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I came, I saw, I got turned into a Brony. Tumblr link http://xeno-the-sharp-tongue.tumblr.com/

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The Bridge: Dance with me, Sensei! · 2:41am Jun 6th, 2017

Animation based off work by Wild Blue Fantasy

Mariner “Chibi” Moon tugged at her sensei, Godzilla Junior, by the hoof to lead him into the training room. But instead of Junior’s typical choice arrangement of targets, weight gear, and padding; she’d pushed that all to the side and had a music player set up next to a table.

“Come on, come on Sensei! I’mma teach you how to dance!”, she yelped eagerly and wagging her tail as she ran up to the music player.

Godzilla Junior just grunted, “....Nani?” (What?)

“Silly sensei! You wanna make good with Best Princess again after your stunt on Mako riiiiiiight? Well, mares love a good dance and I know one!”

“I... really don’t think that is going to work, Chibi.”

“Why not?”

“There are many things I have done. Dancing is not one of them in a long time.”

“So you have before?”

“Rodan got us all doing this one after we repelled King Ghidorah, we never spoke of it again. This won’t work.”

Chibi Moon let out an exaggerated groan, putting a hoof across her forehead as she set the music track up; “Awww pleeeease? I’m just to help only way I know how, Sensei. Unless you want to finally tell me more specifics about what those sea dames tried to do to yo-hmpgm!”

She was silenced by Junior, having rapidly closed the distance, muffling her mouth with his hoof as a bead of sweat dropped off his awkward looking face; “When you’re older!”

Chibi Moon shook her head and got free, putting the music track on to play and hopping up on the table so she’d be a bit shorter than Godzilla’s shoulder rather than so small she barely reached his elbow.

“Then hop to it, Sensei!”, she piped, chipper as always.

“If it’s that bad you’ll need every help you can get to get on Best Princess’ good side!”

Junior heard the song coming on, tilting his head at the upbeat, blaring melody, “I don’t know if this song is the right one. Sounds a bit too bouncy.”

“Naaaaah! It’s a favorite back in Neighpon, and the dance is really simple! Besides, if it’s in Neighpon it’s big back in Nippon too. SO you get a dance aaaaand can give Princess Luna a taste of home!”

“... Fine.”


Hours later and Princess Luna gave the both of them a quizzing look as the odd arrangement stood before her. Godzilla Junior couldn’t open his eyes, either apprehensive about something or, judging from his flopped ears, swallowing his pride over something embarrassing. Young Miss Mariner Moon however, looked like she was about to have the time of her life as she stood on a table with a wagging tail.

“Don’t worry Sensei, I got your back!”, she whispered as the music started.

Comments ( 27 )


Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend & Starving Venom Fusion Dragon: *bursts out laughing*

Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon: I...am horrified yet...I can’t stop watching... *to which, Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon slowly nods*

Clear Wing Synchro Dragon:: *bobs his head along to the catchy beat*

Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon: Hahaha! *joins in happily*

My reaction to the dance (start the video about 6-7 seconds after the one linked above):

Luna’s reaction next please?

I can’t choose between Junior secretly liking it, or whishing it to be over and done with. I might mix it up and say both.

Top kek! *Thumbs up with top hat*


no seriously


And when was this repelling of KG? Final Wars?

So did he do the showa victory dance on Terra?

Ahh those Mermares tried to bed him didn't they?

The image of a ponified Godzilla dancing with a tiny ponified version of Sailor Chibi Moon is both hysterical and adorable.

Chibi Moon let out an exaggerated groan, putting a hoof across her forehead as she set the music track up; “Awww pleeeease? I’m just to help only way I know how, Sensei. Unless you want to finally tell me more specifics about what those sea dames tried to do to yo-hmpgm!”

She was silenced by Junior, having rapidly closed the distance, muffling her mouth with his hoof as a bead of sweat dropped off his awkward looking face; “When you’re older!”

Can we please get the story behind this, I beg you!

“Rodan got us all doing this one after we repelled King Ghidorah, we never spoke of it again. This won’t work.”

Hmmmmm... :ajsmug:

You just love teasing us with Mako.

Okay, I'll be honest. I absolutely love this video. It shows off the best moments of the series and the image of a slightly embarrassed Junior dancing along an ecstatic Chibi Moon (who by the way is the cutest filly I've ever seen) simultaneously made me laugh and melted my heart. Also, the idea of Chibi making Junior dance to help him improve his relationship with Luna or make him tell her what the Mako girls tried to do to him was funny. I hope the next chapter comes soon because I want to see just how badly those gals did to make Junior embarrassed and Luna pissed. I also hope we learn just what exactly Luna thought about Junior and Chibi's dance.

Those Whorny Mermares tried to bone Junior didn't they

Who else started dancing with them when the music started.

I can imagine this as the aftermath

Rodan: Whoa whoa whoa, You actually danced? hahahahah!! I guess I’m not the only one then.

Godzilla: Yes but I don’t like the music.

Rodan: Did anyone else saw that?

Godzilla: Hopefully only a few people because I swear If Xenilla finds out about this I’M GONNA-

Rodan: -Lose your Sh** ,I know. But I have an Idea.

Godzilla: What?

Rodan: Let’s get Anguirus to Dance😈

PFFFFTT HAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAAAA! *doubles over and keeps lauphing silently*

I died laughing. And there is no respawn timer

You two....Tarb and Faith.......you two have OFFICIALLY won the Internet. :rainbowlaugh:

YOU WIN AN INTERNET, YOU WIN AN INTERNET, EVERYBLOODY WINS AN INTERNET!!! :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

Thank you sir may I have another?
Also we should record this and broadcast it to Bagan he'll either die laughing, turn good again or fall in love.

Dark Rebellion: I can’t stop...Help me...

Clear Wing: T-Tune so...catchy...Body wants to...d-dance!

Galaxy-Eyes: ...You better not.

Weirdly enough, even though Junior is supposed to look embarrassed, he kinda looks like he’s getting into it. Also, Chibi is adorable!

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