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Persona 5 Countdown: A Caution For Players (affects PS4 users) · 7:22pm Mar 30th, 2017

"Say, Timmy, look what we got you for Christmas!"

"Oh, wow, Dad, neat! It's every action figure in the set! And both playsets! WOW!"

"Yes, son, we knew you'd be happy."

"Gosh, gee, Dad, it's swell! I can't wait to play with Johnny and Eddie and--"

"Whoa-ho-ho! Hold up there, slugger. There's a catch."


"You can have all these shiny new toys we bought you, but you can't share them with your friends. At all."

"Uhh...well...gee, Dad...I...why?"

"Because it wouldn't be fair to spoil it for them!"


"Well, next Christmas or birthday they might get the same toys, and if they play with them at our house, they won't be as fun to play with anymore!"

Okay, so that's not quite the mentality behind Atlus' decision to completely disable the PS4 Share button in both story and gameplay, but it's pretty close to how we're all feeling right now.

I can understand locking it during crucial story scenes--most story-based games do that--but even during basic gameplay? COME ON, MAN!

Also, the DLC for all the costume content for the game? Adds up to more than the cost of the game. Which is a minor gripe for some, a major gripe for others. The consolation is that a lot of DLC is going to be free out of the gate, including the Japanese language audio and the swimsuit pack.

But man...disabling sharing during gameplay...kinda takes a lot of the fun out of the DLC...

Report MythrilMoth · 686 views · #persona 5
Comments ( 50 )

well i mean you got the game and Atlus did that with persona 4 and 3 fes and golden respectfully just be glad they went with making two seperate versions for US and japan they could've just kept it japan only and it would make the sells drop and thats bad so i understand why completely

4477376 ...you have no idea what you're talking about at all, do you? Nothing you just said is in any way, shape, or form relevant to the topic at hand.

I'm sorry, audio packs for Language settings are DLC?


4477383 Default is English, day-one DLC has a free Japanese VA track.

Which I REALLY don't want to get, since I'm one of those rare people who loves all the dubbed voices in P3 and 4, but there are some... very unfortunate issues with P5's English voice acting.

4477383 Yeah, but it's free DLC. So there's that.

4477381 i do not atleast i try to understand i'm not one of those people that just talks and don't even try to understand i try and am i the only one who doesn't like the japanese voice Actors

Oh video game companies. Keep it up. I'm sure your customers just love being told what they can and can't do with their games. It's not like there still won't be tons of Youtube videos of it or anything. :raritywink:

More importantly, I read this whole thing in the voices of Timmy Turner and his dad.

Okay, it's free, that's good, but the fact that it's a voice option for the game that's a separate download is mind-boggling.


That's hilarious actually. What's next, you have to download dlc to listen to the music tracks?

Now download the patch with the update that lets you buy the DLC to open your menu.


4477405 To be fair, it's rare for Atlus to provide the Japanese VA. I think the only precedent for it is Tokyo Mirage Sessions on the WiiU? The original language is actually not a central feature for a localized game, and we're not entitled to one. So having this track at all is because they listened to the fans and wanted to meet demand. Whether it's on the disc or on DLC is immaterial.

4477392 :facehoof: You need to slow down and proofread your posts so they make sense. And you are, in fact, the only one who "hates" the Japanese voice actors, yes. And I don't think you really understand what the issue here is. The issue is that Atlus has disabled a core function of the PS4 console throughout the entire game content for incredibly specious reasons.

...why am I using big words with you? DEY TURN OFF DE SHARE BUTTON. WHOLE GAME. IS BAD JUJU YAH?

4477395 Not...really? Video games are not anime. Voice tracks use up A LOT of data space. It's actually VERY UNCOMMON for video games to have dual voice tracks.

4477411 And now you're both acting like douchebags. This blog post is to inform about an actual crucial problem with the default build of the game that will affect users' ability to share gameplay moments. What you two are doing? Is petty bitching for the sake of petty bitching. I'll thank you to take that shit elsewhere.

