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Review #79 - The Firework Lotus · 4:53am Mar 21st, 2017

EDIT: Hey guys, I just wanted to let you know I've been having problems with PMs, blogs, and comments recently. So, if for some reason I have no contact, now you know why. Thanks for understanding :twilightsmile:

Well, time for just one review. I'd like to say I'm only doing one because it's an amazing story, but that would be a half-truth. There's also the fact of I'm lazy. Anyway, here's today's:

As always, I will put down my recommendations, but I truly hope that you make the choice on whether to read a fic or not yourself.

The Firework Lotus by Argonmatrix
The Firework Lotus Celebration, a grand festival which celebrates the dawn of a new year, is a tradition held near and dear to Spike's heart. But when the winds of change threaten to take this special time away from him, Spike is forced to make a difficult decision. Which is more important: what he knows to be right, or what he feels to be right? And as Spike soon discovers, it's a choice best made with the help of some friends.

Darn it man, the feels with this one. I'm not sure who the main character is, so I'll go with Twilight. Right from the start, we can see Twilight's caring for family, especially Spike. Not long after it begins, we see Twilight expanding her relationships to include her friends in these traditions. However, with each year the ceremony itself changes, and I do believe the character's reactions is what give it the emotional weight that it has. And now for Spike. Spike is apprehensive about all these changes and feels as though nothing can stay special. He also displays an extreme amount of caring towards Twilight, which further drives the emotions we, as the reader, experience when the traditions change. Furthermore, Spike helps others with their feelings of being left out, which makes him realize that's what he's afraid of. The other characters are mostly supporting characters for those two. If I had to say what makes this such an exquisite piece, it would be that how well it shows emotions instead of tells what they feel. This one's conflict is a person vs self, as Spike struggles with his feelings towards change and being left behind. I do wish, however, that it spent less time on the pre-show activities, which really are just filler. Except for Rarity's, that is. At the end, this had me nearly to tears with feelings and made me cheer for how it ended. Also, while I do feel like it could have spent more time with the early years of Twilight's life, it was not the main focus of the story and is therefore okay. This, by the way, was featured in the Royal Canterlot Library, which you can read about HERE.

The biggest weakness then would have to be that the plot lingers too long with some scenes. Not many, mind you, but just enough to bring the reader out of the story just enough to weaken the emotions. In fact, had it spent slightly less time on the pre-show activities, I probably would have been in full blown tears when I finished.

Recommendation: Very Highly Recommended. (Yes, it has been several months since one of these recommendations, but it truly deserves it. The ONLY problem I have with it was the biggest weakness).

Comments ( 2 )

Skimmed your main review as I want to read this myself soon, but the recommendation is good news! :yay:

Well, I hope you enjoy it.

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