• Member Since 2nd Aug, 2013
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I came, I saw, I got turned into a Brony. Tumblr link http://xeno-the-sharp-tongue.tumblr.com/

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Chapter 37 Promo · 11:45pm May 5th, 2017

Ki Seong paused her story and looked up from her work pouring some more ingredients for the spell tag ink into a chain-hung cauldron, over towards a small case she’d brought with her from the shop. Raising a curious eye, Applejack glanced between the kirin and Anguirus, who was still guarding the door, before moving over to the bag. Gently nudging the flap open, she found a large article of folded clothing. Unfolded it looked like a leaf green vest on top of a almost white-green long sleeve shirt with ringed sleeves, all together resembling a sort of dress jacket. Applejack looked between the silk garb and Ki Seong, noticing the fact the vest portion perfectly matched the coloration of her fur coat.

“Was this for...?” she muttered, earning a shaking head from Seong. The kirin sighed and put a hoof on the decently made jeogori.

“It was for Yon. Family tradition, bride makes the groom’s attire with her colors.”

Seong’s breath left her and she turned back to her work, speaking with her back turned; “It was in the one case that washed up with me. He never got the chance to try it on....”


The weird circumstances seemed to cumulatively stack with the days and nights as they passed. Cho Yon would swear up and down she’d been near him despite her never having memory of being present, something she couldn’t write off when others would see her in places she wasn’t at. Yon would speak of nights he awoke to find his window cracked open and articles in his room shifted, like someone had been there despite the window being latched shut. Dogs would start frantically barking at random hours in the night and day, and kept going for hours despite the best attempts to hush them. But what unsettled Seong the most was one particular night.

It felt like a dream. She moved into a state of half-awakeness by a quiet noise coming from across the room. It felt like a dream as she turned to look at it and her delirious mind didn’t fully register what she saw at first; but there was something in the room. A pair of dim, blue light reflections were on the far side of the room, hovering a meter in the air. Seong groaned tiredly, her barely conscious mind trying to focus her eyes and figure out what was reflecting the light.

And then the lights went out for a moment before coming back into existence, revealing themselves to be a set of eyeshine that just blinked before getting closer. Crouched against the far wall, the new moon made the room almost pitch black, but one could just barely make out the outline of two pointed ears and body squatting in the corner with paws sporting long, finger-like digits splayed out on the floor in front of it. With as little as a inch of movement per minute, it started to get closer to her bed. A sweet scent filled the room and the already groggy Ki Seong was completely devoid of the will to move. The intruder took its time to stalk closer and closer, tilting its head and sniffing at the kirin like it was studying something about her. Its only visible features, a pair of unnaturally blue eyes reflecting in the dim light, stared down at her.


“She’s got!-”
"How long will that there ward field hold ‘er for?”
"If you’re trying to be selfless, you’re not.-"
-And Reijuu won’t be getting that.-
"You're gonna die running..."

Comments ( 12 )

This is gonna be fun.

Ohhh... Sounds spine-tingly-dingly!

-And Reijuu won’t be getting that.-

I think that our unfriendly neighborhood Ghidorah is playing Bacon for his own ends(then again it's pretty obvious since i don't see why he would ever allow him to obtain Kaizer's power)

And Tarb, how long has KG known Bagan's original name?

Because based on retrospective implications, i suspect he may have figured it out around chapter 23?

As for the rest of the promo, I've don't got much to say on the Jeog section other than it appears to be confirming my predictions.

Overall good promo, can't wait for next chapter(i promise not to bother you on when it's coming out).


And Tarb, how long has KG known Bagan's original name?

King Ghidorah fought Reijuu briefly 65 million years ago after Reijuu stepped in to help the first Battra and Mothra against King and DesGhidorah. So it stands to reason he actually knows Bagan by its original name more than he does its current moniker.

He's probably suspected his new "employer" was Reijuu since soon after the beginning, just felt no need to address it.

4521822 Thanks, i only meant on how long Ghidorah had known Bagan was Reijuu when he first showed up in the main story.

I also think that he probably didn't say anything since Bagan might've offed him for secrecy as was mentioned in Chapter 35.

Angurius...Tear that gumiho a new one...

4521675 So my magnificent machine, what are you hyped for in 37?

4521941 Well, it's sort of a tough call, so I'll parse it like this. I this no I' most interested to see where the. Bit with king ghidorah is going, since we really have no good clue where his new arc is going, just some vague inferences to the kaiser power.

The end quote, which I believe is Gumiho, however, sounds really cool. So I am interested to see how that turns out. Like I said in the last review, it' pretty much it' own, contained side-story. It has a different feel the the rest of Bridge proper.


I this no I' most interested to see

What? I'm having a bit of trouble understanding that, can you please rephrase? :rainbowhuh:

4522920 sorry, typing on a Kindle, I mistype like crazy on this thing.

4522921 Well what did you mean by it?

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