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    S9E26 - The Last Problem


    In a distant future, Princess Twilight Sparkle attempts to solve a student's friendship problem.

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    S9E24-25 - The Ending of the End


    24 - A villainous alliance unleashes their power on Equestria.
    25 - The Mane Six face off against Equestria's most dangerous foes.

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    S9E23 - The Big Mac Question


    Without telling each other, Big McIntosh and Sugar Belle have devised unorthodox methods to propose marriage.

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    S9E22 - Growing Up Is Hard To Do


    When the Cutie Mark Crusaders are magically transformed into grownups,they discover that growing up the right way means gaining experience and wisdom that simply can’t be rushed.

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    S9E21 - Daring Doubt


    When another author releases his own version of the events in AK Yearling’s Daring Do books, Rainbow Dash is furious, while Fluttershy is curious to know the truth.

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    S9E20 - A Horse Shoe In


    Starlight decides to hire a Vice Headmare in preparation to take over the School of Friendship from Twilight. But she soon realizes that hiring the right pony for the job is going to be a lot harder than she thought.

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    S9E19 - Dragon Dropped


    Rarity worries she’s done something to upset Spike when he stops making time for her.

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    S9E18 - She Talks To Angel


    When Fluttershy and Angel Bunny's relationship hits the skids, Zecora gives them a potion to help them understand each other.

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    S9E17 - The Summer Sun Setback


    Twilight is determined to make Celestia and Luna's last Summer Sun Celebration memorable, but things start going horribly wrong.

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    S9E16 - A Trivial Pursuit


    Twilight's hopes of keeping her Trivia Trot winning streak alive are waylaid when she's unexpectedly paired up with Pinkie Pie, who has never been to a trivia night before.

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Episode Discussion » S7E10 - A Royal Problem · 10:10am May 20th, 2017


Starlight Glimmer is sent to solve a friendship problem between Princess Celestia and Princess Luna; when it's clear that the problem is that the royal sisters don't appreciate one another, Starlight impulsively switches their cutie marks!

Comments ( 261 )

This is the episode that has me a bit worried. The Sisters not appreciating each other, even though you'd think a millennia apart BECAUSE OF THAT EXACT SAME THING would have, yaknow, meant they know better. Glimmer being impulsive, again, despite seeming to have learned otherwise.

It has the potential to be great...but also terrible...

Freaky Friday!

Let's see how much hate Glimmy gets this time

This episode is copying an existing fanfiction.

Locky #5 · May 20th, 2017 · · 7 ·

Another glimglam episode, yay!
Everyone loves her, and everyone loves forgiving her. When she messes up. When she messes up by doing the exact same thing she did before. But it's okay we're going to do as if nothing happened because she'll learn an important lesson about friendship!

*sighs* Why send those criminal scumbag when the Princess of Friendship can do her job better? Looks like MLP are getting worse and stupid

Thanks for showing me what an utter fuck-up Starlight is, show! Ye gods...

AKA MrJ #8 · May 20th, 2017 · · 1 ·

Celestia and Luna don't appreciate each other. Already there's a problem. How can you get away with this idea? Although sending the one who will panic and go to extremes, that's just funny.

4539668 I agree. Why isn't the Princess of Friendship dealing with this, even if the synopsis is questionable? Hey, we'll let the mind controlling, cutie mark stealing 'reformed' villain take care of it, because she's Twilight's replacement!
4539679 I don't love her. She's been shoehorned into the series, which has been slowly pushing other characters out. I do not like Starlight Glimmer. She's a ponified Chairman Mao. If she was so repentant, why is she using magic for mind control (last season) and swapping cutie marks (this upcoming episode)? She's no different from the villain who was stealing cutie marks in her first appearance. I get people like her. I just don't understand why, just like I don't understand why people voted for Trump. She is a terribly conceived character for kids to look up to.

I hope it's an episode for the Princesses, but I am afraid it's just going to be another padded Starlight Glimmer episode.


Well, this is going to be an utter trainwreck.

4539692 But Twi is already a princess. Rainbow Dash doesn't seem interested in being a princess. Sunset is in an alternative reality. While Fluttershy is content with her animal reserve. Who is best pony?

This: "⸮" is a sarcasm mark. I think you want one of them at the end of that statement.

Omg a royal sisters episode starring sun and moonbutt. Hooray!

Oh yeah, I was absolutely 100% sarcastic. I thought that was clear, I'll be clearer next time lol
I won't say I hate her, but she's worse than rarara at this point. And rarara is low, really low.
Worst part is how powerful she is. I don't mind her being dumb and that her social skills are abysmal, but the whole 'she's stronger than anything we've ever known until now, simply because she lost her filly crush...' yeah. No.
I don't even mind them trying to move away from the m6, but the way they're doing it is...

