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More Blog Posts243

  • 8 weeks
    Cancelling The Enchanted Carousel, restarting as a new story

    Hi all!

    I've already made the announcement in other places, so I figured I might as well do it here, too, to cement the change.

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  • 9 weeks
    Hiatus on Story + Thoughts

    Hi all!

    Just letting you know this story will be hiatus'd for a bit.

    Not because I'm not writing anymore, but because life got in the way so I wasn't able to finish it all in a fugue state as I wanted, and the reality is right now... I am not in the headspace necessary to write it.

    Though, since I'm not doing that, I do at least want to talk about it.

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  • 12 weeks
    Okay, here we go.

    As some folks may know or have seen, I'm currently working on a story that is very important to me. It is still not finished, and will likely be updating in the next following days because I want to write it and get it done in one go.

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  • 24 weeks
    Quick Note re: contacting me!

    Hi all!

    I hope you're doing well.

    I've been meaning to say this for a while, but keep forgetting because my life has been a dumpster fire for the past year, but I did post a fic today so now's a good time as any!

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  • 32 weeks
    Re-uploaded Someone To Hold On To as a complete oneshot


    Just wanted to get ahead of any confusion for anyone following this story to say that I ended up doing a speedrun of the entire thing and then deleted the old chapters and just posted the entire complete story as a new chapter.

    That was it.

    I hope you have been well!

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The Enchanted Library - End of Book I · 11:56pm Jun 7th, 2017

Considering there's only two more chapters left before the first book of Enchanted Library ends, I wanted to write out a blogpost before those two chapters hit. This will probably be my solely EL-Related blogpost in quite some time, and since there's a lot to cover and say, I'll put it under a blogpost.

For those of you who don't read on, these past three years have been a wild ride. It was great having you on board, and if this continues, it'll be great to keep travelling with you.

There's a lot I want to say, but I'm having a hard time finding the words.

Well, that's not true. I've always tried to be transparent with my readers, and the truth of the matter is I'm paralyzed with fear at the thought of posting chapters 35&36. It's why I've binge posted the chapters, because I want to get it over with. What has to happen should happen, the sooner the better.

It's also why I'm posting this before posting the other two chapters. Because I know myself, and today I might want to continue EL, but tomorrow I might cancel it. My self-esteem is endlessly cruel that way. So, I want to write this while I can still hold on to this feeling.

It feels silly to be so solemn. People in EL's Discord Server constantly remind me that there's still another book left, but to me, reaching this point is unprecedented because this wasn't something I planned. Three years ago, this would have been laughable, to think I'd reached this point. Three years ago, I was sure I'd drop it after chapter three, and yet here we are.

This story is as much me as I am it. It has shaped me in ways I can't begin to describe, both personally and writing wise. There is a difference between Monochromatic Pre-EL, and the one typing this out. It has dragged me through hells unlike no other, and joys like no other story has.

This was supposed to be a silly story about Rarity and a ghostlike Twilight, and look at the massive thing it's become.

I was still in college in Mexico when Enchanted Library started, and now I'm living in Los Angeles and working as a PA on an independent movie. A lifetime has passed since chapter one, and yet it has stayed very much the same. Not an adventure story with a romance sideplot, but a romance with a flair for adventure.

Just like me, Enchanted Library is flawed. When I started writing it, I was an amateur. I didn't understand what writing really meant, what it was to dedicate yourself to a story, and as I write now, I'm still very much an amateur and flawed writer, as I'm sure many folks would love pointing out via the plotholes I try to hide.

I don't know if part two will ever come. I like to think it will, but my self-esteem is treacherous and I wonder if it can handle another ride like this one. I promise, as always, that I will try my best, but in case of life and incidence and endings, I'd like to take a moment to thank those who have stayed here for the ride.

Thanks, first and foremost, to my patrons. Years ago, the idea of a fanfic of mine having artwork every chapter was a silly far-fetched dream I never thought I'd ever do, and here we are. Thank you, and in that vein, thanks to the wonderfully crazy ArcticWaters, who gleefully jumped into this project, and with whom I've had hour long conversations as she drew and I tried to convince her that "backgrounds aren't that haaaaaard".

