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Flim, Flam, and the Little Lost Apple Scam starting today · 6:48pm Jun 1st, 2017

In honor of Wonder Woman's movie, I'm going to start posting Flim, Flam, and the Little Lost Apple Scam today, one chapter per day, until all eleven chapters are up. By the way, this fic was inspired at least in part by Bookplayer's A Flim Flam Family Affair. Well worth the read. Now, onward!

Behold, our Mistress Mare-velous in her alter-ego as she faces off against the forces of spilled foal formula and deceit.

Um... Oops. Minor problem. Go ahead and enjoy the show anyway.
(Bon Bon! You put those back right now! If AJ see you playing with them, she's gonna tan your hide!)

On a side-note, this makes five of the six main characters that I've shipped. Only one left.

Comments ( 10 )

I'm not sure how I feel about Wonder Bon Bon. :rainbowderp:

What's for Rarity, Bluebood and belligerent sexual tension?

4554965 "Applejack! I can't believe you would say something like that about me." Rarity clucked her tongue and shook her head. "After all, Blueblood and I are bonding."

"Um, Sugarcube?" Applejack took a second look at the tied-up stallion in the middle of the Carousal Boutique's floor and the way he tried to make noise around the gag stuck in his mouth. "Ah don't think that's bonding, I think that's bondage."

"Po-tay-to, po-tah-to," said Rarity, pushing Applejack backward toward the door. "We're just exchanging a few bits of playful banter, talking about old times. Now, run along, please. And don't worry about me." Rarity's smile would not have looked out of place on a shark. "Blueblood and I are getting along just smashingly."

4554990 *Sees Rarity's smile* Hmm, I think Guardians of the Galaxy sums it up best:

"There's a little bit of pee coming out of me right now." -- Peter Quill/Star Lord

I'm perfectly okay with Lyra being a test pilot who crash-lands on the mystical earth pony kingdom of Themyscarob.

4555055 Ah, but Mistress Mare-velous is from (per the Wiki)

Enterplay trading card PP2, a Power Ponies card of Mistress Mare-velous, gives her the description, "Hailing from the ancient lost city of Alfalfis, Mistress Mare-velous is here to save the day! Every filly of Alfalfis is born with super strength, but the island's elders wish to remain secret from the rest of the world. Mistress Mare-velous believes their powers should not be hidden, but used for good, so she fled to aid the citizens of Maretropolis. She is psychically connected to her lasso, and it obeys her every command. The other Power ponies know when the going gets tough, Mistress Mare-velous has got their back!"

Fascinating, though I'll note that Bonbon is clearly dressed as an Amarezonian princess and not an Alfalfean. Who do you think she is, Aquamare?

4555069 Aquamare... also known as a sea-pony. ☺️

I thought Wonder Mare was played by Linda Cart-er?

In the new movie she's played by Gallop Vardo.

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