• Member Since 25th Feb, 2014
  • offline last seen Apr 22nd, 2018

Bluegrass Brooke

Gonna try this whole writing thing again.

More Blog Posts183

  • 329 weeks
    Do you draw? I have a contest for you!

    I'm hosting a draw my dragonsonna contest on deviantart.

    Link here.

    She's a sweet, sometimes grumpy cactus dragon the size of a cat.

    The prizes include some rice bags made by myself. Traditional or digital art accepted!

    Check it out for a chance to win.


    — Blue

    0 comments · 406 views
  • 330 weeks
    Discord Server

    So I FINALLY got a Discord account.

    I'm making a Discord server run by me for the purpose of helping each other out with stories. At least I'll try to. Me vs. technology. -__-

    Anywho, message me if you'd like the address.


    — Blue

    3 comments · 514 views
  • 331 weeks

    Hello. It's cold where I am. Like COLD. Anywho . . .

    Which story would you be most interested in my reviving/updating? I really can only work on one at a time.

    * TCARW's rewrite
    *Slow Fade

    14 comments · 527 views
  • 331 weeks
    Pokes head in

    How's it going? You all still writing and reading?

    Give me an update if you want, I've been gone so long.

    17 comments · 474 views
  • 334 weeks
    Sorry all

    It's been too long since I've posted anything here. I apologize. Short explanation is that I have had a severe set back with my depression that caused me to go in partial hospitalization and quit my job. So I'm very much floating along until I can find something that works for me.

    Read More

    4 comments · 482 views

Sorry for being a sloth . . . Have the re-write's prologue · 3:00am Apr 11th, 2017

Yes, I'm still here. In fact, if you follow me on Deviantart, you'll know that I'm actually online a lot and into the fandom mostly in terms of artwork.


One of my OC's Staccato. You've likely never heard of him. That's a ref I did for him.

*in bad Russian accent* "I draw good, I learn from book."

In any case, you don't watch me for my art. :twilightsheepish: I AM getting back into writing. It's taken some time, but yes, I am actually doing writing again! I know updates on EVERYTHING are dreadful aka nonexistent, but I am trying. It's hard but I'm trying.

I have FINALLY come up with a re-write version of TCARW that I am happy with. Sweet goodness, that took a while. I have a prologue and most of the first chapter done. Email me at bluegrassbrooke@gmail.com or note me via Deviantart if you want to help me out with that. I'll take any help I get be it plot level, characterization, pacing help, ideas for chapters, etc. I probably ain't gonna respond to PM's here cause yeah, I hardly ever respond in a timely manner on this site. I lurk on DA mostly these days. Cause my girlfriends be on there. :derpytongue2:

Goodness me enough blathering. Here is what I promised in the title. A little look into the rewrite.

Actions are as pebbles tossed into the cogs of Fate. Most strike in vain and are quickly ground to sand. However, when even the smallest stone strikes true, it can interminably alter one’s entire existence . . .

— Book I: Verse XV, The Sacred Breath

Celestia did not stare so much as marvel at the letter held in her magical grasp. Certainly there were times when, in her lack of foresight, she neglected to see a situation approaching, but this . . . this stood on another scale entirely. She scanned the letter again and again, amazed as much by the flawless calligraphy as its implications.


Since your dearest Sparkle Butt’s coronation, an issue has come to the forefront of my mind. I must address it now, though I understand discussion of such a touchy matter will test the fragile bond of friendship we have nurtured.

You have bestowed upon a child—yes, I know you consider her wise beyond her years, regardless—authority of the most tangible variety and yet my own position has neither been extrapolated on nor defined since my reformation. It would please me to no end to resolve this matter and establish my new role in Equestria forthwith.

Yours in friendship and kinship,

— Discord’

With a heavy sigh, she folded the letter carefully, resting it on the stone table beside her throne. Certainly Discord had a right to question his own role, particularly after the coronation of her protégé. Still . . . to refer to Twilight, her Twilight, as a child was ridiculous considering his actions thus far. In the short span after his “reformation,” he had been spotted wreaking havoc all over Equestria. Harmless and, toned-down considerably, but havoc nonetheless. And he wanted to be granted official status and authority?

She stared down at the filtered sunlight playing merrily across the polished, marble floor. A beautiful evening, one she did not wish to waste pondering the status of her friend. Still, Luna had insisted she make her decision this evening lest they suffer Discord’s continued pestering.

For the past week, she had contemplated, running through scenario after impossible scenario. Then, last night a most drastic idea crept into mind. An idea uniquely suited to their friend and one that would test him to the fullest. Now all that remained would be getting him to agree to it.

No sooner had she begun mouthing out the words when a loud crack shattered the stillness. The guards jumped, then relaxed ever so slightly upon seeing the draconequus standing tall in the center of the throneroom.

What is he wearing? Discord had appeared in what amounted to a full suit of armor. Except it was comically distorted in the way that a colt might imitate his father’s guard uniform. “Good evening, Dearest Tia!” He gave a theatrical bow. “Your loyal subject has come to his Queen.”

