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The Bridge: Alternate Timeline, just for fun · 9:29pm Jun 5th, 2017

One big part about making the Amalgam’verse was fusing so many different franchises and timelines together and asking the numerous “What If?”s that ensued due to these once separate stories now sharing continuity. What happens to the Millennium age films now that Godzilla Junior is the “Godzilla” in their title? What happens to Mothra Lea’s history and parentage now that another Mothra had emerged years prior? What happens now that Kaizer Ghidorah, Grand King Ghidorah, DesGhidorah, and the Futurian Ghidorah now all exist in the same universe and how are they correlated?

And the bigger the timeline, the more shifts that could happen if just a few small changes occurred. Here’s a few I’ve seen proposed by both readers and my own speculations.

#1 - What if Godzilla Junior’s egg ended up on Infant Island instead of Adona Island? - 1990s

????? - A female Godzillasaurus begins to swim northward to find a place to lay her egg. She’s irradiated, though not mutated, and the radiation has weakened her as it warped the infant growing in her egg. She is just starting out towards the Bering Sea but gets spooked by a passing submarine. She instead turns south and lets the current carry her to the southern Pacific. On Birth Island she lays a single egg near a place she can smell more eggs, guessing there is a nest nearby but she is too weak to find it. She returns to the sea to rest as unbeknownst to her, two of the three Shobijin sisters named Moll and Lora observe the egg.

1989-1991 - The events that Godzilla partook in such as fighting his ‘daughter’ Biollante and then the artificial King Ghidorah proceed as normal.

1992 - Knowing more lies beyond the island, Mothra’s egg hatches early. In response, the godzillasaur’s egg hatches upon exposure to the magical energy of the faeries and Mothra like how he did when coaxed by the psychic children singing in the main timeline. Thus instead of Azusa, the baby imprints on the faeries and Mothra. Sensing the little one’s gentle nature and not having previously encountered Godzilla, the faeries warm up to the little one quickly and help raise him. Mothra awakening early, however, causes Battra to reincarnate several weeks early and he along with his shobijin herald, Moll and Lora’s estranged sister Belvera, attack Infant Island.

Mothra fights hard to protect her faeries and the island as Moll and Lora dogfight Belvera on their mounts to keep Belvera from hurting the baby dinosaur out of petty spite or the G-Force staff sent to investigate the island. The young dinosaur even swallows his meek nature for a moment and swats Belvera’s fairy-battra mount out of the air with his tail after Lora got knocked off. G-Force calls in back-up and the combination of a more scrappy Mothra, on account of protecting her faeries, the humans, and the baby dinosaur directly, and the military manages to force Battra back. For their safety, Moll and Lora along with their saurian ward are taken to Japan but kept right next to the harbor so Mothra can keep an eye on them. A certain lumber company tries to hire the three in as publicity stunts, even trying to kidnap at one point; but the attempt is foiled by their G-Force bodyguards led by Lieutenant Koji and Ozaki. Moll and Lora meanwhile continue to care for the infant dinosaur along with some volunteered help from Kyoto Institute of Biotechnics, befriending a kindly young biologist named Azusa Gojo.

Needing a name for the young dinosaur, especially after the shobijin reveal they know he’s sapient, it’s proposed to call him “Godzilla Junior”. However, the Shobijin and Azusa highlight how the youngster is gentle as a lamb, not at all like that namesake. Still, partially as a joke, Kazuma Aoki calls him “Minilla” (Mini-Zilla) which Moll and Lora find amusing. They shift the name some, christening their ward as “Minya”.

Mothra cocoons peacefully on a beach.

As per canon, the meteor lands and wakes up Godzilla, who is similarly spurred by an unknown force to kill both Mothra and Battra. Battra also metamorphoses early and heads for Kyoto. Much like in the canon, a three-way battle ensues as Mothra emerges from her cocoon to defend her faeries, Minya, and the humans. Eventually, Mothra and Battra set aside their differences to stop Godzilla, Belvera joining her sisters in a trio-song to energize their guardians. However, Battra still dies in the effort and re-ignites Belvera’s bitterness as she thinks her sisters and Mothra set up the dangerous act of expelling the force controlling Godzilla instead of just killing him in a bid to get Battra killed.