Thanks to my many editors, some of who've gone and some who've only recently joined. They are all deeply wonderful people, and in some cases, truly heroic as they have seen the absolute worst of me. To edit chapters was their job, sure, but a select few took on the extra more gargantuan task of constantly dealing with my crippling anxiety and self-hatred, and never have they dropped me or let me down.

Thank you to my friends, old and new, who have been with me through this journey, who have never allowed me to give up even during those times when the cancel button was the most enticing thing in the world.

And, finally, last but not least, thank you to the readers who've been here and stayed here and have enjoyed the story through its lows and downs. It had been a wild ride, folks, the wildest ride of my life, and before we know what the finale will bring or what opinions will change, I want to thank you for going on this ride with me. I can only hope it's been worth it so far.


The finale of Book One is tomorrow. Or Friday? Probably tomorrow, and it's something that has been planned since the very first week when the concept of Enchanted Library was created. I'm terrified, but at the same time, I'm excited. It was written in a very particular way, one that hits very close to home, so come what may, it's the ending I wanted and worked towards.

Book two? Book two will come soon, sooner or later, depending on life and anxieties and my lovely crippled self-esteem. But it always pulls through. It can tear me down, and heavens it's tried, but the storyteller in me simply refuses to give up. So, it will come, and hopefully, you'll all still want to join the ride when and if the ride starts up again.

Our heroine has faced all kinds of monsters, from dragons to timberwolves to Spirits of Chaos. However, much like Zecora said, there are bigger monsters out there, and Rarity's about to find that the fiercest one yet waits not only in the shadows of ancient bookcases and tables, but in the long shadow of a fractured being with wings and horn.

As always, thank you for reading, and stay tuned-ish in the next weeks or months for Book 2/Act IV/Chapter 37's launch date.

~ Monochromatic

Report Monochromatic · 1,736 views · Story: The Enchanted Library ·
Comments ( 60 )

Thank you for writing Enchanted Library.

Thanks for writing my new favorite story! I hope you know you are loved by the community and the majority truly wish there will be a book 2 sooner or later.

However things fall out, I’ve enjoyed EL immensely! Thanks for the wonderful story, And for making me ship RariTwi. Whatever you decide, you’ve created a story that I will remember fondly, always.

Well, I for one hope you continue it to the end.

I’ve never thought much about Rarity+Twilight. But this story was just...💖

I can’t really say it in words without lapsing into unmanly, unawesome mushiness, so take the emoji as literal truth.

It’s a pleasure to help out and whether you decide to continue, Mono, or to lay off for a while. we’ll be here for you.

You are an amazing writer growing into your own. Never forget that and please continue developing your talent.

To jump on the compliment train, this is definitely one of the better stories I’ve read on the site and I would definitely love to read a sequel!

3 years for one book... WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF ONE PIECE


I'm so far behind on this wonderful book and now I learn it's nearing it's end and I still have 20 chapters on my tracking to read.:raritydespair:

Though I am happy to hear it's only book 1. But still so much to catch up on and I've missed things being live. It's depressing on many levels.

Regardless of weather you ever write part 2 or not you can be proud of what you have done here. I love this story and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for writing it. Truly magnificent.


you’re incredible

Thank you so very much for writing this wonderful story and sticking to it all this time. It’s one of the few things I come back to this site for. You’ve defs sold me on RariTwi. Thank you to seeing book one through, I hope you do decide to continue into the second book, I’ve loved the first book.

Well thank you for letting us read your work. Even though I’m a few chapters behind, I’ll catch up.

I can sympathize with self-esteem issues. I have moments of good ideas then hours of doubt. I have about 3 pages of notes for a story, but not one paragraph of an actual draft. The fact that I haven’t written pre established characters before also doesn’t help. It’s comforting that even if I lose sight for days at a time, those notes will still be there waiting for that next spark of inspiration.

Anyways, keep up the good work.

Please continue with book 2 Mono. Pretty please?

