and fix that. No matter how much Bloody tried he couldn't get any paint from the green pony. he had some resistance in the past but never like this. Another blue pony walked from around the corner, not noticing what was going on. Finding the easier prey Bloody made short work of him and started painting over the alleyway.

When Bloody was done the green pony walked up to him and spoke something about a test, but Bloody wasn't interested in that.What he was interested in was the deal he was talking about. If Bloody did what the green pony wanted, which usually involved getting some "red paint", then Bloody would be able to get "red paint" easier through increased physical abilities. But even better was the fact the Bloody's white coat and blond mane would become fully red Just like he always wanted. Bloody agreed and stayed by the green ponys side, occasionally going out to get some new "red paint"

this is good ya?
just noticed how long it is
389937 Remember his favorite colour?


389937 Question. Will this be from twilights perspective again?

389980 Yes. I just noticed that he would be a perfect candidate for Blumarak, the god of blood.:pinkiehappy:




Name: Quick draw
Eyes: Green
Mane: An almost black blue
Body: A Night like dark blue
Relations: Couvent du Crépuscule- Is hired gun who is skilled at magic
Species:Unicorn Mare
Powers: Knows a variety of spells but prefers to stick with Small, fast projectile shots which is her speciality
Back story: Classified

389993 Didnt want them to be left out

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