• Member Since 17th Jan, 2016
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More Blog Posts22

  • 130 weeks
    I'm really in dire need of physical affection/comfort.

    I feel like this is the only place where I can get this off my chest, As weird at this might sound, please don't judge me, but recently I've found myself dealing with severe loneliness as well as mild depression these past two years, and as time progresses it's getting to a point where I'm desperately seeking physical comfort and love and I just don't know what to do at this point. I live alone

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    2 comments · 150 views
  • 176 weeks
    Feeling a bit uneasy about this winter storm.

    Most of you have known already about the big

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    3 comments · 154 views
  • 231 weeks
    Why should I keep living in such a cruel, and hopeless world?

    Nothing's EVER going to change, It seems pointless to see there's hope of making this world a better place, because its not ever going to, at least in my lifetime. People are still going to hate, cheat, lie, steal, judge, take advantage, murder, hurt, and the list goes on even further. It seems to me that we're either obligated/black-mailed into staying alive is because we are all afraid to see

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    2 comments · 230 views
  • 241 weeks
    Stressed out.

    I'm in my mid-twenties already and feel like I haven't accomplished anything in terms of my career, and life goals.

    Everytime I get home from work I space out thinking about all the time on which direction in life I should go.

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    1 comments · 208 views
  • 257 weeks
    Social media and smartphones.

    As technology advances it changes society and how we do things like shopping, communication, gaming etc. I'm not just noticing this but It's been on my mind for a while. I'm just thinking like.... almost nobody really communicates with each other now in person. I feel like my family has became so detached from each other as time went on. There's been moments where we would go to a family member's

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    2 comments · 231 views

I feel weird today. · 6:33am May 6th, 2017

I don't know how to explain it... I guess It feels like emptiness mixed with loneliness. It's like I'm missing something in my life. Today I went to work, feeling alright. I was talking to my Co workers and everything was fine, But right when I got home, All these feels started to get to me for some reason. I also don't feel like doing what I love everyday when I get home from work(Video games, Youtube.) I'm just not feelin' it tonight I guess. It feels like I need to cry, but I don't... :fluttershysad: I don't know, It's weird. I feel weak for some reason too. I have this feeling inside me that feels like guilt, mental pain, and sadness at the same time, But I can't quite describe it well. So, right now I'm home alone, and Just sitting in my computer chair just waiting for all these feelings to eventually go away. So anyways, I moved out of my friend's house finally about 2 weeks ago, because I was so tired of that shit. I was always being stepped on, ignored, and being treated differently. And Now I'm living with my mom, But tomorrow's going to be a big day, Because I'm moving out of my mom's place, and going to live at her friend's house as well as paying her $350 rent every month. It's going to be a much better place instead of sleeping on the couch uncomfortably at my mom's cramped up house. Another thing that's going to bother me is, That this new place i'm moving too, well It was the place that I lived in back when I was a senior in high school. I think it was one of the most best times of my life, because I use to be in a cool group of friends. We all hung out, and played video games, shared the same interests and everything was so good back then. Now, I'm going to be stuck in that place for a long time. All of my friends moved different cities and such, And I know it sounds dumb to be dreading about friends, But I feel like I'm still going to be miserable and empty since those are the ever real friends I had. I also feel i'm pathetic because I'm going to be stuck in that place, and everybody else has moved on, and most likely living good right now. Maybe I feel lonely??

Comments ( 2 )

It's going to be a much better place instead of sleeping on the couch uncomfortably at my mom's cramped up house.

Yeah, I would think so. :pinkiesad2:

I hope you will meet with success. Hopefully this new old house you're moving into will help. May God go with you :twilightsmile:

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