More later when I have time (I hope :twilightsheepish:)

Oh gosh.. , I am nervous about the book 1 ending.. :fluttershysad:

Has it really been 3 years man time sure does fly by this storys very well written regardless of all the plotholes im glad to have been able to read such a masterpiece

Whatever happens, just remember that you're one of my favorite people.


You’ve done so well and you’ve come so far!! Thank you for providing us with so many reasons to smile and also so many reasons to crY DAMN YOU MONO FOR TEARING OUT MY HEART
(i mean thank u ilysm)

Thank you so much Mono

your the reason for my book hangovers and I'm glad

I can honestly say, it has been an honor accompanying you on this ride that was EL, even if I am simply a reader :3

As somebody who's been here since your beginnings, you can rest assured that I'll be here until the end. I shall eagerly await anything that you put out.

I have loved every minute of it.:twilightsmile: I am looking forward to the next book.:pinkiehappy:

Its been a hell of a ride, and I sincerely hope you keep it going till it reaches its end.

It’s 11 pm so I’m not feeling too eloquent

That shit’s good, yo. Good story. A+. I’m excited for more of it.

Seriously, it’s one of my favorites. And you’re awesome for writing it.

I’d high-five you if you were within range. So just imagine you are and clap. We’ll pretend.

Keep writing! These are one of the few romances I can get into.

Well I for one love the story. I'm glad you are writing it. You can always change things you are unsatisfied with. I think its lovely as is. I hope you write book 2. Good luck. The romance stories like this are great because of the world building

Don't stop. You're doing this harder, better, faster, stronger than anyone.

HUGS MONO :heart: :fluttershysad:

Mono, we love you. We love you so damn much. Your lack of self-esteem hurts, hurts me in a place deep inside. I don’t know you outside your works or your blog posts, but I know you are a wonderful, beautiful, talented soul. This gift that you have given us is more than we could have ever asked for; I wish you could see the true beauty in what you have produced. The Enchanted Library has been a beautiful, fantastic ride. You have taken the MLP world and flipped it on its head, our characters still familiar, still recognizable despite—or perhaps because of—the dramatically different world in which they live. The complexity of the scenario our heroines find themselves in never fails to enthrall and intrigue me. And then, of course, there’s the romance.

Oh, god, the romance.

I want, I need, I hope, I yearn for our Rarity and Twilight to be together, truly together. To hold each other for the very first time, to cry into each other’s shoulders as they are wrapped in the other’s tight embrace, to feel the other’s hot breath on their cheek. They...they deserve each other so very, very much. They deserve their happiness; they deserve their love.

They need to be together.

I need them to be together. I need them to get their happy ending.

But...if it doesn’t happen in words, though, it will at least in my imagination. I could hardly ask you to continue to inflict the pains on yourself that you have over the last three years. I am thankful for the ending that we are getting, to this first book. If you are willing to print it, I (and many others) will happily buy it and put it on our bookshelves. I wish for more, I pray for more, but I am only thankful for what we have been given.

Thank you, mono. Thank you for the years of your life you have given to us, thank you for all that you have gone through on your behalf, even though I wish you hadn’t. I wish we could do more for you. I wish we could be your confidence.

With that said, bring on the end (with any luck, only the end of the beginning, but an end nonetheless), and make me cry even more.

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ TAKE MY ENERGY ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

A finale... good a time as any to start reading.

I look forward to it. Even just knowing your other works, I don’t think I’ll be even slightly disappointed.

Oh wow, I've been out off the loop, I didn't realise you had a job. Great!

This has been one he'll of a journey. You should be proud of what you've accomplished here. It shows that you have the dedication to see things through to the end.

Comment posted by archonix deleted Jun 8th, 2017

Must you always pull the heartstrings when I'm at work?! I can only blame allergies just so often when everyone knows I don't have them.

Mono, you know full well what I'm about to say and more to the point, others here have said it better than I could. But you are better than you think you are. You are better than those few loudest, easiest to hear voices trying to tear you down in every hour of the wolf you make it through. Hear the chorus here, the harmony here: you are better than you think you are. And we'll all be here, no matter how many times you want to, need to, hear it again.