I'm not gonna say nuthin about the god emperor D.J.T. tho :^)

Well I can't find it on my keyboard :'(

I believe twiggy meant Starlight.
It's believable at this point. She's better at magic than the element of magic, so hey.

Can't wait to see her defeat the end season vilain just by blinking, or even better, by farting. That'll be great.

So am I the only one hoping that Luna understandably tosses Glimmer's ass into the Dungeon for Lèse-majesté and Glimmer's own Royal Patron is too much of a fucking doormat when it comes to other Royalty to get her out?



Also agreed.

Personally, I think the writers are starting to run out of ideas. Also, switching their Cutie Marks just goes to show that old habits die hard.

4539679 When has Starlight ever switched the cutiemarks of ponies? Youre thinking about twilight.
Starlight only gave her village a minor case of cutiepox like applebloom...
after stealing their cutiemark magic like tirek, but thats beside the point.

Also she was a dictator, like trixie and brainwashed ponies once or twice, like twilight that one time, but she never performed a cutiemark transplantation before.


Why isn't the Princess of Friendship dealing with this,

Because she's not an objective, neutral third party. There is to much potential emotional baggage with just how much she cares about Celestia's opinion as well how much Celestia cares for her for both sides to fully open up.

She's been shoehorned into the series,

No.. by the meaning of that term no. She was not forced in inadequately, every time she has shown up, and her entire arc make perfect, logical sense in 'verse as to why she has been where she is for every ep, so no shoehorning.

If she was so repentant, why is she using magic for mind control

Because that wasn't what she meant to do, the spell ended up more powerful then intended. On top of that, panic, desperation, and, oh right, not being perfect. Again it made perfect sense in context why she acted the way she did.

and swapping cutie marks

You can see the future to know the complete context and all facts around this know precisely what happens?

I just don't understand why,

because she is an interesting, compelling, very realistically written character that is legitimately trying to overcome her past, yet struggles constantly to improve, while backsliding in methods, keeping true in spirit and intent, while also presenting a new viewpoint and variable to add to stories to see how things alter or change with her around to create new possibilities for stories and character development.

She is a terribly conceived character for kids to look up to.

1. What facts about her are 'terribly conceived' and do not make logical sense in 'verse?
2. Yes because you can't EVER have any character that isn't perfect? So don't 'look up' to her. You are judging her based on things that have nothing to do with who she is.

4539679 Gee it's almost like... ponies aren't cynical assholes and actually work to understand and forgive over pointless endless harping about the past.
4539668 Except they never really had a chance to deal with the underlying issues. Luna going nuts was when Tia really realized the issues were there and that bad, then she went away, time passed, she came back and all was forgiven, but in their emotional rush and joy of being reunited, when would they have actually directly dealt with the issues? They'd have been to overjoyed, now that things are calming down, and they've had years together, it's natural that old habits would start to creep in, things they never dealt with, and now neither side really wants to bring up, Luna for fear of it seeming like she's ungrateful or slipping, Celestia for fear of alienating Luna.

And odds are it isn't a major thing, just small, growing issues that are better dealt with early. But we won't know the details for a few more hours.

4539745 Sorry, but I do not agree with your opinion. Starlight has become a polarizing character. People either like her or hate her. I don't like her and I haven't seen her do anything to make her likable.

4539715 I agree with most what said but Starlight swapping marks is different taking them. Starlight is making celestia and luna do the 'walk a mile my shoes' thing.Even though the problem doesn't make sense to me...Celestia had to raise and lower the sun and moon for 1000 years. So shouldn't she know what it is like to to be in luna's position already?

This episode will have my undivided attention.

4539751 only 'polarizing' because one group seems bound and determined to hate her no matter what beyond all logic and rationality.

4539752 They do more then just raise and lower the sun/moon.

Luna's dreamwalking for example. As well as all the other potential stuff that comes within each of their spheres of influence.

....goddamit, Starlight.

4539757 Very true. Same can be said for people who are bound and determined to love her no matter what beyond all logic and rationality.

4539763 Yeah, don't see any of those.. seen plenty of logical, rationale, based on facts reason to like her based on simple facts.

Yet to see the other side as it ends up being nothing but twisting or ignoring any facts that don't fit the 'she sucks' narrative, while over emphasizing and cherry picking any small flaw they can find and ignoring the context around it.

Oh you're right, changing them with equal signs isn't the same as exchanging them, at all! I mean, obviously, it's wrong to do one but totally fine to do the other one! On your princesses, no less!
Absolutely not the same moral of the story. You know the whole 'don't mess with other people's fate/cutie marks/whole identities/literally anything without asking first.'
But like I said, it's okay, she's the main character so we can forgive her now :^)

What? That's some projection right there. Is this pseudo misanthropy I smell?
There's a big, big, big ladder between being cynical and 'assholes' and actually forgiving anyone over anything because they said sorry. Even tho they do it again. Then they do something even more stupid. And then they do it again.
I'm sorry Anon, but Starlight is shit.

