• Member Since 25th Oct, 2014
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Valiant Charge

Why do we fight? To protect home and family, to preserve balance and bring harmony. The true question is not why we fight but rather "What is worth fighting for?"

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Shows that deserve a reboot · 11:32am Apr 4th, 2017

Gummi Bears
Swat Kats
Sonic SATam
Pirates of Darkwater

If I missed any, please post

Report Valiant Charge · 299 views · #Blog #Reboot
Comments ( 6 )

Gummi Bears
Swat Kats
Sonic SATam
Pirates of Darkwater

These 5 do deserve a Reboot along with these cartoons.

Reboot (Yes there is a cartoon called that)
Danny Phantom
M.A.S.K. (Mobile Armored Strike Kommand)

Those three were shows I loved and for the last one I had all the toys for that series.

4483242 I missed the last episode of reboot.

4483459 You can find them online at Youtube, also they canceled the show after Megabyte returned to Mainframe as a trojin horse virus and his sister Hex being gone left him free to do anything he now wanted in Mainframe.

Gummi Bears
Swat Kats
Sonic SATam
Pirates of Darkwater

In my opinion ('cause I love all of them), all of these DO deserve a reboot.

On an up note, while I can't speak for what's going on with these 4

Gummi Bears
Sonic SATam
Pirates of Darkwater

I have it on VERY good authority that the guys who originally created SWAT Kats (AND the ones who actually OWN the franchise/cartoon), Christian & Yvon Tremblay, are, and have been working on a reboot, SWAT Kats: Revolution, and are trying to get it picked up by a network somewhere.
(The idiots at Cartoon Network already rejected it (:ajbemused::facehoof::twilightangry2:), so there's a petition to try and get it on Netflix as an original series.)
Here's the link to said petition:
Netflix Pick Up Swat Kats Revolution
They only need like 138 more votes before they sent it to both Netflix and Warner Bros.

Pass this on, please! Let's help Christian & Yvon Tremblay bring back our Kats!

Also, here's the promo for the reboot (the date on it is 2015, but this is what the logo and stuff would look like):

4483542 If Joe Barbera was still around he'd approve of the reboot.

4483570 Indeed he would.

So would Bill Hanna, come to that.

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