Informed of the oncoming meteor, Mothra goes to stop it but Moll and Lora stay on Terra to watch over Minya on Infant Island.

1993 - Without Minya accidentally calling out to Godzilla psychically or Radon seeing Minya as its sibling, the events of “Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla 2” never happen. Mechagodzilla is constructed but never destroyed. Azusa Gojo dates and in later years marries Kazuma Aoki, having met the year prior. Radon continues to live on peacefully on Adona Island, studied by scientists.

1994 - As Minya continues to grow, Mothra worries for her ward and hurries her pace. Having gone into space earlier than in canon, she finds the same warp hole Xenilla would use and manages to get back to Terra just in time for Xenilla to arrive on Infant Island. Xenilla and the 30 meters tall, toddler age Minya curiously regard each other, a peaceful interaction observed by Moll and Lora before Xenilla departs to find Godzilla. Sensing his malign intent, Mothra follows him. Xenilla engages his father in a battle on the seafloor but is forced off by Mothra’s arrival and running low on power. He sets up a fortress in a Japanese city, spurring G-Force to send Mechagodzilla and the Garuda after “Astrogodzilla” as G-Force has dubbed Xenilla. While the mecha and the aircraft do a commendable job holding off Xenilla, they’re not as powerful or heavily armored as M.O.G.U.E.R.A. was and it’s only because Mothra shows up to help that they aren’t destroyed outright. Though Mothra is informed by her faeries that Xenilla had previously demonstrated curious docility around Minya and tries to speak with him, she is forced to fight to stop his destruction on account of the damage he caused the city. Godzilla catches up and a 3v1 ensues, the odds evening some more when Mechagodzilla and Garuda, having another years worth of upgrades, fuse into Super Mechagodzilla.

Still, without M.O.G.U.E.R.A.’s burrowing ability and spiral grenades, it’s a much harder fight to critically harm Xenilla. Eventually, though they do manage to, but at the cost of great harm to Godzilla, Super Mechagodzilla being damaged beyond repair; and Mothra literally tackling and flying Xenilla into the moon before sealing him in it. She returns to Infant Island to heal as G-Force begins work on a new mecha. Not lacking the company he had in the canon timeline, Minya never departs Infant Island to train under King Kong on Skull Island like Junior did.

1995 - Having to rest at the radioactive Birth Island to heal, Godzilla is caught in the explosion and enters his meltdown state. Destroyah also emerges as per canon and goes on a rampage. But instead of Minya confronting her, it’s the new G-Force mecha, M.O.G.U.E.R.A. Far more powerful than Destroyah’s aggregate and flight form, the fight goes much quicker and things seem better until Godzilla shows up. With no Junior to have reigned him in over the years, he’s still just as enraged at humanity and his meltdown is causing him to go berserk. M.O.G.U.E.R.A. manages to hold ground for a time but is getting overpowered even when Mothra shows up to help. Fortunately or unfortunately, Destroyah emerges in her final form and goes on the attack; at first disabling M.O.G.U.E.R.A. before a stray blast from the rampaging Godzilla spurs her wrath.

Destroyah and Godzilla lay into each other like a typhoon fighting a volcano. The freezing weapon armada arrives and helps contain the battle, firing upon both as they brutalize one another; until Destroyah takes critical damage from the intense heat and freezing weapons causing thermal shock. M.O.G.U.E.R.A.’s main pilot, Lt. Koji ejects the rest of his crew and flies the mecha into the kaiju; firing all weapon systems at once one last time. The resulting explosion kills Destroyah, save for a single fragment broken off earlier in the fight; but M.O.G.U.E.R.A. is destroyed and the crew is awarded the Japanese Red Medal of Honor, Lt. Koji receives it posthumously.

