• Member Since 5th May, 2012
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Writer of kinky horse words, and less kinky comments that can be longer than some entire fics.

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  • 172 weeks

    Okay, it's been far too long, and 2020 was... well 2020, but good news!

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  • 237 weeks
    New sequel is live

    So, after much teasing, much hinting, far too many delays, and a whole lot of IRL junk getting in the way, a new Kinky Luna fic is finally started. If you enjoyed Luna's trip to the Borderlands in Lunar Ravishing, get ready for round two as she heads back and accepts Gregor's invitation to his Slave Camp in Lunar Enthrallment.

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  • 280 weeks
    I'm not dead (and other news).

    Sooooo, yeah, I haven't really done much around here in some time, sorry about that. Combination of IRL stuff, moving, stress, and just general not having much motivation due to a number of factors, but I'm trying to work on getting back into things. So, where do things stand?

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  • 318 weeks
    Fianlly! A new fic!

    So yeah, I've been saying this thing was coming for several months, but IRL just kept kicking my ass with stuff that kept me from focusing on getting it out, but finally the fic about how Starsong and Luna met in CTS is started! This is a collaborative writing effort with the always amazing Wendy Crescent.

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  • 328 weeks
    Dramatic reading

    So the amazing Scarlett Blade has done a dramatic reading of Luna's Guide that you can find below.

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Review: Imposing Sovereigns Stories, Floozies · 11:20pm Apr 28th, 2017

Only two more entries to go. With that we go from Princesses that just want to have a good time. To Princesses that just want to have a good time :raritywink:. Mares that just want to get some action and don't give a buck what ponies think. Let's take a look at the Floozies.

We Must F*** to Survive, by:Morning Sun

Another story that gives exactly what it says on the tin. Luna learning that alicorns need to fuck to survive. That their long life and immortality is recharged through being intimate with new ponies. You will hear me say this a lot in these reviews but, not a lot to say. Mostly because this story does not take itself seriously and is just meant to be a bit of good fun with a rather absurd, and yet not implausible premise. As such picking it apart and trying to over analyze it would do it a disservice. Not that comedy can't or shouldn't be looked at seriously, but some stories simply are that simple and straight forward that picking apart looking for flaws or issues is just unfair. The story isn't trying to be anything but simple, direct fun.

The premise is bizarre yet kind of works, the jokes are well done, it plays with and explores the idea well enough. About the only gripe I have is that Celestia waited till now to tell Luna about this. Given that if she had been one off on her 'lives counter' guess for Luna, then her sister could have died that morning with the poisoning. Little more to say beyond a good, fun, simple, hilarious story.

Prompt- Luna and Celestia. 'nough said. Though a very nice take on 'floozie' it's not (just) out of lust, but something they need to do. Yet doesn't quite mean Celestia needs to be quite so enthusiastic about it. Also, maybe this could be a key to Shining finally being able to talk Cadance into a few threesomes?

Overall: Good

Princess Cadance's Official Princess Harem of Imported Humans from Another World, by: Skywriter

Wow that is one massive title. Also yet another "how much can you say about a story that is not even trying to taking itself seriously" story. The premise is absurd, yet hilarious. The way it plays out walks the line between absurd nonsense and absurd comedy quite well. Even while making clear this is not being serious, just having some fun with a random idea, it still maintains it's own sense of internal logic. Everything flows well together, it all holds together. The only absurd thing is the premise, and just how seriously these characters are taking it. But that it's being treated so seriously in 'verse, while being so ridiculous and clearly not being taken seriously on a meta level is just one more thing adding to what make this whole thing so well done.

As a reader, I freaking LOVED this story. As a reviewer.. I kind of hate it. Just because, well, what the buck can I even say? it's all one long joke with nothing meant to be TO seriously looked at, just enjoyed for what it is. All while doing it nearly perfectly. The characters hit the right notes. Cadance clearly only doing this for Celestia and because she feels she has to. Shinning being less then enthused by the idea, yet supportive. Since he gets this is not in anyway about Cadance not being happy with him. Getting she doesn't really want this either. Just.. all around a solid, well done, but utterly absurd yet hilarious story that you really just have to experience yourself to judge.

Prompt-Well, it is about a Princess building her own personal harem. Can't fault that at all.

Overall: Great

Why There Are So Many White Unicorns in Equestria, by: Captain_Hairball

Alright, so another fun little romp of Princesses being silly little hedoni..... wait..... Oh.. no... This one actually plays this rather seriously. Damn. Also, nice!

Yeah this is the one fic in this section that goes for something more then comedy at the absurdity of the situation. A young Princess Celestia having an existential crisis and seeking to try and get the nihilistic thoughts out of her head through distracting herself with a bit of fun. I really love the way the story sets this all up. It's something nearly everyone has gone through at some point. When the full weight of what mortality means crashes down on you. Even making it fit for the Demigoddess that is Celestia since it's still a young, newly ascended Celestia unsure about just how long she may live. (Side note, one of the few issues I did kind of have was the way the story said Starswirl used magic to ascend Celestia and Luna. Not 'wrong' per se but just, don't like that idea.) The story portrays the whole thing quite well. Never really moving into outright wangst. Never really overshadowing things or going emo about it. it's played very realistically. Celestia simply can't help having these thoughts and does her best to push them aside. But simply.. can't stop dwelling on them. Seeking some companionship to try and get past this.

