• Member Since 16th Apr, 2017
  • offline last seen March 17th

Snowflake Dissonance

Honestly, probably only here to read, and write, fanfiction about Sunset Shimmer and the Dazzlings. Also, canon is my clay and I shall shape it as I wish.

More Blog Posts74

  • 77 weeks
    Update on Past Scars

    Man, it's been a while... Anyway, for anyone who has noticed that I'm updating the Dazzling Sunset series, I just wanted to let you know that Past Scars will be getting another new chapter between Changing Norm and Worth to help the story

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    0 comments · 203 views
  • 173 weeks
    No Excuses

    Yeah, I just randomly disappear at this point. I've tried slowing it down, stopping it, I dunno man. I'm just bad at remaining in one place for long. However, I do have some things in mind now that the new year is properly under way.

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    3 comments · 458 views
  • 225 weeks
    I hate the flu

    I was working on a request, trying to fix it, and the next chapter for Compatibility and I fall freaking sick because my sleep schedule got messed up (through circumstances unrelated to the request and update). I just want one year where I can write uninhibited. I'm gonna take some meds and try to sleep it off for a few days.

    4 comments · 326 views
  • 235 weeks
    Inspiration Why?

    I am 10.5k words into a fic that's purely for self-gratification and yet I am:
    200 words into the next chapter of Divine Intervention,
    500 words into the next chapter of One and the Same Thing,
    1783 words into the next chapter of A Packed Crowd, and
    30 words into the next chapter of Compatibility
    Why is inspiration such a dick to me...

    3 comments · 376 views
  • 236 weeks
    Tomorrow is Christmas

    0 comments · 284 views

Gotta Write... · 6:53am Jun 16th, 2017

Why do I keep making Dazzling fics and Sunset fics? Why do I do this to myself?

Because I need more content for my favorite trio of singing babes and their Sunshine. I need to at least see their groups updating. Sunset? No problem. The other five? Slightly bigger problem.

So, gotta write.

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