• Member Since 6th Nov, 2016
  • offline last seen 16 hours ago

Rose Quill

Author of the Homecoming series, occasional contributor to Bodyguard!AU, and food aficionado.

More Blog Posts577

  • 5 weeks
    Strike, fade, run

    “Striking, fading and running. Each of these are three well used moves, my Lady.” Twilight spoke. “Most importantly, running.”

    “Why would I run?” Rarity huffed, still bent over slightly and catching her breath.

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    5 comments · 82 views
  • 11 weeks
    April, with many a day…

    So I just spent from the third through today (sort of, still have some driving to do) on holiday. Went to Dallas to see the Eclipse in totality, swung though Hot Springs for… well, the hot springs, and finally St Louis for a lovely riverboat dinner before bidding the Boyfriend farewell and starting the trip home.

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    3 comments · 141 views
  • 25 weeks
    Well, I started it...

    All Good Things... has commenced. I may have a chapter of it up tonight.

    I really want to start closing out the unfinished stories, but sometimes you just can't get back into the flow for them. Sorceress and the Siren is one, Into the Wilds is another. Which is sad cause I love writing Azure.

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    4 comments · 233 views
  • 26 weeks
    Homecoming, in retrospect.

    Homecoming as a series is a glorious mess. I’ve gone on short bits of fluff, created some … unique ships, twisted the fabric of canon EqG, and even touched on some dark topics.

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    8 comments · 319 views
  • 62 weeks
    Don't you just hate it...

    When you can't find something when you need to?

    Case in point, I went looking for a comment where they alluded to It being like Frodo saving the Shire for everyone but himself and had to sail to another land to find solace.

    But I can't remember what fic or anything else.

    And it's frustrating to me.

    Meanwhile, in other news...

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    5 comments · 353 views

So, here's an idea · 6:30am Mar 31st, 2017

After this story wraps up, I'm going to take a break from writing, just for a few days.

In the meantime, I'm considering doing like some webcomic artists do and have a guest week. So, if you're interested, here're the rules.

1: Must be set in my Homecoming Continuity. This can include Bardic Lore characters.
2: It is subject to editorial approval.
3: 1-2k words, though a little overage is ok.
4: You can post it on your own page as part of this contest.
5: The best and most faithful to the continuity may actually get made canon.
6: You've got to have read everything with the Homecoming tag.

It can be first person, third person, or second person views.

So, anyone interested? Contest starts at 8 am EST on the 31.

The stories that get in will be linked to in a blog post when the contest is over.

Snowdrifter, go easy on the puns.

“I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.”:yay:

Report Rose Quill · 162 views · #Contest
Comments ( 4 )

I would love to do this, were it not for a number of factors.
1. I'm in school most of day.
2. My computer is dead.:applecry:
3. My tablet is SHIT to write with(I've had to retype a dozen words in this message alone):twilightangry2:
4. I don't even know what I would write!! :raritydespair:

I do love this series though, and at most, I could make some art around it. My writing isn't all that good.


I have no deadline on it yet, and if you want to contribute in your own way feel free! I'm still assembling scrapbook ideas for another time jump fic like Crystal...

4478196 Ok! Thank you for your support! Well, I do have a bus ride to think up plot ideas.


My mailbox is always open...now I have to go to and plot out how Sunset will deal with what I just put her through...

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