• Member Since 2nd Aug, 2013
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I came, I saw, I got turned into a Brony. Tumblr link http://xeno-the-sharp-tongue.tumblr.com/

More Blog Posts478

  • 16 weeks
    An important message for a dark subject, give a read

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    Chapter 56 Promo!

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Next Battle Teaser, Eclipse Times Part 2, Reader Spin-Off Teaser, and Movie Streams - Oh My! · 8:02am Apr 14th, 2017

The trauma conga continues in the distant past with Eclipse Times chapter 2 - Waning Totality.

Additionally, what times Saturday might anyone be around for a stream? I was gonna do a Gojira-Godzilla King of the Monsters! double feature with maybe one extra film.


From the mind of "World's Collide", "Path of the Unforgiven", "The Land Primeval", and all those awesome Bridge chapter reviews! By a guy who most certainly know his comic books!~

Mica “Marilyn” Hackett rubbed at her temple as she turned her desk chair around using a tendril of hair. Nobody was looking in the privacy of the CEO office so she let some of it slither out from underneath her giant hat and shall. Days like this usually lifted her mood, coming to visit the company and oversee it personally rather than remotely from her home. Of course this meant she needed to cover herself in skin dye and large clothing, under the excuse of promoting the fabric wing's products of course, but mingling and visiting the same employees she knew by name was usually pleasant. Usually.

It had been quiet after her and Gigan managed to capture the rest of the Malice Mares. Winter holidays and New Year went off without a hitch and nightly patrols almost got boring. Evidently they did for Gigan, given the theft of a motorcycle from her father's garage and his activities on the news, though he of course left her a line to reach him. Mica could only shrug, keeping it but in a lock box she only intended to open if she found out the asylum somehow bungled their entire containment and every single Malice Mare got free at once.

But what weighed on the alternate identity of the superheroine known as the Mane-iac wasn't an old enemy, a new "friend", or anything she did know. Instead it was something she didn't know. Someone or something had made its presence known in town just as she was beginning to almost miss the excitement. It was tearing its way through the underworld and vanishing so quickly in such a manner that rivaled her own. But they were most certainly not a friend....

Mane-iac: Shadow of Vengeance
- Coming Soon!


Comments ( 5 )

ohoooo clever!
i like what you did here ewe

A movie stream tomorrow (just as my Mother's dvd is coming through the mail)?

You bet I'll be there. I'm curious about that second movie.

Another interesting riddle. Now i only wonder who these could possibly be referring to.:)

Solved It!
I flipped it horizontally and vertically then inverted the color.
It features Gigan, Megalon, Irys, And X. saying:
Gigan: Heads loked down.
Megalon: You're not going anywhere!
Irys: X, go! It's wide open!
X: All right guys, let's finish this!

All the while, Kaiser says:
Not yet.

Comment posted by Temnizziv deleted Apr 14th, 2017
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