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SPOILERS - Kinda... More like clarification really: The Sirens' Siring · 1:18am Jun 11th, 2017

I'm clarifying it because I've already gotten multiple PMs about it and this is something I do not plan on covering in explicit detail in-story as I do not feel I am qualified to write such, and if I tried I'd have to instantly change Bridge's rating to an M and add a dark tag. The Bridge is something I wrote specifically as a love letter to the upbeat nature of My Little Pony and the Showa era of Kaiju films, but in both there is still going to be darker themes in the background; and namely how the characters triumphed over them. Horrible things can happen, but those determined to gain something better can defeat them.

As known, the mothers of the sirens known as Adagio, Aria, and Sonata were a pair of mermare princesses; Crown Princess Melpomene SairĂ­ne and her sister Princess Hymnia SairĂ­ne

Princess Melpomene was the mother of Adagio and Sonata, and Hymnia was Aria's mother. It is a hint that Melpomene is the name of the musical muse of tragedy and Hymnia the name of the muse keeper of a sacred song whose namesake priestess was forced to lose her innocence. And much like their greek name origin, the Mermare Princess Sisters were the subject of a classic style tragedy. When an invader encroached upon Mako island the mermares were helpless against them, forced to flee underwater as the island was infected by disharmony. Frozen over by ice and surrounded by sea ice, the salt water slowly being frozen bit by bit to box them in. Their mother, Queen Amatheia, could channel a spell through the island to expel the invaders, but it would require time and a location on the surface to do it. Somepony had to draw the invaders away like prey feigning an injury or departure from the herd to distract the predator. Before a decision could be made, the sister volunteered themselves and left without telling anypony to draw the attacker's away. It succeeded, but thinking her daughters to be dead and the spell taking a lot out of her, Queen Amatheia passed away after erecting The Shroud; a fog and storm bank that repelled dark magic.

But the daughters didn't die when they were finally caught, and their captors did something arguably worse than kill them. To just cut to the chase, the sirens are children conceived by rape. And considering a gap between Adagio and Sonata, more than once. I thought hard and attempted writing it several times, but I feel I cannot do the crime justice nor avoid lightening it to avoid the M rating. It be jarring against the rest of the story given neither source material ever outright shows such so I will not be writing the actual scene; only implying it.

Afterwards the events transpired as Electra recounted them. The sisters managed to get free when something else harmed their captors, but the experience had warped them. Add in the fact they couldn't return home due to The Shroud's dark magic barrier reacting to the unborn children and fear from the other mermares as to what they might give birth to, and they got infected with the same hatred inducing magic their captors had, aimed at the world which seemed to only stomp on them for their sacrifice. This is how the sirens came to sing their original song, which spreads negative emotions and malice. Weak from her previous delivery, Melpomene died giving birth to Sonata; leaving Hymnia to raise the three. It was only in Hymnia's last days that the love for her nieces and daughters overwrote all the malice, singing to them a song she and her sister once knew based off love for one another and drawing strength from that. Hymnia's lullaby would remain buried in the sirens' subconscious. Having never fully physically recovered from her experiences before, Hymnia died during a storm after tucking the sirens in and singing them the lullaby one last time.

The story of the siren's parentage is a classic tragedy and karma. Fate destroyed their mothers and set them down a dark path. But for however horrid it got, eventually there was a light at the end of the tunnel. Whereas before they were on the same road to bickering and ruin we saw in Rainbow Rocks, the encounters with the kaiju ironically kicked them off that path. Hymnia's song played a key role when trauma forced Aria to accidentally remembered it when terrified of Kaizer Ghidorah. It would go on to both empower Aria as well as save Monster X from losing to his darker half when both needed to be strong against Enjin. And so for all the harm caused to the sisters in life, their deeds helped to save others in the future. Where the sirens' ends we'll see in time, but Adagio has reconnected with her cousin and sister, Aria's found love, and Sonata got her happiness back. All because running into a red eyes mercenary at the mall unintentionally lead to them rediscovering a gift their mothers left them... Huh, Gordon was right. Sometimes throwing a kaiju at the situation miraculously can make it better...