Then even with that how, yeah, her first pick is mostly on a whim. But she never sees the stallions as just toys, tools. She isn't just using them for her own ends. She cares about each of them personally. Each having something special about them she cherishes. That playing into and leading to her post birth endorphin, hormone, and painkiller fueled epiphany. How she finally gets over the sense of nihilistic meaninglessness she'd been struggling with. Finding meaning in caring for others. Not just her new foal, but realizing that, all the ponies of Equestria are her foals now. That she needs to be there to guide, nurture and protect them. Seeing her foals as a living reminder of that bond. I am 100% down with 'Momlestia' as, that really is how she acts most of the time. Not like a ruler, but like a caring mother. As a character piece, this story was brilliant. Exploring rather heavy themes that oh so easily cause stores to fall into a bit of self-pitying angst, yet manages to avoid it. To treat it well, respectfully, and still find room for some good humor and lighthearted moments.

The one thing I do have to say really could have been done better was some of the stuff around Luna. The overall dynamic was amazing. Teenage Sisters having normal teenage sister quarrels, while still caring deeply for each other. And everything up to and including Luna accusing Celestia of plotting against her was brilliantly done. That accusation also very well handled. Showing how Celestia' attempts to keep her liaisons a secret while failing to fully hide them only led to Luna getting the wrong idea. But one it makes sense she'd reach. No, my issues are on the trip in the dreams, and one other bit. The trip with Luna... I really can't say what it is about it that kind of rubbed me the wrong way. I'm not sure why something about that just nags at me. Maybe giving Celestia a to easy out for her fears? Just the way it's depicted? How easy it was done after all this? Something about it felt off to me and can't quite place why. So likely more a personal YMMV issue. The other small gripe is the overdone Nightmare Moon foreshadowing and the way it was handled. It just.. it reached "okay story, you are trying to hard" territory in just how blatant, in your face, and direct it was about this coming up given how long it would be till then in 'verse.

Still those are minor nitpicks compared the amazingly well done character development and exploration for Teenlestia, her growth from this, and showing the start of her journey from worried, angsty teenager unsure of her place, into the wise, beloved, caring, and regal Mother of Equestria we all know and cherish.

Prompt- "Celestia". Though a very nice take on the 'floozy' idea. She isn't actually being one, not in the normal sense of the word. Yet it's quite easy for it to seem that way to others and is close to the border. A very nice usage of the prompt idea for more then just some jokes and using it to explore some deeper aspects of characters.

Overall: Incredible

By the Book, by: Thought Prism

And so we close on another quick little bit of comedy. Twilight Sparkle deciding she is going to get laid. FOR SCIENCE! It's simply adorakbale, asocial, wholly unaware how to interact with ponies at all, pre-Ponyville Bookhorse being pre-Ponyville Bookhorse in all her nerdy glory. Seeking to learn the best way to attract a stallion through 'research' alone. Being far to stuck to her list to realize somepony is outright giving her an easier way to get her goal. Being to focused on the process rather then the results. Yeah it's a bit exaggerated for comedy, but succeeds in being quite funny, and oddly endearing in it's own way in just how hard Twilight is trying.

Nothing more to say, just a fun, exaggerated bit of comedy delivering exactly what you'd expect from the premise. Doing so well, and with little in the way of twists, turns, or extra stuff to discuss.

Prompt- Stretching things just a bit in using pre-ascension Twilight, even with the joke at the end. But fair enough and it works. While this is not Twilight actually acting like a floozy, I can't think of any other way everypony at the party would see the mare walking around trying to get some random stallion to bone her.

Overall: Good

So, one more group down, only one to go. This one... yeah likely the easiest and also hardest to talk about given how many fics were just quick little comedy things with little to really explore or analyze. Sorry this took so long on them, work sucked this week and had a lot of other IRL stress issues. (plus Sprocket is wielding the whip pretty hard about getting the next chapter of Hooves of Fate edited.) Of these, really don't think I need to say it but I'd call So Many White Unicorns the best of the lot. Though all were good in their own right. That one simply had more to it to really sink my teeth into.

So hopefully sooner then this I'll have the final set of reviews for this done. Till then... Enjoy Twilight trying to have a bit of fun of her own.

Comments ( 2 )

I can only hope that that fic you've been sentenced to help with has absolutely nothing to do with Manos: The Hands of Fate. And that you'll write the word "too" properly one of these days. >: (

Hope you enjoy the mad princess fics!

4515555 1. No it does not. It is AMAZING!

2. Pretty sure that ship has long since sailed.

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