With all freezer weapons directed at Godzilla, his pain is eased and he dies from his meltdown; but without destroying the world. Tokyo is rendered irradiated, but Mothra uses sealing magic over the following months to gather up and contain Godzilla’s ejected energy into a mana ball she takes with her to stash on Infant Island for safe keeping. Exhausted, wounded, and pregnant, Mothra retires to her island to lay her egg.

1996 - Minya passively absorbs some of the radiation through the mana ball over time and grows to start approaching his teenage stage, helping keep watch over his resting protector and often spending time curled up against his “sister’s” egg. Seeing no more purpose in her life with Battra dead and wanting revenge on both Mothra and humanity, on account of making Godzilla, Belvera helps to release the ancient dragon, DesGhidorah. Mothra still weakened from her battles and egg laying, goes off to confront him knowing she likely won’t survive. Despite Moll and Lora trying to stop him, Minya goes off to try and help just as the egg hatches. Mothra, losing the battle, is saved by the arrival of her children, Minya and a grub aged Mothra Lea attacking DesGhidorah. However, DesGhidorah is far too powerful for the youngsters, forcing the panicking mother Mothra to grab Minya and Lea to retreat; shot in the back by DesGhidorah.

They crash into the ocean off of Infant Island, sharing a conversation where Mothra Senior makes her ward and child swear to protect the planet and each other before slipping into a coma. However, because Minya is there as well; he and Lea actually manage to succeed in keeping their mother/mother figure above water and get to the island. She’s still in a coma, but alive. Cocooning herself on the mana tree, Lea matures into her adult form and manages to defeat DesGhidorah.

1997- Mothra Lea fights a sea monster named Dagahra as the long lost Mu island chain emerges from the sea, a still growing Minya rushing in to help his sister after she’s temporarily knocked out of commission by her foe. He holds off Dagahra while Lea receives a blessing from the island temple, getting her rainbow power-up and saving her brother. However unlike in canon, while Lea does reseed the island with beautiful plant-life, Minya doesn’t choose to settle on them like Junior did and instead returns to Infant Island with Lea. Belvera is snapped out of her death seeking by her sisters during the conflict, and seeing Lea is Battra’s daughter, agrees to drop her feud out of respect for him; but she remains on her own by her choice.

1998 - A creature at first mistaken for Godzilla and later dubbed 'Zilla' attacks New York City before it's brought down by jets. It's single surviving egg hatches into a friendlier, but much stronger offspring, Zilla Junior, who befriends humanity after being raised under their watch.

Back in Asia, the demonic dragon from old, the true Grand King Ghidorah returns and begins to cause mass devastation to feed off of the death and fear. In a maniacal streak, he creates a dome of dark energy and teleports thousands of children into it to feed off their life force. Mothra Lea and Minya confront him together, not going through a scuffle like their prime counterparts did at first. However, with Minya not training under Kong yet nor being completely grown due to only passively absorbing radiation rather than getting Junior’s growth spurt, he’s not powerful enough to even the odds in the first battle like Junior did. The siblings are forced back to regroup and come up with a plan. Belvera rejoins her sisters, helping to snap a mind-controlled Lora out of killing Moll and aids in the plan. Lea cracks open the mana sphere her mother made to let Minya absorb all of Godzilla’s energy to grow to his full power. Together with the three shobijin, he holds off King Ghidorah just long enough for Lea to time travel to the past and kills the dragon in his youth.

She succeeds, but is badly wounded; sealed away by the first Mothra and Battra along with their protector. She emerges in the modern day in her new armored form and saves Minya, killing Grand King Ghidorah for good. Mothra Lea, stronger but unused to her new form, takes some much-needed rest to get used to her new powers. Wanting to grow strong like his sister while she recuperates, Minya goes off to find his own teacher and promises his tiny mothers he’d return soon.

