• Member Since 15th May, 2014
  • offline last seen June 8th


Raging inhibitionist.

More Blog Posts18

  • 103 weeks
    You Cannot Force a Willing Mind

    You cannot force a willing mind
    to yield, and end its restless quest
    to lose the chains and ties that bind.

    The ancients said that love is blind,
    but see your lover clearly, lest
    you cannot force a willing mind.

    Two minds and bodies, souls entwined,
    can help each other pass the test
    to lose the chains and ties that bind.

    Someones, though, seek another kind

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    1 comments · 212 views
  • 141 weeks
    Some themes from the G5 movie score

    Enough with the crazy theories. I want to talk a bit about something that definitely is there in the movie: its score.

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    1 comments · 203 views
  • 142 weeks
    More crackpot G5 headcanon ideas

    I'll never get to develop these in fanfiction form either.

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    0 comments · 149 views
  • 144 weeks
    A G5 fanfiction idea

    After the restoration of magic, Sunny Starscout gets funded to develop and produce a TV adaptation of the ancient Equestrian myths her father told her.

    The result is MLP:FiM as we know it.

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    1 comments · 264 views
  • 171 weeks
    Clocktower Society on Discord

    Dominant Creed had a few hours in the feature box when it updated last week, which has led to about a dozen new faves (thanks!).

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    4 comments · 443 views

A TRS review · 1:15am Mar 14th, 2017

It took months of petulant whining gentle prodding, but I finally got the talented and awesome Manifest Harmony to read The Rescue Service. She wrote a nice review afterwards.

(And now that I'm at it, there was another review by Shrinky Frod about a year ago, when they story had just 6 chapters. For some reason I didn't find it appropriate to brag about it while the story was still updating, but here is the link for posterity).

Report Troposphere · 250 views · Story: The Rescue Service · #reviews
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