Dear Mono,
apologies if this turns out to be wall of texty and a bit rambly, but I think most people here would agree that you are amazing and the score of over 2k hits only proves that. I believe that everyone here has read at least one of our stories, be it the Enchanted library(which is amazing), the BodyguardAU series(which I hope the OC might consider collaborating with an author and make an extended story around it, maybe nudge the OC to search for a writer ;) ) and/or Injuring Eternity(which is my personal favourite and made me emotionally crushed for about a week till I read a fan made epilogue to that epic piece of literature) will agree that you are an incredibly talented author and that your drive is unmatched. Not only did you "finish" a project you started 3 years ago, you did it while battling your self-doubt and all the other emotionally crippling aspects of your life.
That is simply inspirational, I mean I can't even finish editing a 4 min video and I am happy and content how my life looks like in comparison.

I was late to the EL party, joining in only half a year ago, and yet this has really been the ride of my life. I had your story constantly in the back of my mind, doing all sorts of crazy theory crafting, connecting the dots and trying to understand all the similarities you took for inspiration from the original series. Even when I thought I had the story figured out you managed to toss us a curve ball.

You have earned yourself a loyal fan no matter what you decide, to continue into book two or not. I have watched plenty of anime that looked like they would have a season two but were cancelled in the end and I am still loyal, hoping that someday there will be a sequal. I consider EL to be your legacy and one day I hope to give my children to read you story as well

So excited for the book one finale! :pinkiehappy:

Dear Mono,

the first time you published the original one-shot, I fell in love with it. That doesn’t happen all too often with one-shots, as I like to see expansions on the characters, their relationships, their stories. So when you announced the multi-chapter version I was overjoyed. Since then, every time you put up a new chapter (and I saw the notice that you did), I dropped anything I was doing and inhaled those beautiful words.

I love this story.

I am incredibly excited for the finale of Book One but I also want, need to beseech you: Please continue. This story is a magnificent piece of art and leaving it unconcluded would be a crime.
And I can not imagine anyone who could do so better than you. Your inevitable familiarity with the subject matter aside, you said it yourself: This story led you through good time as well as bad times and changed you. It left a mark and thus is connected to you like to none other.
So I ask you in this pompous way: Continue this story, write it to its end. For the sake of the characters, your readers and yourself.

Other than that, I want to thank you for writing. Not only for this story but the others in your repertoire.

Thank you.


P.S.: I am in no way presumptuous. At all.

Oh nice, time to start reading this. I hate starting on stories that aren’t finished or near to finished. I really liked the first little one shot so I’m excited. The only thing that worries me is the part one, be careful with ending it on a lose end if you can avoid it.

I have exactly one grievance with your writing. It is not a physical book which would allow me to simply read without having to wait for updates or fear the work being canceled. Seriously.

Your work is fantastic. I get nerves and all, having anxiety myself... but good lord. This would be one of those times where listening to ypur audience would benefit you. I see nothing but support and appreciation with some slight constructive criticism to hopefully make you even better. See that. Revel in it. That is so rare on tbe internet it's absurd, even for a site populated almost exclusively by bronies.

Read the support, take the tiny bits of criticism, and do everything in your power to tell that tiny voice to sit down and shut up. Because you, sir or madam, are a better author with frickin pastel ponies as your cast than most of the current best sellers list on amazon.

Site Blogger

So... is the ‘story’ complete or do you intend to continue the series within the same story? Just wondering because I noticed you didn’t change the status.

Continue within the same file

Site Blogger

Hmm... alright. I can work with that, provided I’m paying attention come scheduling time. Thanks!

Congratulations on finishing Book One! It has been a fantastic ride, and seriously every time I leave a comment on a chapter I myself feel like it doesn’t do justice to whatever you’ve written. You’re an excellent author, and I hope you realize that. Thank you for all the pain, suffering, patience and hard work you’ve put yourself through for our pleasure, and I hope it brings you the same. I definitely will be there to support you for whatever, anything, you write or endeavor towards next. Thank you and as always, I wish you all the best.

I cannot imagine where I would be without this story. it’s amazing. As I set out to read the final two chapters, I find I’m already crying...

It’s been emotional.

Thank you Mono.

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