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King Ghidorah Arc Teaser · 1:18am Jun 30th, 2017

"This is what matters."

"I am correcting this mistake or having it realized as not."

"Let truth be the victor."

"I can't lose you again."

"I won't lose to you again."

"My today for their tomorrow, sounds like a fair trade."


Hint: I don't pick lyrics lightly~

In the end
As you fade into the night (oh whoa oh oh)
Who will tell the story of your life?

In the end
As my soul's laid to rest
What is left of my body
Or am I just a shell?
And I have fought
And with flesh and blood I commanded an army
Through it all
I have given my heart for a moment of glory
(I gave it all)

In the end
As you fade into the night (oh whoa oh oh)
Who will tell the story of your life (oh whoa oh oh)
And who will remember your last goodbye (oh whoa oh oh)
'Cause it's the end and I'm not afraid
I'm not afraid to die.

I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid to die

Born a saint
But with every sin I still wanna be holy
I will live again
Who we are
Isn't how we live we are more than our bodies
If I fall I will rise back up and relive my glory

In the end
As you fade into the night (oh whoa oh oh)
Who will tell the story of your life (oh whoa oh oh)
And who will remember your last goodbye (oh whoa oh oh)
'Cause it's the end and I'm not afraid
I'm not afraid to die

In the end
As you fade into the night (oh whoa oh oh)
Who will tell the story of your life (oh whoa oh oh)
And who will remember your last goodbye (oh whoa oh oh)
'Cause it's the end and I'm not afraid
I'm not afraid to die

Who will remember this last goodbye (oh whoa oh oh)
'Cause it's the end and I'm not afraid
I'm not afraid to die

Not afraid
I'm not afraid to die
No not afraid
I'm not afraid to die!

Comments ( 35 )


Scarlight: Grrr...There can only be ONE King...

"My today for their tomorrow, sounds like a fair trade."

I think i know what this particular line is about...:trixieshiftright:

For countless eons, he has reigned. Thousands of worlds, billions of civilization's all bow in terror to the Grand King.

Yet, one has dared to defy him, to not bend nor break in fear.

Will he stand again, or will he fall?

One things for sure,

A King's reign, shall end.

"The Battle of Kings is looming forth, as destiny has eternally bound them.....

But will Victory mean Freedom.....or Destruction?"

In the End of Black Veil Brides; I really like that song.

And now I wonder if it's the King or another who doesn't fear death.

This'll be interesting

In the end
As you fade into the night (oh whoa oh oh)
Who will tell the story of your life?

This is referring to either Junior/Luna or Nightmare.

In the end
As my soul's laid to rest
What is left of my body
Or am I just a shell?
And I have fought
And with flesh and blood I commanded an army
Through it all
I have given my heart for a moment of glory
(I gave it all)

This could be referring to 094 who sacrificed himself to defeat Ghidorah, or Ghidorah himself who made a sacrifice to achieve something? Ahh i remember who commanded an army with flesh and blood. :trollestia:

In the end
As you fade into the night (oh whoa oh oh)
Who will tell the story of your life (oh whoa oh oh)
And who will remember your last goodbye (oh whoa oh oh)
'Cause it's the end and I'm not afraid
I'm not afraid to die.

One could hypothesize that the last sentence is about Ghidorah, but if his past behavior has taught us anything. He is afraid to die though now i remember someone else stating their lack of fear towards death...

In the end
As you fade into the night (oh whoa oh oh)
Who will tell the story of your life (oh whoa oh oh)
And who will remember your last goodbye (oh whoa oh oh)
'Cause it's the end and I'm not afraid
I'm not afraid to die.

...hmm i can't tell if I'm being close to the mark or being wrong here. :applejackunsure:

Born a saint
But with every sin I still wanna be holy
I will live again
Who we are
Isn't how we live we are more than our bodies
If I fall I will rise back up and relive my glory

You've gotten me confused on who this paragraph is referring to. :ajbemused:

I lie this Ghidorah, he knows things.

Nice use of In The End by Black Veil Brides!

Guys . . . . I'm scared for Kaiser now . . .

"This is what matters."

Could it be Kaizer referring to his life goal of revenge? Or Ghidorah stating his ideology to someone?

"I am correcting this mistake or having it realized as not."

Could it be Ghidorah talking about X or is it of another individual, one who is repentant...

"Let truth be the victor."

i have a feeling this is either Junior or Xenilla.

"I can't lose you again."

This has to be X or Xenilla, either about Aria or Junior...

"I won't lose to you again."

This is either Ghidorah stating he won't lose to Kaizer again or Monster X saying he won't lose to Ghidorah like he did in Planet Xilian.

"My today for their tomorrow, sounds like a fair trade."

This must be the accord between King and Kaizer that you mentioned to me before.


I wonder if maybe...just maybe that Ghidorah doesn't want to kill Junior just yet but needs him alive for something?

Sounds like a redeeming element is being added to the Golden King.


I still want him dead.

I don't think Tarb is giving any redeemable traits to Ghidorah.

Considering Kaizer, even if he might be slightly stronger, is of comparable strength to Ghidorah and one of the big reasons he won the first fight against Ghidorah was that he caught the King off guard.(which even then Kaizer barely won according to Tarb)

Yeah, i guess Kaizer should be concerned since he might've lost one of his greatest advantages against King.

This is truly what I fear most. The one king across the stars that dared stood up to the golden tyrant battled him in epic proportions. As another Hasbro franchise has taught us: "one shall stand, one shall fall..."