As for the identity of the fathers, that will be revealed shortly. They are still alive and I don't intend to keep that plot thread lingering.

Comments ( 22 )

Truly, my friend, your work continues to impress. What you did with the Sirens is like what Batman TAS did with Mr. Freeze's origin story, making relatively simple characters into Shakespearian tragedy's. And I can't wait to see how the story goes.

Wait, when they escaped, was Melpomene pregnant with Adagio or Sonata?

Yes, both of them were pregnant; just in early stages when they got free. Certain mammals or in fringe cases even people can be impregnated when already in early stages of pregnancy, mostly in freak accidents or odd species. It's a complex process, but does happen and Melpomene was one such case. I'd say Adagio is a month or two older than Sonata by conception.

I'm think Sombra could be a father, but I'm not betting on it.
In the movie we never know if they get their jewel-hearts back or not. While the sirens may have lost their dark-hearts, they could still be redeemed, and thus earn their hearts anew. It's something to think about. After-all it's technically a part of their bodies and could be grown back under certain circumstances.

Thanks man, tis what I intended to do, I just have limits on what I write because of certain factors so I wanted to carry the heavy implication there without explicitly showing the 'act'. Hence the blog. I know how it ends and I really hope you'll like it.

is it wrong after watching Final wars on the stream the other day I want Gordan to show up in Equestria either as a pony or Minotaur

You haven't disappointed yet.

He'd take on Bagan himself armed with nothing by a katana, hatchet, and his mustache wax.

Oh My God, if the Father's are the Rapists you better have them F***ing die

Karma will be a bitch, and I'm her writer

Death is a kindness they do not deserve.

As for the identity of the fathers, that will be revealed shortly. They are still alive and I don't intend to keep that plot thread lingering.

They're still alive?! Let me at 'em!

The Sirens' mothers sure are super pretty!:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:

Scarlight: ... *his bone-cast claw starts to ignite with flames*
Odd-Eyes: Oh boy...
Scarlight: Such filth to still breathe the air of the ones they violated...THEY SHALL KNOW NO HELLBOUND FURY BEYOND MINE!!

Wow, she's equally as beautiful as her daughters!

It may be possible for Sombra to be one of the father's, given hatred and malice along with emotional manipulation are his things, and that he has no qualms about committing rape, and he probably lived around the same time period...hmm perhaps no on that last one.

But so far it's just that, a possibility.

True, but he's far from the coast and so far as we can tell, Celestia and Luna stopped him before he would have been able to expand his territory that far. He could have gone adventuring solo and under cover, however.


So, they are going to WISH they were dead?
....are they going to lose certain body parts?

So the Sirens 'fathers' still live....

*looks to a hungry Grue, an angry Tytanna, and the entire Bridge fanbase armed for war* ...one way or another, not for long.

While I knew that the Bridge would eventually tread into darker territory considering the odds at stake and the world that was created, I'll admit I was surprised that you would take.....THAT route to explain the siren's origins. It really fits the theme of a Greek tragedy of the girl's fates, considering the Gods themselves weren't below causing such misdeeds (I'm looking at YOU Zeus, you dickhead!!).

But yet, you've managed to turn their story born of tragedy into something heart-warming and hopeful, giving a trio of one-shot characters new depth that rivals characters from both Batman's Rouge Gallery, and the Children of Evangelion.

And just like with Monster X's tale, you've reminded us of something an old "Goat" once said:

Your story may not have a happy beginning, but that does not make you who you are. It is the REST of your story. Whom you choose to be...

So, to Adagio, Aria, Sonata, Gigan, Megalon, Irys, and Monster X, we ask: WHO are you?

Fantastic origins Tarb, commend you on the Classical flavors. Love the notorious capriciousness of fate.

Almost too bad you've already got the fathers pegged, I was gonna make an entirely self-serving suggestion.

In any case, look forward to whatever epic little story you've got cooked up!

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