Comments ( 20 )

Wow, that's quite the interesting backstory you managed to make in that timeline. It seems Junior is more pacific compared to his other self, especially with his interaction with Xenilla. Still, it's surprising to see that Lea becomes powerful enough to kill the Guidorah's and that she and Junior manage to keep Mothra Senior from dying. The fact that Xenilla requires more opponents to be defeated and that the humans had to improve their mechs was interesting. I wonder if the Final Wars would have had a different result with Xenilla not controlling the Mutations or if Xenilla would have been a kind guy from the start.

Nice alternate timeline.

I especially like the change that Mothra Senior remains alive, though it’s a question of whether or not Xenilla being sealed away is a plus or a minus long term. On one hand, he and Junior don’t have the strained relationship they did prior, on the other hand, it also means that he’s not around to keep the Mutations in check.

I recall my purposed alternate timeline were DesGhidorah was magically bound to be a Guardian Monster during his imprisonment and thus must help the good guys whether he wants to or not, but haven’t gone in too deep into thought on it at present.

I wonder what KG would've thought upon meeting his Futurian counterpart? Irritated by another knockoff?

What if King hadn't invaded Xilian or decided to attack Terra a few decades early?

What if Xenilla never attacked his father?

What if DesGhidorah never got sealed or killed?

How long does it take you to come up with this stuff?

It is great.

What if Zilla’s babies survived the explosion😮

The loss of life may be more drastic, but the canon side story of the Bridge from the human side also shows that even the likes of Megaguirus can be killed by the humans if they put their mind to it, and she’s quite strong among the mutants. The list of mutants consists of either strong kaiju with an enormous glass jaw who’d fall easily to specialized weaponry(Barugon, Destoroyah, Dagahra) or just general chump change who could be overpowered by mechas(Zedus, Gaira, Agon). The only ones who don’t fit the bill are Obsidius and Krystalak, however Obsidius would end up reformed without Xenilla’s intervention anyway and be able to assist in taking care of his brother.

It’d be ugly and nasty, but the world would survive the mutants unless a bigger, nastier one shows up during the new chaos caused by rushing to defeat them.


The main threat the Mutations posed was numbers and sporadic appearances. They showed up principally before the GDF had even rebuilt and resumed their mech programs, meaning the GDF itself was “chump change” to them. Even then, many Mutations would have marauded around in packs, potentially overwhelming most of the mecha (recall most mechs aren’t very good melee fighters) or some Defenders with numbers. Even the weaker Mutations still have gimmicks that can make them extremely dangerous to take on or would cause colossal amounts of damages/loss of life if engaged. Agon isn’t the best fighter getting killed by Raiga (whom I will note is still one of the most powerful Defenders), but his fire abilities literally mean you can’t let him near a city or he’d light it up into a firestorm within an hour. Even specialized weapons meant to exploit a weakness don’t guarantee victory, as Destroyah and Barugon both didn’t die from the weapons alone but because another kaiju was wailing on them in their movies (Des due to thermal shock from Godzilla, whom inflicted more visible damage than the freeze weapons; and Barugon because Gamera stepped in after an outright failure to kill it with weapons).

And for as well planned as the take down on Megaguirus was, do remember it was only possible with a super-weapon (the Super-X3) which was destroyed in the effort. Otherwise the mission would have been a disastrous failure. While the modern GDF arsenal is quite powerful, it was only possible because Xenilla’s planning and the Defender’s actions meant the Mutations didn’t just simply overwhelm the humans.

so tl;dr - It’s less a factor of can the humans kill any of the Mutations without the Defenders, it’s more how many Pyrrhic victories can the GDF score before it runs out of toys?

4560399 That was what I thought.

Of course this universe also has an additional Mothra and an even MORE benevolent Junior, who lacks any bad blood for his brother should he escape from his prison. But all nails have both positives and negatives after all.

I never knew Godzilla lore was so deep.

