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I came, I saw, I got turned into a Brony. Tumblr link http://xeno-the-sharp-tongue.tumblr.com/

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Update: A promo, a stream, and a future project! · 7:18am Jun 27th, 2017

I've been busy as of late. Eclipse Times chapter 3 is 90% done, Chapter 39 is being typed, I've been penning a one-shot, planning the final Era stream, and working on another project with a friend. Expect a ton of content in the next week or so folks! Now for the stream I am currently planning for this Wednesday and Friday and because if viewed all together it be over nine hours long, I'm going to divide it in two. Part 1 on Wednesday will be Showa, Heisei, and Millennium for the three original Toho Eras, with an encore presentation of Godzilla 2014 and then Shin Godzilla on Friday to cover the 2010s era. I'd like you all to post times down below if any of this doesn't work, as well as time slots that function well for everyone. Currently I am looking to start each stream at either 3:30 PM EST or 5:00 PM EST.

As for the other endeavor, I'm penning a teaser for it now, but let's just say it comes from one of our very own. Keep you're eyes peeled for updates!

And without further a'do, a little something for you all to chew on. Posting it as the promo here given the nature of the one-shot, but this will be for a short tale I've been weaving for quite some time. Now don't run yourself haggard speculating on how this ties into Bridge's coming Ghidorah arc, it's more related to Eclipse Times than anything else; but is mostly a stand alone. Consider it something of a slice-of-life special, a canon booster shot to spotlight something I came up with to help shed some light on somepony I thought of in drastic need for some attention. And if I can flesh out Monster X's character from a random movie final-boss to what he is now, why stop at kaiju? Coming soon, The Bridge: Legacy


A single pony slowly made their way off the beaten path typically traveled, past fields and through a quiet forest; well a ways from routes typically traveled by. Though they bore wings they did not make use of them, instead opting to walk with their hooves wandering as much as their mind did. Celestia’s warm sun reflected off polished armor of a golden hue, the metallic casing the stallion bore indicating he was a Canterlot based royal guard, or at least he had been before traveling to a much more remote post and opting to keep his old armor. But it wasn’t to his latest post that Flash Sentry trekked to today, but rather a place almost as remote but even more familiar than the Crystal Empire. Even as he journeyed on however, his mind was unshaken from the words of that blessed stranger he met on that train to Canterlot days prior. And with some matters calmed down, he knew where to spend his leave day.
Flash Sentry stopped before the gate of a manor, one not especially large but the aged stone construction and buttress support clearly designating it as of great magnitude in age. He stopped, taking in the sight of the structure with a sigh. The multiple stories, strong roof, and bordering, railed walls surrounding the manor gave it a distinct look. Imposing, daunting, and commanding of respect when viewed like a fortress with its strong walls and cold stony construction; pleasant, humble, and safe when looked at in light of the flowers growing around and between some of the stones, the manor lacking extravagance and seeming welcome to invitation. The kind of home that would shelter a wayward guest and keep any within it safe.
The exact kind of home Flash Sentry couldn’t help but smile at when he first saw it through the surrounding forest. It was, after all, his. He was home. He pushed through the unlocked gate and made his way towards the front door in no particular rush, casually glancing at the large yard flanking either side of the walkway. To one side, a small forest of obstacles, targets, even some tied-down cloud agility rings, or weight bags not unlike what one would expect to see at the guard barracks. To the other was a sight that brought a smile even if others would find it a bit morbid. Rows of a cemetery. No overly elaborate headstones or tombs, just a dozen rows or so and two dozen column of marker stones for approximately three hundred graves. Due to assortments set in over the years, both the family cemetery as well as the tree-shaded pond bordering it were covered in a myriad of flower growth at this time of year. The young stallion’s smile was spurred by the memory of rolling around in those flower beds or having lunch next to the pond with family as a colt.

He pushed forward on towards the front door, knocking upon it four times in a rhythm and getting two knocks in return. The aged but stills strong wood creaked open and a middle aged mare emerged from it. She was fairly average in build for a pegasus, a few lines on her face or lightening in her mane not taking much away from her appearance; a leaner build still visible under her red fur. Her blue eyes and similarly two toned blue mane were identical to Flash Sentry’s. Flash took his helmet off and cracked a goofy grin, spurring Audria Sentry, formerly Audria Goodwing, to roll her eyes and giggle as they leaned towards each other in a hug.
“Hi, mom,” he chuckled, casting a glowing smile even as she ruffled up his mane.
Content with having mussed up Flash's hair, Audria let his smile infect her as she placed her hooves upon his cheek and shoulder; “Welcome home, son.”  

Taken by the words of a kind stranger, Prince Shining Armor's protégé takes trip down memory lane to see if he's lived up to his family's legacy and motto. Regardless of anything, a Sentry always does what's right...

Comments ( 21 )

I just hope when Flash finally gets his time to shine, he's at least as awesome as the one in my story.

The Family Tree is blank what the Hell

Comment posted by Temnizziv deleted Jun 27th, 2017

It's supposed to be.

Comment posted by Titan64 deleted Jun 27th, 2017

Where are the streams going to be at?

Livestream with a link to it here, same as last ones.

This may just me being an idiot and not seeing whats right in front of me (probably is) but, where's the link?

I will post a blog with the show times, schedule, and the link. The stream is not today.

For example, the blog post will look like this. This is the post for a past stream.

Considering that the show time for me is one hour ahead, so it would be 2:30 or 4, the latter time makes more sense for me

Looks neat. Flash has just enough character to give you a sense of the type of person (pony) he is, while not having so much canon on him, that restricts the type of story you can do with him. He's in a real sweet spot.

As for the stream, Fridays really suck for me, Saturday's far better, but whatever.

Promo is enticing. Looking forward to what you've cooked up for this one shot.

Holy Shit! My Magnificent Machine! Inglorious Rust Bucket! Automa-ton of Fun! :pinkiegasp:

You're back, how was your month long endeavor? You've got your work cut out for you in reviewing Chapter 38.

LOL.... [shakes head] flattered you're so glad to see me back.

The training went very well, always room for self improvement, but in summation a lot was accomplished.
I saw the two new chapter updates for me to go through, I just scratched the beginning of 38, haven't really gotten into it yet.
Reason for that is that I'm working on something quite new tonight, that hopefully I'll get to share with you all very shortly.

Anyway, i discovered new little tidbits about the Ghidorah brothers and more I'd like to share in a PM.

That's all you have to say?

I mean.... cool.. let me know what you got.

The problems of texting, is the tone can be hard to tell. :applejackunsure:

Shin Godzilla?! Aw yeah! Saw that movie in theaters. So cool to be with other people who like Godzilla. I'll have that experience again when Godzilla 2 comes out.

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