4477411 :rainbowlaugh:


That's understandable and having played the Persona games I can see where that takes up a lot of space. It just seems...odd I guess?

4477421 no it technically isn't the game is still gonna be a hit it's a persona game people will like it regardless i'm just gonna go this is useless


You're right, that was immature of me. :ajsleepy:

I didn't really think about space until I remembered it's a Persona game.


no it technically isn't


Players will not be able to use it to capture screenshots. Players will not be able to use it to record video. Players will not be able to use it to hotshare media from the game.

How hard is it for you to understand that this is the very thing we are complaining about here?!

4477434 i know i meant without it people will love the game regardless to be honest idc about the share button

4477436 And that's nice for you and of COURSE people will enjoy the game regardless, but that isn't the issue here, now is it? The issue here is that we're pissed that Atlus has done this because it is a slap in the face to gamers.

4477439 well thing's change your just gonna have to deal with it sheesh it's like Nintendo your gonna have to pay for online services before that it was free. i mean businesses and companies change either for the better or worst. and i can't believe i fighting someone that i actually admire in a way is it weird that i like this. back on topic everything changes so just deal with it.

4477441 :facehoof: Just...stop talking. Every mangled thought you type, without rhyme or reason, makes my brain hurt.

4477448 i might be but isn't everyone an idiot in a way btw i do make sense you just gotta think hard and understand and fine i'll stop i guess only one person CAN'T understand me

Hey, I was just making a joke. Sorry, man.

4477466 i like how your making me sound like a kid but if you was an adult you would let it be at that now would you? but whatever you don't have to respond to this it's like gonna waste your time like you have any time

Yeah, Super Robot Wars V did the same thing, unfortunately. Bummer since I wanted to try streaming it.

At least we still get izanagi

I'm sorry, I don't use the share button when I'm playing my games so I'm a little behind. I know from commercials you use the share button to record yourself playing the game and then it posts on the PS4 network or something, but are you saying they have disabled that button entirely?

4477765 The Share button allows you to take screencaps and record gameplay video on the fly as you play and share it via Youtube, Twitter, and other social media (including the PSN social media center). In many games, the Share button is disabled during certain events within game (such as major cutscenes), but otherwise, you can record videos and take screenshots and post them directly as captured or edit and share them. Very few games and applications disable the Share button entirely (Youtube being the one instance to date I've found of an app that completely disables it). With Persona 5, the Share button is 100% disabled everywhere except the intro and some menus. All gameplay, all scenes. Can't capture screenshots or video. This has, obviously, frustrated a significant portion of the fanbase.

That sucks. Makes it hard to spread word about the game. I'm getting it for PS3, but I empathize.

While that sucks, I don´t really use the Share option anyway, so I don´t mind. I mean, showing it to your friends and all is nice, but then again, eh. If I wanted to stream or something, I´d just record Gameplay with my IPad and upload it to YouTube


For the record, I can't understand anything you're saying, either. Seriously, capitalization, punctuation. They are things that exist for a reason. Please consider using them.

Sorry, I had no intention of getting involved, but I felt it necessary to correct this misconception. There is most certainly more than one person who cannot understand you.

4478010 i mean my friends can understand me without punctuation capitalization i can do its i'm lazy

4477946 Recording gameplay and uploading it to Youtube is kind of what PSShare DOES.

4478016 Admitting you're too lazy to bother only makes it worse. :twilightangry2: And newsflash: We're not your friends, we're people who expect communication to be clear, concise, and legible to at least SOME degree. Your rambling, your absolute failure at grammar, and your seeming inattention to the actual topic being discussed all sort of make you come across as less than intelligent and, frankly, a nuisance.

In other words: Grow up, stop being lazy, and type like a normal person.

