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Top 5 Unmade Godzilla Movies (that got made... Kinda), 1/5 · 8:50pm Jun 13th, 2017

When you got a franchise over sixty years old, you tend to get a lot of content. Not counting foreign versions of the movies, Godzilla as a character has shown up in 29 movies; more than any modern fictional character aside from James Bond. And when one is in that many movies over such a long period of time, especially as a worldwide icon, you're guaranteed the character is going to show up in a lot of films that never came to fruition. Depending on how you could different versions of the same unmade film, there are anywhere between 25 and 35 unmade films from both Toho themselves and other studios who wanted to take a shot at their own Godzilla film. Some projects closely resemble the final product, most changes just being altering the ending or swapping around the monster cast. Others are drastically different from the final product, if there even was one! For instance to know where the DC Comics character of Batgirl had her earliest film incarnation in? It was going to be i "Batman vs. Godzilla", turns out Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny and Marvel weren't the first to have the Big G fight a superhero. Other crazy ideas include a giant mutant astronaut, basically John Carpenter's The Thing, a monster could decades before the MUTOs; and Bagan (six times).

Still, many of them went on to influence later films that got made, either the final product derived directly from them or entries that got released years, if not decades after the original concept. Let's have a look.

5. "Godzilla vs. Berserk" 1993
What it became: "Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla 2", "Godzilla vs. Destoroyah", "Godzilla: The Animated Series", "Godzilla: 2000", "Godzilla Against Mechagodzilla"

Plot: A meteorite strikes the surface of Earth, bringing with it an alien from the far reaches of space. The strange life form, metallic in nature and combat ready, absorbs various metals and begins growing in size. Its aim: to take the form of the dominant species on the planet. To become Godzilla.

In light of this rising threat, mega-company Teiyo begins development on the super-weapon the Super-X3, as the inevitable battle between Godzilla and the alien Mechagodzilla looms on the horizon. - Tohokingdom

This was the first attempt to bring Mechagodzilla into the Heisei series and in a way far different from what we got. Much like the Showa version, this Mechagodzilla was malign and of alien origin. Though even then, it was still a very distinct incarnation of the character being completely autonomous and capable of functioning by itself; a trait we'd later see in the Millennium version, Kiryu. It also continued the trend of the Heisei series monsters going through growth stages, something that started with Biollante (Rose->Final), continued to King Ghidorah (Dorats->Ghidorah->Mecha Ghidorah), and both Mothra and Battra (Larval->Imago). In this case the "Berserk Mechagodzilla" starts out as a formless mobile mass of machinery and metal like this-

and remolding into a more familiar form by the end, akin to this-

The Super-X3 was also created in this script, being sent to help out in the battle. The reason the alien virus forms into Mechagodzilla is because it considers Godzilla to be the apex lifeform on the planet, a concept that would later pop up in "Godzilla: 2000" that lead to Orga. Had this film happened it also would have been effectively the only outright alien invasion of the Heisei series, who's sole extraterrestrial implication is Spacegodzilla and even then he had his cellular origin from Earth. The idea of a sapient computer virus absorbing machinery would later get lifted onto the Silver Hydra creature from the "Godzilla: The Animated Series", whom resembles Berserk even more so in a later revision of the script which changed Berserk Mechagodzilla into a JSDF mecha that goes... well... berserk.

Had this film happened it very well could have changed the whole of the Heisei series. Would M.O.G.U.E.R.A. ever be built? Would Spacegodzilla be a thing or would another alien take his place? There is also no mention of Godzilla Junior or Radon in this script so it is likely they either wouldn't have shown up until a film later or if they appeared at all. "Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla 2" was an important turning point in the Heisei saga, adding in Godzilla's son as well as leading to following films having a more villainous antagonist role than Godzilla did in the films that followed. "Godzilla vs. Berserk" was one film that ended up getting bits and pieces of itself all over the place.

Comments ( 10 )

An interesting concept to expand upon. Any clues as to our next unmade film?

It is simultaneously Tanaka's second and third attempt to get Bagan made, being a Godzilla film and not at the same time.

Mothra vs. Bagan or something else?

This is one of the more interesting lost projects, as the idea for the monster is rather unique and it stands out in the era it's in.

Also, is it wrong I imagine this thing having a Brainiac personality if it existed in the Amalgamverse? It seems like something that would have a Brainiac personality.

Very interesting take upon Mechagodzilla.

I would totally see that

Is this to acknowledge that G'14 took a lot from the unused TriStar script?

So, let me get this straight;

We were this close to having a MechaGodzilla akin to Ultron?

This would have been an interesting film, though something that came to mind is the evolution of this metallic life form seems abit similar to shingoji's evolution; implied and on-screen. Plus its globular form is rather similar to Biollante's final form.

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