• Member Since 16th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Friday


Tired, But Trying (Taking Hope In G5)

More Blog Posts714

  • 148 weeks
    Something in the works? Maybe?

    A thestral, a siren, a zebra, a dragon, a changeling, a kirin, three unicorns, three pegasi, three earth ponies, and three alicorns all walk into a bar.

    They then get kicked out because that's way too many characters with "primary/secondary protagonist" billing for one story.

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    4 comments · 319 views
  • 247 weeks
    Follow-Up Clarification

    Vagueposting aside, here's what's up:

    I'm not going to worry about all my stories at once, that way leads disaster as has been proven time and again already. Still want to try to do something with Of Responsibility, The Atlantis Scenario, Contrast, etc; but not yet.

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    0 comments · 483 views
  • 247 weeks
    Prepare Yourselves

    After several years of being basically dead...
    I am officially back on my bullshit.

    6 comments · 421 views
  • 256 weeks
    [Snippet] The Ponyville Numbers Station

    Sunset Shimmer set about unpacking her things. Though still reluctant toward the idea of staying in Ponyville long-term, she was at least going to make sure she was comfortable here during her visit. After a solid couple hours of work, the previously-bland master bedroom had been transformed into something far more cozy. The bed was made, her spellbooks and theory texts placed snugly on a

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    1 comments · 416 views
  • 257 weeks
    S1E1 Revisited: All The Ponies In This Town Are Crazy

    There's a mare in the moon, but she won't be for much longer.

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    2 comments · 449 views

Something stupid and random, plus some thoughts · 12:03am May 10th, 2017

Reimu Hakurei - Twilight Sparkle
Marisa Kirisame - Trixie Lulamoon

Mima - Discord/Gilda
Rinnosuke - Sunburst

Rumia - Applebloom
Daiyousei - Sweetie Belle
Cirno - Scootaloo
Hong Meiling - Applejack
Patchouli Knowledge - Moondancer
Sakuya Izayoi - Rarity
Remelia Scarlet - Adagio Dazzle
Flandre Scarlet - Sonata Dusk

Youmu Konpaku - Coco Pommel
Yuyuko Saigyouji - Luna/Nightmare Moon
Ran Yakumo - Shining Armor
Yukari Yakumo - Celestia

Suika Ibuki - Spike

Keine Kamishirasawa - Cheerilee
Tewi Inaba - Pinkie Pie
Reisen Udongein Inaba - Aria Blaze
Eiren Yagokoro - Zecora
Kaguya Houraisan - Fluttershy
Fujiwara No Mokou - Sunset Shimmer

Yuuka Kazami - Queen Chrysalis
Komachi Onozuka - Big Mac
Eiki Shiki - Granny Smith

Sanae Kochiya - Rainbow Dash
Kanako Yasaka - Starlight Glimmer
Suwako Moriya - Thorax

Tenshi Hinanawi - Ember

Satori Komeiji - Maud Pie
Koishi Komeiji - Derpy/Ditzy
Rin Kaenbyou - Lightning Dust
Utsuho Reiuji - Tirek

Byakuren Hijiri - Cadence
Nue Houjuu - Sombra

I may be coming back around, or at least reaching the point where, even if I'm not a big fan of the newer seasons, I can enjoy what was there before.
Maybe I'll drop off the face of FIMfiction for a while yet (it's pretty busy IRL at the moment) but I want to see if I can't get back to working on Of Responsibility, The Atlantis Scenario, Contrast, and The Shore Of Infinity.

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