4539770 You are not going to change my mind. Let's agree to disagree and leave it at that.

I've watched the same episodes as you have and just don't see what you see. It's perspectives. Not everyone is going to see or interpret the same thing. I'm sorry you're not happy I don't see what you see. I'm just as informed as you are in terms of the characters and their presentation in the show. I'm allowed to have my own thoughts and reflections as to the meanings behind the episodes and the characters within them. I agree with a lot of the things that happen in the show, like some episodes others don't. It's not that Starlight Glimmers sucks, it's that she is a terribly conceived character put in because new material on the original cast was running out. The context I see is different from what other people see. I see an OP OC inserted with everyone expected to accept her with open arms.

I get why people like her and I'm fine with that. I only hope to have the same respect extended to people who don't like her. Not everyone is going to see her the same way. People are different. Not everyone sees the same movie and has the same opinion on that movie. I do not like the ideology she had clung to, which meant taking away what made individuals unique so everyone was the same. I'm all for equality and opportunity for all, but when you create a character that takes away all the things that makes a single person unique from the person they're standing next to, I have a problem with the concept of that character being a role model. It all goes back to the old phrase 'you never get a second chance to make a first impression'.

Starlight Glimmer failed to impress me with her oppressing the wills and dreams of other ponies, while she still held herself above them because being like them did not suit her goals. People in our own history tried doing that. We ended up having a world war because of that.

4539775 First off you know for a hard, objective provable fact she didn't ask? Or are you simply speculating for the sake of being a cynical twat?

Beyond that, yes, yes, ad hominum attacks, truly showing you have a single solitary legit leg to stand on, how about some, you know, actual proof to back any of that up? Facts? That aren't distorted and taken fully out of context.

Also, there is a difference, intent. It's not the what, it's the why, that is what matters (to an extent yes). Also why Starlight is 'forgiven' because they understand the intent, the why, and realize what was going on. Actually dealing with it rationally rather then mindless 'waaaaaahhh she bad!'

>ad hominems
But you're the one that insulted me, or worse, my entire species first Anon.

And, no, the arguments you give me is literal intellectual masturbation. She did bad things, she was forgiven.
She keeps messing up, and again, and again. And she doesn't do any good to make up for it, no, no, instead she does the same mistakes, again!

>you don't know if she didn't ask
No, but that's heavily implied by, 'She impulsively exchanged their cutie marks'

I mean you can put thumbs down all you want too Anon, you're not on reddit lol

4539776 And all that was wrong, her whole.. everything was about realizing that and overcoming it. Which yes, is something worth seeing emulated and serving as a good example, being willing to change, to grow, to see when you are wrong and struggle to improve yourself, while also being realistic enough to show.. it's not easy, and people can and will backslide from time to time.

it's like hating Sunset Shimmer for everything she did in EQG 1 and ignoring the amazing character she's become.. because EQG Sunset really was kind of shit and just horribly written to be a total idiot. But that didn't even have a point, RR on Sunset is pretty much a wholly different character. Where as Starlight we see slowly change into who she is now.

Yeah as a villain Starlight was evil, wrong, and yet, even then, her intent was to help ponies. She truly believed in what she was saying, as irrational as that was. Which is way better then sunset who... was just an angry bitch because she was angry and liked being a controlling alpha bitch. But that's not who she is anymore. Either of them.

Also, if you don't like her.. fine. That does happen, it's the ones screaming and yelling and never shutting up about how horrible she is for no reason beyond what boils down to "I DON'T LIKE CHANGE!" that I'm sick and tired of.

4539782 Hmmm... *looks*... yeah.. not sure who this random person you are talking to is, also, still waiting on any of those hard facts or logical reasons that prove a single one of your points.

The whole middle part... yeah pretty spot on blind starlight hate 101. Ignore anything like facts, context.. over simplify things till it looks like what you want while ignoring it is out right false due to the stripped away facts and context. Try better.

Oh, you're that kind of guy. Good to know :^)

4539788 Relies on actual facts, logic and reality as opposed to blind, irrational 'waaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!' to ignore anything that doesn't meet what I want realty to be? Yup.

4539787 Nah nowhere near to half, they just make a lot of whiny noise that makes them seem bigger.

So much vitriol such wow.

Having not seen the episode (I'm waiting for Netflix :P) and caring naught for arguments on the internet, I'm just here to say that gif is quite possibly the best thing ever.

