• Member Since 25th Dec, 2014
  • offline last seen May 31st


Still a fan of most fics involving Twilight, but not as new. Still a little wet behind the ears as an author though.

More Blog Posts44

  • 325 weeks
    You All Get To Choose

    I've been stuck with something of a quandary for the last few months where the tagged fic is concerned. Chapter four has been done for awhile now, but I've yet to post it because of a certain issue.

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    1 comments · 483 views
  • 347 weeks

    In going over a few things, I realize that it makes little sense that Sunset and Moondancer are marefriends in the tagged fic, despite the fact that Sunset should be several years older.

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  • 366 weeks
    Next Chapters, Future Plans

    There's a few things I need to say about the next couple of chapters of the tagged fic.

    Firstly, the tone of the next one is going to start out as fairly dark; however, its conclusion is going to be hilarious.

    After that though, I have further plans.

    Expect this fic to wrap up after a few more chapters. I still have the EoH and EG groups to do, as well as more Chrysalis.

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    0 comments · 335 views
  • 369 weeks

    Every time I post a new chapter for the tagged fic, I get a rash of up votes.

    Not complaining, mind; I'm just trying to figure out why.

    I don't know if it's the humor, the jokes in the chapter name, or Jake's personality.

    Or maybe it's my tongue-in-cheek poke at FiM canon while remaining as true as possible.

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    1 comments · 419 views
  • 372 weeks

    As I look at the count of likes and favorites for the tagged fic, I scratch my head in wonder.

    How in the hell does a fic that I started on a lark get so many likes?!

    I'd chalk it up to the fact that it's an HiE, but that doesn't compute.

    Maybe it's because it's a Random Tagged fic.

    But seriously, it has more likes than my other fics combined.

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    4 comments · 350 views

Ideas For New Scenes · 10:43pm Mar 21st, 2017

As far as the tagged fic goes, I only have up to Luna planned. Beyond that, I don't have any more ideas other than the ending scenes.

So, does anypony have ideas of things they wanna see?

Maybe it's an altercation with Chrysalis post-King Thorax.

Or, Pinkie Pie throwing a party for Jake as thanks.

So, any suggestions are welcome. However, there are two rules; Jake won't aid in changing anything canon. That is, those things that haven't already changed. Plus, outside of those non-pony characters we've seen in the show, Jake only interacts with ponies.

Other than that, just about anything is fair game.

Report jwizard · 258 views · Story: I'm Not A God! ·
Comments ( 13 )

Maybe Jake notices that the Changelings are staving and suggests to Chrysalis that they should ally with the ponies to survive, but somehow causes them to attack Canterlot?


Breaks the rules, so I can't use it. Nothing Jake does can affect canon directly. That's why I said post-King Thorax Chrysalis.

He could offer her and Thorax a book that could change their entire relationship.

I was going to say Kama Sutra, for the lols, but then I figured that the book Lord of the Flies, could work well enough as well.

Could give Chrysalis a simple food object, that was edible for changelings even if not filled with love. Or it feeds them because it was made with love and care. An Apple's Applepie for the example or maybe even a bar of chocolate, and she would try to say she cannot eat food like regular ponies. He would convince her to at least try it. And she/ would discover way to feed her species, offering this information to Thorax for a second chance.

Make Jake visit Ponyville Pre-Nightmare Moon and be greeted by Pinkie Pie, she wants to make him a party but since it is her birthday she does not have the supplies for it. So Jake gives her the Party Cannon as a birthday gift and she thanks him by giving him a party with her party cannon. Cause that would explain a lot about how she even got a cannon in the first place. Cause I do not remember if there's any episode/comic explaining where she got that thing from, and why no pony else uses such things.

Although that might be considered breaking cannon... pun not intended.

You could make it so that Jake visits Canterlot during Discord's first breakout and have him help Celestia by sending Twilight's letter to the library. Could be that Celestia is petrified or otherwise incapable of doing anything.

I am just tossing stuff up here.


Ooh, I like the Party Canon idea! So much potential for that one. Even better, is that he helps her make it.

The ideas for the changelings are pretty decent as well.

As to the last one, that breaks the rules. I'm sorry, but there's no getting out of it; the House's magic won't let Jake directly involve himself with pivotal moments. That means any and all villains; those are things that the ponies have to face themselves.

Here's why: Sorry, no spoilers for you!

4468048 Glad you liked them. Here's another couple.


Make him meet Epona or another Pony God during the creation of Equestria, he could give her a seed to plant the Tree of Harmony.


