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loves tiaras.

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  • 13 weeks
    Cadance of Cloudsdale (so far) now in Spanish!

    Thanks to the generous SPANIARD KIWI, the text of Cadance of Cloudsdale so far is now in Spanish! Mr. Kiwi has done a tremendous amount of work translating many of my stories into Spanish, but this goes above and beyond. If you're curious, you may visit the project so far here at this

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  • 16 weeks
    Happy Cadance Day 2024!

    Things feel a bit subdued today, due to the coincidence of Valentine's Day and Ash Wednesday through a quirk of the liturgical calendar. It is somewhat difficult to juxtapose the splash of corporate-encouraged love with the festival that literally exists to remind us of our mortality. The pink of Valentine's washes against the purple of Lent. So I'm in a pensive mood, more so than usual on this

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    Ice Star's fam needs a helping hoof

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    Read up here.

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  • 23 weeks
    "Cadance of Cloudsdale" continues tomorrow!

    Short: Watch this space for "Everyone Knows It's Cady," coming tomorrow midday.

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  • 29 weeks
    Ciderfest is a wrap!

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Submitted without comment · 9:03pm Apr 28th, 2017

Comments ( 49 )

Tails of Equestria? This a website/game I can see more directly?

Cool. Did you just try character creation to get a feel for the system or do you have an actual game lined up?

Just a PC for now. We'll see if I can rope my normal gaming table into it!

I don't care if my gaming group would never touch it with a ten-hoof pole; I must have this book. :pinkiegasp:

Ah, oh, hm... ah. It's an mlp D&D.

Is this actually officially condoned sponsored by Harshbro? (I see their logo all over the in one place)

You know I made a couple of blog posts you might be interested in. Also, I can see Frenetic Energy and Worrywart are original traits, how do they work? ANd you forgot to mark yourself as level 1.

It's an actual licensed property, yes.

Best April Fool this year. :pinkiesmile:

Man, I want to try this out!

Thanks, those posts are indeed useful!

I forgot to mark the level because I prepared 2 versions of the sheet, one with all starting stats (this one) and one with life-of-character variable stats blanked out so I could pencil in. Looks Iike I forgot to add one!

"Worrywart" is the tendency to freeze up about the consequences of trivial tasks (Fluttershy's inability to pick a costume or engage in Nightmare Night activities in "Scare Master). "Frenetic Energy" gives a bonus in situations where fast, careless work is valued (Quick! Stack boxes in front of the door!) but nothing for quality or precision work (All the newspapers are somewhere in each pony's yard...) I don't 100% grok balance issues yet so these may be a stretch.

Count me as interested n_n

Oh, this! I've played this briefly in a very informal way, and it was much more fun than I was expecting considering I'm not that into D&D. Admittedly we adapted/ignored some of the rules because we wanted to, but who doesn't? My character is/was a unicorn who can find water but is short-sighted... so finding water tends to happen when I fall into a pool I hadn't noticed. :P

I'm working on one of them there Poni RPGs myself. Nowhere near completion, though.

Tails of Equestria, perchance affiliated with Manes of Equestria, Canterlot's premier fashion runway game???

One of these days I have to give these table top game things a shot. I feel like the only one on the site who doesn't play :twilightsheepish:


Aw, it's adorable! Love how the mark and personality play together. And it gives me a few ideas for premade characters for a certain horror game. :pinkiehappy:

Author Interviewer

What is your class?

Can you cast any spells?


In order: Pegasus, no, and THAC0 should die in a fire.


Oh, I hear ya, my friend.

Though I think that the worst fate should be reserved for AD&D's psionics "system," using "system" the loosest possible sense outside of FATAL, Said psionics "system" which looked at THAC0 and said "you know what, merely being counte-intutive and abit awkwar is not nearly enough, let's go for full on pants-on-head-idiotically arse-backwards nonsensical!"

3.x was the best thing to happen to D&D.

"Just randomly roll a d100! You have a 1 in 100 chance of gaining powers that will break your game IN HALF." Yyyyeanope.


Nevermind the power balance, I think the basic "system" as presented in the Psionics Handbook takes the biscuit, "Roll under your skill to succeed, but as high as possible, because a critical is your exact skill, and a 1 is a fumble; and rolling above your skill fails, but a natural 20 is some sort of odd random effect, which might be good or bad."

I just... I don't even know where to begin.

What, was "roll under your skill, 1 is a crit, 20 is a fumble and if you get just a pass by rolling your exact skill something odd happens" too compiicated?

I mean, it's not even as if rolling under wasn't something you did for regular nonweapon proficiencies anyway.