4478019 well if you knew me on a personal fucking level you would know i have a problem with fucking grammar

4478020 We fucking noticed and it makes us not really fucking want to fucking know you on a fucking personal fucking level. :ajbemused:

4478021 well thats your problem

4478019 Oh, really? I never noticed. I mean, it turns on for some of my games automatically, for some reason, but eh. I wonder why that is though. Maybe Atlus will address it?


It's only been fifteen minutes and I already regret poking the beehive. Sorry about that. :fluttershysad:

4478025 Well, uploading to YouTube isn't automatic, but it's one of the ways you can share video clips directly from your PS4 with the Share button. You can also save them to a USB drive and edit them on your PC.


4477946 Despite the feature's name, it's not just about "Sharing" with social media. Many of us enjoy taking snapshots and vidcaps of games for our own entertainment. My PS4 HDD has over 60 GBs worth of FFXV, Last Guardian, and Nier:Automata captures just because I liked them enough to preserve their memories, and I expected P5 to double that. Heck, somewhere in my parents' house there's a box full of VHS tapes of a younger Zef recording his playthroughs of rental games, like Axelay, Castlevania IV, Cybernator, et al, that I didn't get to play again until the Virtual Console era. And I've maxed out the save file slots for plenty of RPGs from the SNES through the PS3 in order to re-watch pivotal or exciting cutscenes in the narrative. In fact, I was going to get P5 for the PS3 until it was also announced for the PS4, and I immediately changed my mind about getting the console specifically because of its native vidcap feature. No more multiple save files! I'd get to actually record scenes and gameplay and rewatch later! I'd get to take screencaps and make wallpapers or art out of them! Or, even make practical use of them:

When Persona 4 Golden came out, a friend from another forum asked me to cap all the Personas so they could update the GiantBomb archives. I'm still missing a couple Ultimates, but it yielded this massive folder:


Mind you, there's a couple spoilers in there, but you get the idea. Many of those are just jokes or funny tidbits I thought of keeping. They increased my enjoyment of a game I had already played multiple times on PS2, and elevated the Vita experience even beyond the intent of the additions and expansions. But that's going to be impossible now in Persona 5, because of Atlus' overzealous anti-spoiler/anti-streaming philosophy that hurts the fans and does little (if anything) to stop serious streamers or people who are gonna be jerks and spoil half the game anyway.

4478049 Eh, I can understand that. Granted, I rarely take screenshots of my own volition anyway, but that´s just me. And if I want to, I have my IPad, and then I can upload them online.

You know what Atlus should have done instead? Like with other developers, screw over anyone who tries to get an emulator of the game early. Like, maybe make it so they can never raise a Social Link, or make it so X, Y, or Z Link is forever reversed, or have all your stats at negative ten million or whatever. That would have given the finger to spoilery dickknozzles.

I have a feeling this is becoming a trend in JRPGs. Tales of Berseria did the exact same thing. The only place where screen capture was allowed was during arena battles. I'm not a huge social gamer, so I don't care, but I get the annoyance.

Ugh, can't say I'm surprised after some other games specifically had "recording disabled" pop up during important story scenes, but the entire game?! This sounds worse than the time Arena was region-locked because it had dual-audio (or something like that?). It would probably be too much to hope for them to disable this "feature" later on, after a month or two?

I rarely bother with DLC, not unless its story-based, or at least free. I remember the P4 spin-offs really had a lot. At least the Japanese audio will be free download (haven't watched enough videos yet to decide how good or bad the English dub will be, though I expect decent at the very least, considering their track record).

So, I think thre might be recording durling gameplay after all, as I´ve seen Gameplay Recording paused during some cutscenes

4482956 We'll know soon enough...

4482959 Well, I´m playing it right now, due to digital download

4482961 That's nice. I bought the physical copy, so I'll be getting it sometime in the afternoon.

4483017 With any of the free swag included? I just got some Izanagi and Izanami Personas or the like

4483019 I didn't splurge for the Take Your Heart edition. I honestly am doing well just to afford the steelbook on top of all my other expenses and pop for release-day shipping.

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