Who the heck thought that this was a great idea? A large portion of the fandom is already very concerned about Starlight and her use of magic in potentially harmful ways, and now this? I guess I overestimate just how much the powers that be care about some people's opinions, but I think that this is a terrible idea. It once again demonstrates Starlight's incredible power, and lack of judgement. Not even the princesses have demonstrated the ability to change cutie marks. It makes one wonder just what limits, if any, Starlight has. And I was actually starting to like her.


I guess I overestimate just how much the powers that be care about some people's opinions,

Yeah, it's almost like they don't care of a rather small fraction of people irrationally hate her for little to no good reason.

As to the rest.. who cares, this isn't DBZ, power levels don't mean shit. Furthermore, there is "not able to" and "not willing to".

Locky #39 · May 20th, 2017 · · 15 ·

She's a sociopath.
A sociopathic Mary Sue.

4539802 Well that is just factually wrong in every way simply based on the very definition of those two terms alone.

4539802 You are aware those two terms don't go together?

Kek, the level of butthurt over best pony is unreal. :rainbowlaugh:

I don't know how to call overpowered characters 'that did nothing wrong' and that doesn't feel emotions, going as far as not even noticing transforming her 'friends' in zombies, sorry :^)

4539814 I never said Starlight did nothing wrong. She does do things wrong sometimes, but she always realizes her mistakes in the end.

As for "she doesn't feel emotions", did you miss the part in "All Bottled Up" where Starlight said her magic was powered by her emotions (and spent most of the episode trying to contain her anger)?

If she sees the problem and asks them to try switching their talents because they don't appreciate the other, then fine - that's a good idea. If she doesn't, and goes messing with ponies' cutie marks without their permission, then that's not fine - it just shows how little she's apparently learned, and begs the question of why ponies keep forgiving her for making the exact same mistake over and over again, especially when she's messing with their minds and special talents. And given the episode description says she did it "impulsively"...

4539814 Pretty much what 4539816 said.

Also 'overpowered' is also outright false, as at no point has her magic been the solution to the conflict, and quite often is the opposite.

'Overpowered' is a relative term.

Oh, no don't worry that part was more towards the other guy. Also, it was to compare her to Hitler, but that's a meme so it's okay if you didn't get it.

Oh you're right, that also explains how she's so powerful!
She's so angry and full of hate but still finds a way to contain it all without killing anyone.
I mean, she's trying her best to kill people, but she doesn't so it's okay.

No, I'm joking and hyperbolizing at this point, but it's funny tho. Of course she has emotions, my problem with her is how she shows it.
Also that she needs Twilight to explain it to her whenever she fucks up, while spike, a baby dragon, could see it by himself.
And we'll see how this episode turns out, but we can all already expect her to fuck up even more, and do the exact same mistake she did in the first place.
So... yeah. No.

4539798 "Not even the princesses have demonstrated the ability to change cutie marks."

Factually incorrect. In Twilight's Kingdom, when they gave up their magic, their cutie marks were gone. Twilight kept her cutie mark, so when she got the other princesses' magic she didn't get their marks (the only time we've seen multiple cutie marks on a pony was as a disease, in The Cutie Pox). But presumably if ponies swapped their magic, their cutie marks would switch. Magical Mystery Cure gives support for this.

Actually, consider the possibility that this episode will resolve like Magical Mystery Cure. What will make me very upset is if Starlight is the one to fix the situation with her magic, after having been prevented from doing so by mere hi jinks; what would be better is if the Sisters come to an epiphany and fix themselves, like Twilight's friends did.

Yes. But you shouldn't have said that, now you're going to get red thumbs :'(

4539745 "Because she's not an objective, neutral third party. There is to much potential emotional baggage with just how much she cares about Celestia's opinion as well how much Celestia cares for her for both sides to fully open up."

This I have to object to. What isn't needed here, in terms of the show's ideology, isn't an objective, neutral third party. Even in real life, ADR's highly overrated. It's a dear and mutual friend with a well-developed sense of equity, which is exactly what Twilight is (see Luna Eclipsed and Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep, as well as To Where and Back Again for her connection to Luna). Twilight's relationship to Luna isn't the same as it is with Celestia, she doesn't idolize Luna the way she does Celestia, but it is deep and real. This is important not just for the mere logic of the situation, but for the story possibilities. To Starlight, the sisters are virtual strangers, which limits the emotional stakes that can be played with. For her, the follow-on events to switching their marks must create exactly the same emotions that, say, losing the map table did in All Bottled Up: fear of being found out and punished. We've seen that. Twilight genuinely cares for both sisters' wellbeing, and even if she was tempted to side with one over the other, at least that would be a genuine emotional dilemma.

Oh well. She at least has episodes this season, even if the the grand episodes she would have gotten in earlier seasons, when she was allowed to be larger than life, have been given to Starlight these days.

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