But let's also not neglect that wonderful must-have-been-a-typo from the Montrous Manual "creatures with a negative THAC0 can only be hit on a 1." I'd ask whether anyone ever proof read anything... But given that towards the end, (because the head of TSR apparently had nothing but contempt for their player base at the end there), they were actually pretty much flatly forbidden from doing so...

I'm interested, and that is adorable.

They getting closer to full release?

It's out! I literally picked up my copy today.

:trixieshiftright: *eyes that cutie mark*

... you do realise that is not an oral thermometer, don't you?

4513157 Considering where cutie marks are located, it's fitting don't you think?

Nice! My hardcopy just arrived the other day actually, it's a really mechanically solid system.

Saw a copy at a game store just this Monday.

One of my cohorts blogged about this a bit ago.

I think it's fitting. In all seriousness, though, it's not a thermometer that goes in the body at all, as the bulb isn't at the narrow end. Forgive me if I didn't spend enough time on Google Image Search and/or crafting my own. :pinkiehappy:

Spending a little more time on it now, it's probably more like this thing here.

EDIT: Yes, that looks a little nicer.

Finally, if you thought a rectal-thermometer thing is inappropriate, you should see all the ones where it's so cartoon-hot that liquid is spurting out of the end of the tube, and because I have a terrible mind...

Can you play a zebra? What about a griffon? Is there any neat setting info? Is there a proper equipment list? What about maps?

Gimme all the informations! :twistnerd:

Right now only ponies are playable. Expanded character races are for a future installment. Given that it's written for a young audience, the equipment list is still quite nice. I mean, it's not the Arms and Equipment Guide but it is a full basic supply list with prices and everything.

Downsides: Bestiary is quite sparse as yet; it's a very short segment with only six non-unique listings, only one of which is a non-show-canon entry. Was hoping for more there. There are no new maps; the one that's included is the same as the expanded world map from Art of Equestria. Also about half the book by weight is screencaps, which is I guess to be expected; other than the quite delightful cover there isn't original art to speak of.

Still, it seems like a nice solid book with some good touches. It seems like a basic enough system that kids could grasp while giving us weirdos something to mess with.

Fever is a cutie, and she keeps getting the short end of the writing stick. She has now appeared in a total of three planned-but-cancelled stories and continually is denied the ability to show up in anything. Maybe being an RPG character will suit her.

Author Interviewer

Nothing personal. I just DM'd AD&D for so many years, and I was so sick of that stupid THAC0 table! When 3.0 came along and armor classes were put the right way up, I was all like LIGHT IS SHINING FROM HEAVEN.

Author Interviewer

I have to agree. :B My latest pastime seems to be complaining about new RPG systems, is all. :V


"Oh, gosh. I'll never get to be the main character in anything! I'd better be sure to have lots of extra-memorable moments so they'll want to reuse me later!"

'You might be overthinking this.'

"I am not overthinking this!"

This is painfully accurate for the character.

Neat! What's the mechanic like? Hard dice-based or softer storytelling style?

It's a mix of the two. The dice rolling is simple.

The attributes are the elements of harmony. You always have to have a highest attribute (edit, made mistake) on which you get to reroll a 1 once per roll using that attribute. However, your saves with that attribute are much lower (you're vulnerable to the same element you embody, just like the show).

Each element of harmony rolls a different die, and all rolls are opposed. The dice indicate how much random chance plays a factor: d4 is Honesty (strength, etc.), d6 Loyalty (speed, etc.), d8 is Kindness, d10 Generosity, d12 Magic, and d20 Laughter. All dice explode. Usually the rolls are on the same attribute, but if the opposed roll uses two different dice, the storyteller adds a modifier to fix the discrepancy (the players don't need to keep track).

Saves are done with d%, because I wanted something charty. Modifiers to saves are direct, so the chart is only needed if a character's attribute value changes.

Skills are direct +'s to the roll. Special circumstance bonuses allow you to roll more dice and take the highest (or have to roll more and take the lowest), so the players normally need add only the skill value to the die roll.


Pegasus, no, and THAC0 should die in a fire.

I understand the THAC0 hate, but what did Pegasus, no, and the Oxford comma ever do to you? :applecry:


Look, don't blame me for trying to use psionics to understand this! Its AC can only be hit on a natural 1, but psionic natural 1s are fumbles!

See, that's your problem. Reading comprehension 1E.

This system looks a bit like Savage Worlds/Deadlands crossed with Big Eyes Small Mouth, from the character sheet.

Wait, it's actually official? Interesting.

Yeppers. It really actually is.

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