Before the Chaos Seed/Vine incident you could have Jake visit Celestia and offer her the Box that would later be opened by Twilight to defeat Tirek,


Have him trade a valuable gemstone/artefact for a dragon egg with a dragon. Or another option is that the egg was found in an abandoned nest, thought of as stillborn. Then have him gift that egg to Celestia, it is Spike's Egg.


A pregnant Zebra is fleeing from a forest fire and stumbles into Jake's home. Jake helps her recover and give birth to her child, Zecora. She offers her life to him but he doesn't want anything in exchange for saving her. In the end she makes him Zecora's godfather.Which might mean something in the future.


Have a Dragon go on a rampage. Cue a hero looking for a way to stop the dragon. Cue jake giving him the item needed to stop said dragon, could be lethal (A Poisoned Gemstone), humorous (A Can of Lizard Pheromones, cue the hydra swarm) or just plain (A Bottle of Pepper Spray meant for Bears, or i nthis case, Dragons.).


These are all pretty good. I particularly like the first one; the only problem is, it doesn't fit in current lore.

Wish it did though; it's sufficiently canon-breaking without being directly involved with any major plots. I may be able to figure something out.

By the way, the whole 'defeat a dragon with lizard spray' puts me in mind of the 60's Batman movie. I'd use it- it's just that funny -except that I already did that with the changelings.

But I particularly like the idea of him somehow getting involved with Zecora. A non-rhyming Zecora, as I can't rhyme worth shit.

Oh, as for Epona; as far as I know, she's it as far as Pony gods are concerned. Well, there's Sleipnir, but he's not a pony. If you've read the story, you'll know there's already a connection to her-- Star Swirl was praying to her as a colt when he and Jake met the first time.


Well the dragon spray could either be Pheromones or Bear rated Pepper Spray. The Pheromone option would be, if I wrote it, a swarm of hydras, male or female pending on what pheromone it is, that will get REAAALLLLY randy from that spray and practically chase that dragon out of Equestria before it gets tangled into something it cannot survive. Heck could be the reson why there's so many hydras, the gene pool got a big boost that day. :D

Anyhow here's some more ideas I got during lunch today.


Have him be the father of a character from MLP, my favourite suggestiosn being Cadance or Sunset, possibly through Celestia cause that would be interesting. With him being unable to raise the child for a multitude of reasons. One option being that some outside force made him, and the mother, forget about the child until they meet as adults again. I think this one is too much of a cannon buster but it was too interesting to not mention.


Have him visit, or visited by. Shining Armour who is looking for the perfect gift for his first date with Cadance. And have him give her chocolate or possibly a suggestion of him making her something hoof made, offering materials for him to use.


Have him meet a squad of royal guards during their first mission, as in first mission in all of equestra, he notices their armour is too low grade to be of use and offers to make them rune carved armour to empower their golden plates, while also making it impossible to discern the individual, keeping their identities anonymous.


Have him making or buying a telescope and then gift it to Twilight as a little filly, not directly, but to her parents, indirectly starting her interest in star gazing.


Have him trade plants with one of the generations of Apple Farmers, possibly Granny Smith's own parents or grand parents. The plants he will trade will contain eggs of a species of giant butterflies that will eventually become the swarms of butterflies filling equestria, one of which saved a falling Fluttershy.


Jake carves the Crystal Heart of the Crystal Empire, offering it to the royal family as he finds them struggling.


Make Jake stumble, not discover or being lead to, but stumble, upon a battlefield in the forest. It is a battle between griffins and ponies, each side armed to the teeth/beaks. Between the two warring forces he can see a duel between two big figures. Behind the ponies are a big group of refugees trying to move away from the battle while behind the griffins are more soldiers approaching. He decides to aid the ponies.


Sort of a last minute, just for giggles, thing. Make Jake receive offerings, prayers and other things, possibly in letters. Some of which are interesting, others are down right terrifying and some are just... weird.


These are all really good. I really like the one with Twilight.

However, some of them just don't work despite me liking them.

In particular, the one about being a father to an mlp carrier, and carving the Crystal Heart.

The first one is already something that's been done; he's a titular ancestor of the Platinum line. At least three mlp characters are descended from that House; two of those are members of the Mane Six.

The second one is too world-breaking; there's a limit on what kinds of legendary objects Jake can be tied to. Something like the Alicorn Amulet is fine, as all that really is is a magic amplifier. How the Crystal Heart came into being remains as it is in canon; as much as is possible, I want to keep pivotal canon events the same.

On second thought, there might be a way he can help what later became the Crystal Empire...

*grins evilly*

Oh, ideas!

4469362 Eh. Nothing like airing some ideas to get the brain power going. Here's another batch of ideas from the cranial oven.


