• Member Since 21st Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago


Writer, reviewer, creator of Filly Fantasy VI, occasional PMV maker, and uploader of mildly amusing image macros to Derpibooru. https://www.patreon.com/drakeyc

More Blog Posts1516

  • 11 weeks
    There ARE Horsewords Happening

    I've begun the next chapter, though early into it.

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  • 14 weeks
    Friends with Ponies

    Twilight and Sunset:

    Twilight: "Hey Rarity, can I borrow your hair curler, I can't find mine."
    Rainbow: *eyes widen*

    Pinkie: "Oh my god, I just thought you guys were doing it, I didn't know you were in love!"

    Shining Armor: "What? No, no no no...what are you doing? GET OFF MY SISTEEEEEEEEER!"

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    0 comments · 162 views
  • 16 weeks

    My thanks to Malcharion for pushing me to the milestone :D

    8 comments · 123 views
  • 16 weeks
    Revised Harmony Spirits

    I wanted a full set of these with proper art, so with permissions from mauroz, here they are. A couple effects have been tweaked to be consistent with modern vernacular in the card game and for my own better understanding of card design and balancing, and I also added a new "Tier 1.5" form for Twilight so she can have her own Fusion outside the ace monster, and finally added Sunset as a

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    5 comments · 191 views

Episode Review - S7E11 Not Asking For Trouble · 5:06pm May 21st, 2017

Yaks Episode II: Prince Rutherford Is Still Full Of Crap.

That's about it. The yaks are less annoying but Rutherford is still a dick. Also, episode was boring. And for a Pinkie Pie episode, that's unforgiveable. The yaks simply aren't funny.

I'm not even sure what the point of this episode was. I thought they were going for the angle that the other yaks disagree with Rutherford and his pride is jeopardizing their wellbeing, but nope. Help a friend out even if they indicate repeatedly they don't want your help, because really they just don't want to swallow their pride and ask for help even though they need it. What kind of moral is that?

Yak episode fail. Yaks not funny or interesting. Drakey ask that yaks not come back for season 8. Or ever.

Comments ( 4 )

Yaks are one note. Yaks not good at music.

Yeah, not too fond of the Yaks, either. About the only place I found them worth using was the Shining Armor/Prince Blueblood comic. At least there the Yaks were just the setting and not the focus.

This episode made me WANT to yak. :pinkiesick:

Author Interviewer

I wish I could smash this fucking episode.

But on the briht side we got to see alicorn twilight using earth pony magic for the first time!

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