I think I need to finally read your story. Don't know why I've been putting it off.

Tis mostly because I combine the core continuities into one setting, using the 1980s-1990s “Heisei Saga” as the base, which already had a lot of lore. This was because it had the most rigid continuity, where the last movie or movie prior’s events would directly influence the one following. From there I added in both the events of the Rebirth of Mothra trilogy that took place in the last 1990s and the 2000s Millennium anthology; which film wise were in a separate canon.

This timeline should help ;)

What I did here was take an element from the Amalgam timeline and shifted it, then saw how things would change afterwards.

Indeed. The cost of the nails so far are
-Lt. Koji is dead, robbing G-Force and later the GDF of one of its best pilots
-The Super-X3 was never built
-Minya isn’t as strong or experienced as Main timeline!Godzilla Junior due to lack of training and growing slower

A very nice alternate Universe. And i do kinda like how it’s basically all a retelling of the Heisi era, in its own right. Right down to Lea traveling back in time to kill Cretaceous Ghidorah, fail, and then reemerge in the present in her armored form to kill the Grand King for good. One less monster for Bagan to use in THIS universe, now. I’ve actually got something similar planned out for The Kaiju Chronicles, but it’s cool i‘m not the first who thought of the ROM plotline. I mean, technically, you already did, but not like this here.:D

4560615 Makes sense.

Though on the positive Lea is Armored Mothra and GKG was actually killed off, so there’s that.

As for my ‘bound DesGhidorah’ timeline, the only immediate negative that comes to mind is Belvera’s mental state not handling DesGhidorah being physically incapable of doing what she wanted very well. Granted, in the main timeline Lea defeated him, but here it’s more of a failure as he can’t even do any damage at all. Granted, I don’t think she’d be desperate enough to awaken Bagan at that point, but she might do something desperate.

One thing that comes to mind is unleashing some Gyaos and perhaps somehow gaining some measure (however slight, perhaps even just pointing them in the right direction or keeping them from murdering each other) of them (since unlike DesGhidorah they’re nonsapient), giving them some degree of controlling consciousness they normally lack without Hyper being around. Not to mention probably having a higher human body count.

That would certainly be interesting: DesGhidorah being magically forced to team up with the two Mothras against a Gyaos flock.

It’s amazing how the beat of a butterfly can change so much.

Things like this reminds me of the timelines I’m working on. Though I kind of do what you do and the opposite at the same time.

I wonder about how would the timeline be different if instead of being defeated/killed/sealed away, some of the Kaijus end up in Equestria around the time of Stalwart Sentry/slightly before Season 1. Would be interesting to see Xenilla had to live amongst the ponies for years rather than hibernating in the moon.

So, Junior’s analogue would be weaker going forward in this timeline, whereas Lea would gain a form that can one-shot what may well be the strongest non-god tier Kaiju known to exist, GKG, the Planet Killer. Depending on what comes next, the future Defenders may well end up ahead.

Meanwhile, the GDF may have lost some major assets, but at the same time would have a very good reason to upgrade earlier. It’s likely the Super-X 3 would still end up being built, a new mecha would replace M.O.G.U.E.R.A., and Xenilla’s “children” likely would not be created. Further, while Humans would still distrust Xenilla, there’s nothing keeping him from joining the Defender faction since he never burned his bridges with Junior.

Depending on how things go from here, they may end up better, or they could be far worse....

What became of Belvera in the main timeline after Lea took down Desghidorah?

Pretty much same as events in the Rebirth Series. In Dagahra’s attack she was a bystander. In Grand King Ghidorah’s incursion she did reconcile with her sisters as well as assisting Lea out of respect for Lea being her master’s daughter. She still operates alone a lot, as she was away when the attack on Solgell happened. She still doesn’t like Junior too much since it was Junior’s dad who killed Battra.

In an alternate time line where Reijuu never transformed into Bagan, what would you envision fate having in store for Desghidorah once the latter’s sentence was over?

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