Have Jake bringing the first games into Equestria, heck maybe even starting a company, and giving Luna a working game system, PS4, PC or Xbox One, or whatever else, as a gift during Chistmas/Hearts & Hooves Day, and have her discovering the addicting actions of MMOs and Single Player Modes in RPGS. Would explain why she was never at the Changeling Weeding Incident, she was too tired from gaming too long. Plus it would be a nice distraction from all the paperwork and studies she would have to do.

While Celestia is given a similar thing, possible a ipad or a tablet, giving her something to do while going through those meetings with the nobles.


Make it so that Jake goes out one night in Equestria during the anniversary of his parents' death and gets drunk in a bar somewhere in Canterlot. The following night of drunken escapeeds would end up with seven ruined noble houses, a lot of raw graffiti, Discord's statue being put in a boring Mime outfit, a lot of humiliated guard ponies and two very satisfied princesses, and a hung over God of Needs who can't remember a thing.


Have Pinkie making a Birthday Party for Jake in his own house, inviting the other five of the Mane Six, the princesses and several other characters. I mean, the guy could use a good party after all the crap he's been through. Could even have him receive gifts of different kinds from the ponies, with Celestia and/or Luna giving him something more personal.


Make Jake act matchmaker between a pair of ponies who will be parents to an important character, possibly a Mane Six or one of their relatives, inspiring Cadance into becoming a professional love manager.


Make Jake an unwilling participant of a trial where he has to be part of a Jury. The decree is either Guilty or Not Guilty, the problem is, he knows the one being charged with the crime. Maybe he can bring some light to the matter?


I really like most of the ideas you've given. Some, like the one with Twilight's parents, I can actually use.

The one for Sunset isn't one I can do unfortunately.

Nor can I do anything where the Tree is concerned. Aside from it being too close to a canon event, the House's magic cannot interfere with anything connected to the tree, as Epona doesn't want to mess with anything her sister has set up

As a footnote, I've already mentioned that Jake has devotees; most are those he's helped. How else do you explain the fact that a cult has cropped up around his alicorn form?

...Wow that was a long pause between answers. But I don't really mind. Anyhow, I am just tossing out ideas, so there's no need to heed them, just pick what you like or ignore it. Simple as that. Here's some new fresh ones.

1: Have our dear Not-God, be asked to act as a mediator in a diplomatic meeting between two species who have never meet one another before. Could be ponies & griffs, could be dragons & ponies, etc.

2: Have Able bring forth the recipe for alcoholic beverages to Equestria, with cider being the first, but not the last, recipe shared.

3: Have someone attempt to attack the Not-God Alicorn in his house or near his house's border, and end up being punished in a rather ironic or twisted manner.

4: Have him creating the Everfree Forest by planting a plant from the human world in equestria, thus creating a , Wildlife Zone, not under the influence of Pegasus magic.

5: Have some people talk about their point of views about the God of Need, it should be interesting ot read about their own views about him.

6: Have him giving away a useless trinket that later becomes revered as an holy icon, all praise the [insert trinket name here] hehehe.

7: He could grant aid the Sea Ponies or any other of the species of Equestria, like the Caribous, Yaks, etc, would be an interesting thing since there could be more then one way he could aid them. So many possibilities there can be more then one story about them.


Good ideas all, though some of them are again a little too close to the mark.

As for someone trying to attack him, I already have plans for a second attempt.

The first one resulted in Jake's house turning Sombra into a statue.

He does help the other races; he'll help whomever asks him. However, since Epona is primarily a pony god, few of the other races not of the hooved variety worship her. So they don't know of him to ask.

You would think that, being sea ponies, they would know of Epona. Thing is, they're sea ponies; they're creatures of the sea, so they worship sea gods. Scylla and Charybdis, the Kraken, the Leviathan, Poseidon.

The last one is at odds with pretty much all of the other gods except for his elder brother.

Cool. You could make Able hear one of the Poseidon, Zeus and Hades arguments.

1: The city of cloudsdale is built out of clouds, how did they do this? Able to the rescue!

2: How did the old ruins in Daring's adventures come to be? Able wrought down those cultists with badassery!

3: How did the first Dragon Lord get chosen? Able gave them a vote. *snicker*

4: A pony is trying to create a new form of transportation for Canterlot because of the mountain pass making it hard to trade goods. Que Able giving him a toy train.

5: A serial murder is loose. Able offers the Guard in charge of the case some books, possibly the Sherlock Holmes series or maybe a detective/investigator set?

6: Who stole the cookies from the cookie jar? Able knows the answer! (It was him.)

7: The first Ever Winter Wrap Up is announced in Ponyville! Able joins in on the fun! :D

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