• Member Since 2nd Aug, 2013
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I came, I saw, I got turned into a Brony. Tumblr link http://xeno-the-sharp-tongue.tumblr.com/

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  • 16 weeks
    An important message for a dark subject, give a read

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  • 21 weeks
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  • 27 weeks
    Chapter 56 Promo!

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  • 47 weeks
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Mane-iac: Shadow of Vengeance by HeatseekerX51 · 4:32am Apr 17th, 2017

Written by the talent known across the web as both Heatseeker and RMC and approved of with oversight by myself, a new adventure has come to The Bridge saga's multiverse!

It's mid-winter in a Mirror!Maretropilos, and the superheroine Mane-iac is enjoying some well-deserved relaxation after the Holidays. With the Malice-Mares behind bars, things in the city have come to a happy peace.
But one night, when a mob war turns deadly, a new vigilante rises from the shadows to exact his punishing, savage justice. No criminal in Manehattan is safe from the wrath of the darkness, and now Mane-iac must plunge herself into the night to combat this new terror.

Can she put a stop to the violent, bloody reign of her new rival? Or will she become another victim in his path of rage?

This side story is inspired by the Christmas special chapter of Tarbtano's "The Bridge" Which is pretty much a prequel to this story. This story is done with his permission and supervision.


Comments ( 7 )

It'll be here on FiMFic as soon as "they" approve it. I forgot "they" moderate new stories.

4499215 It's not the most gruesome thing I've seen so I'm sure it'll get approved. :raritywink:

4499221 Hey, with some of the stuff I've seen pop-up on this site, I'll be bull-shit if they deny it.

4499228 Indeed, this is the same site that allowed Rainbow Factory, Cupcakes, and plenty of clop fics to be a thing

Failed moderation. Wasn't pony enough.

4500166 Try including in the description how it is the Mirror Universe, human version of Power Ponies and how it is a spin-off of The Bridge.

4500242 It's got the "This story is a sequel to-" bit at the top.

hmm, maye I could throw that in there, but I think their rejection was based on the tenuous connection to MLP. I could conceive of doing a chapter that includes their alternate pony selves, but I'm worried that would wreck the whole dynamic of the story.

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