Celestia rolled her eyes, motioning for him to get on with the antics. “I am no queen, Discord.”

“And I no knight!” With a snap, the outfit disappeared into thin air. Discord stood straight, wicked teeth flashing in the evening brilliance.

“Indeed not.” Stifling a giggle, she stood, walking to join her friend. “Forgive the delay, Discord. We had much to discuss.”

“Pish posh, dear, think nothing of it.” Discord leaned in, eyes shining with a mixture of mischief and genuine curiosity. “So? What grand and glorious role would you have me take up for Equestria?”

Celestia sighed, “I believe I informed you in my reply that—”

“—my role would be supporting for the time being, yes, yes.” He finished tartly, waving his talon in a ‘get on with it’ motion. “Just tell me what role it is.”

“I will tell you after you pass the test.”

Discord’s expression soured. His usual, playful air dissipated, replaced by a cold steel, “Tia, I have earned the right to this position. You have agreed thusly. Why do you question my merit now?”

“I do not question your merit, Discord. I question your ability.”

“Ability? Ability?!” The playful tone had returned full force. With a booming laugh, Discord proceeded to turn the entire throne room into a bouncy house. A few seconds later, winged playground balls screeched overhead, swooping and diving like seagulls. “I can command the very fabric of reality! Even you cannot do that!”

She could only shake her head. “Discord, I am not speaking of your ability to command magic. Heavens and stars, no creature in all of Equestria could deny you that. What I speak of is your ability to command ponies. Not through intimidation or fear as before, but through trust, friendship, and leadership.”

The throne room returned instantly to default once more. Discord stared at her, blinking. “You think I’m incapable of friendship? Dearest Sparklebutt and Fluttershy, the others, they are my friends! You saw for yourself!”

“You misunderstand me, Discord. It is not that I feel you incapable of individual friendships. It is . . .” Why was this so hard to explain? She chose her next words deliberately, “You do not know how our subjects live, Discord. You reside in a different reality than they do. You are not constrained by the same worries, struggles, fears, limitations. The ability I fear you lack is one of empathy, Discord.”

He opened and closed his mouth, as if longing to protest but incapable of finding the appropriate words. Finally, he closed his eyes, rubbing the back of his neck. “Very well,” he ground out through clenched teeth. “I suppose one might question my—it does not matter. Whatever ‘test’ you see fit to administer, it is your right. I will pass regardless.”

Celestia breathed a sigh of relief. “Very well. The test I have before you will require some of your own unique magic to be successful.”

Discord grinned, “Truly? Do tell!”

“The test is simple. Luna and I would like you to spend the entire summer as a pony living in Ponyville.” She held out a hoof to silence Discord’s outburst. “Without your chaos magic. You will only use pony magic and, this is the most difficult test of all, during that period you must not reveal your true identity to another living soul.”

“I-I what?!” Discord gawked at her for almost an entire minute before visibly composing himself. “This is your great ‘test.’” He scoffed, waving aside the challenge with his paw. “I will take it on and I will pass.”

“It cannot be a mere illusion. Do you remember the spell?”

“It is my spell, of course I do!” Discord stood up to his fullest height. “A draconequus never forgets a spell.”

“Very well then. I will make the necessary arrangements. I expect that, upon your return, you will have gained a new appreciation for our subjects.”

Discord rolled his eyes. “Of course. Just who do you take me for, Tia?” His words were followed by a crack, an acrid smelling cloud of smoke and once more the throne room was empty.

Celestia stared at the spot on the floor Discord had vacated, contemplating his question. “A dear friend. A dear, foolish friend . . .”

Comments ( 5 )

I'm glad that you decided to write again because I'm still here wanting to read more of your stories however I seen this pattern before and I have to wonder if you will stick to the rewrite until the end.

From what I seen before a writer goes on a hiatus and after a long time they decide to return while announcing a rewrite of either their first story on the site or some other older story that made them popular to begin with. The first few chapters of the rewrite are released and readers criticize some changes from the original story or say that it's not as good as the original story which leads to the writer getting discouraged from from continuing with the rewrite or writing in general.Weeks pass without any updates to the rewrite and the writer either cancels the whole thing or stop writing stories for the site.

I'm looking forwards towards reading more of your work however I hope that your ready for people to compare it to the original story (both positively and negatively) and I hope that you don't fall into the same pattern as mentioned above.

4491928 I'm writing the whole thing before posting. So I hope to avoid that all completely since it'll be written up prior to posting.

Great to see you back, and thanks for the link to your art as well!

I think it would be great to see you back on here more. :pinkiehappy: I haven't kept up much on DA for the last month or so, just due to stuff. But the ol' place here could use some more you!

YES! TCARW lives! I must say, I really like how the "bet" has been changed to a test. It feels more natural, more in character for Celestia. I also like the longer time frame for the challenge. I'm looking forward to your updates! :D

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