• Member Since 7th Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen June 28th

Sky Blue CMC

"You're not a burden, my love" Simon comforted his partner, Prince Lucian. "You're all 7,634,420,069,142,002,387,487,862,912 stars in my sky, Luce. And I love how brightly you shine"

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I have to stop lying to you guys... · 4:28pm Apr 17th, 2017

...I'm not in love with myself. I'm in love with Rachel. And I don't care who knows.

Comments ( 10 )

4499582 Sorry... I hate lying but I keep doing it.

4499599 Are you mad that I hurt Red?

4499614 Thank Luna. I can't thank Celestia because she didn't have anything to do with this. Her sister, on the other hoof, visited me in my dreams and helped me get through this decision.

Still gonna get fucked.

4500145 Literally just happened. *(not literal fucking, but she left me again)

4500158 What do I keep telling you? It's comical at this point.

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