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Titanium Dragon

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The Royal Canterlot Library is looking for input · 1:10am Apr 8th, 2017

The Royal Canterlot Library, that group that makes site posts which are author interviews and story reviews of top-shelf stories, is presently running a contest - but not the usual kind.

They have a general tradition of featuring a story from a new writer every week, but about a year ago, they did a single re-feature - that is to say, featuring a second story from the same author. That was Ghost of Heraclitus, and he ended up getting A Canterlot Carol featured.

They're doing this again this year, and are looking for input from a general audience. They are looking for people to nominate a story written by someone who has previously been featured by the Royal Canterlot Library.

Each story gets its own post, and people can upvote the posts to vote for the person in question.

I nominated a bunch of stories that I consider to be really good:

Spring is Dumb by HoofBitingActionOverload
Regarding the Need for Sex Education by GAPJaxie
Twilight's List by kits
Trust by Bad Horse
Roaming by Skywriter
A Princess by Any Other Name by Skywriter
Blessing by Estee
Drinking Alone, Except With Two by AcreuBall

Other people have nominated some stories as well, none of which I've yet read:

Daring Do Bakes a Cake by Lucky Dreams
Evil Is Easy, Governing is Harder by Aragon
Lost Time by bookplayer
Celestia by Arad

And you know what? I'm sure we've missed tons stories that totally deserve to be featured.

If you want to nominate something, or just go vote, go to the thread and let your voice be heard!

Comments ( 10 )

Hears he's potentially in the running for a second RCL.


Hears that it's for Regarding the Need for Sex Education.


Shipping! My greatest nemesis.

Anyone can nominate anything, so you get to see what stories of yours we love <3

And I do love that story (it is on my 15 stories you should read list :V) so I figured I should throw it in.

There's a couple others I'd consider tossing in as well (Intern and Dressing Room for two) but well, I think I submitted a lot of stories as-is. :trixieshiftright:

You should consider throwing something in on the list as well if there's some great story from someone who has already been in the RCL and it isn't on the list.

I've been considering throwing in CiG's The Destruction of the Self but it got thrown in last time and only got like, half as many votes as the winners, so I'm not sure it would do better this time. :fluttershyouch:

I also considered throwing in JMJ's Rainbow Dash Gets An Abortion, because it is not the sort of thing you usually see in there, but uh... I'd probably get eggs thrown at me or something.

Besides, adding it to Motherhood is Magical was probably enough. :moustache:

At the very least you should totally go vote on the stories you think deserve a RCL feature, though.



I mean, I'm honored and all that. But based on your demonstrated-through-the-reviews taste, I would have thought you more likely to nominate either Twilight Sparkle Vs.The Equestrian Cutie Mark Constellation Registry or A Confederacy Of Dunce Caps.

Let me guess. A story you didn't like forced you into subconscious reframing of the element which distracted you the first time. Now that you know the non-saved pony Celestia was talking about was Star Swirl, were things put into a slightly different focus, boosting the original rating? Or is it just 'gee, sorry, I forgot that it svcked: give me a minute to edit.'

I don't know. Maybe it just ages well.

I actually spent a while thinking about which of those three stories I would put up.

I ultimately went with Blessing because it is the story of yours which I've re-read the most frequently. Maybe that sounds cheesy, but really, that's probably as good a metric as any.


We seem to be in the same boat. Magnum Opus Dissonance, ho!


I checked! Contraptionology is already on there.

God I love that story.

Well, what would you have submitted?


Can I submit Contraptionology twice? :facehoof:

Well, you can vote for it in the thread!

You definetly should read Lost Time, I still think it's probably Bookplayer masterpiece so far.

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