Oh, sounds spine-tingly-dingly !

But what about Kaizer? I don't recall Junior ever fighting, much less outright crushing Ghidorah one on one in the historical records of Terra...

Any speculations? You can see mine below.

I mean that this story feels more along the lines of a good-bye for X than anything else. I just don't see it fitting for Ghidorah but when you think of everything that X has been through and the implications of the lyrics.

We just might see X die.

I was thinking more along the lines of Xenilla considering he commanded an army with flesh and blood, he's an atoner who has stated is not afraid of death.

Though i guess i could see how it'd relate to X, and i did ask a Magic 8 ball awhile back if X and Ghidorah would have a 1v1 rematch, and it said yes. :rainbowlaugh:

Well, this arc should most certainly prove interesting. And i can't wait to see how our heroes handle the Grand King once he finally arrives. Cause he's NO easy foe to defeat.:)

I guess considering statistically, he's capable of outmuscling the resident juggernaut Destroyah, and probably Xenilla's intellectual equal when it comes to formulating strategies.


While X is the obvious choice, Tarbanto has a history of subverting expectations and playing with the roles the cast have always traditionally played, and while those lyrics could easily refer to X, they could just as easily be describing Junior or Xenilla, as others have pointed out.

Hell, in many of my PM conversations with Tarb, whenever I brought up the subject of Super Godzilla, he always responded that whoever it was that fought the final battle with Bagan would defy convention, which, combined with the hint given here, leads me to strongly suspect that Junior might be the one to make the big sacrifice against Ghidorah.

That would be one hell of a ballsy move for Tarbanto to make, and one that I would definitely respect, and the story could definitely continue afterwards if he made that decision with Xenilla taking up the reins of main protagonist from there on.

Also, for those of you that say that Junior's not strong enough to kill Ghidorah, remember that not only would he most likely not be fighting alone, but that he can trigger a meltdown state at will.

We all know how powerful Senior was as Burning Godzilla, so just imagine what his far stronger son would be like in that state.

It would probably give him the boost he needed to finally kill Ghidorah for good, but he'd most likely have to remain in it long enough to pass the point of no return.

What do you think?

Nothing the others here haven't already articulated. I deliberately try not to overthink these things before the fact, so as not to muddle or contaminate the experience as I read through the content.

If this is the same GKG from the Rebirth of Mothra trilogy who was able to outmatch, and overwhelm Mothra Leo, who was probably as strong if not stronger than Godzilla at that time, to the point he had to use Time-Travel to try, and destroy him, then i'd say yes: even the likes of Destoroyah will be hard-pressed to fight him, and win.

Well any progress on your reviews or story chapters?

Though it should be noted that in this timeline, he was driven off by Junior and Lea double teaming him.
Yes, i know it was a close and grueling battle for both sides, but he was driven off nonetheless. Even though the RoM3 movie demonstrated that KG can pretty much no-sell anything regular Lea could throw at him(even the Buster Cannon) and therefore this would apply to Junior considering his firepower is comparable to Lea.

One could argue that Junior could compensate with his physical strength, but I've seen the movies where they fought each other, and Ghidorah tosses the Big G like a rag doll most of the time. Not to mention that if Ghidorah's fight with X, and the Dark Hunters has shown us anything. It's that Junior's blows at best would be love taps unless he found someway to penetrate the armor.

Ultimately, Ghidorah would've at least won the first round against Lea and Junior in 1998.

But then again, this is all just history. I'll wait and see what Tarb has planned for Ghidorah.

4588925 I haven't forgotten that history bit. But given what we've seen of Ghidorah in the story now, i'm getting the distinct impression he wasn't fighting seriously. Oh sure, they probably did put up a good fight............but what if he left because he wasn't fully prepared for them, and didn't want to have to waste his energy fighting an unknown factor, along with a divine moth that looked different from the ones he fought eons ago. I don't know exactly how it went down in Final Wars, but i got the feeling he was studying the kaiju in their massive brawl - just like we found out he was playing the aliens, and letting them think they controlled him. Because he now strikes me as a cunning planner who analyzes, and makes preparations in regards to aspects he hasn't faced yet. Specifically, building up his strength, and maintaining an element of surprise until he's ready to strike. After all, his MO is to crash on planets in an asteroid to make his arrival inconspicuous. Then after a while, when noone suspects a thing, he emerges and gets to wasting.

In other words, this Ghidorah is an enemy not to be trifled with, OR underestimated. Because he's unpredictable, and a schemer. A very dangerous combination if i ever saw one.

I remember Tarb mentioning that he left the 1998 battle out of annoyance rather than any serious injury.

And let's not forget his battle with Kaizer Ghidorah, the three major reasons why Kaizer won was because
A. He caught King Ghidorah off guard
B. He was more skilled(not necessarily stronger) than Ghidorah
C. The unyielding rage and grief numbed him from the pain of his rather extensive injuries inflicted by King

If you take away these major factors then the fight on Planet X might've ended quite differently.

Heck, Ghidorah inflicted far more damage on Kaizer than FW Goji ever did without the intervention of Deus Ex Machina. That and the fact that Bagan never thought of Kaizer as a major threat to himself, rather as a complication to his plans, and whenever Bagan thinks of wildcards. He usually focuses specifically on King Ghidorah.

This could imply that the gap between King and Kaizer may not be all that wide.

Have not started in on the reviews yet, been more preoccupied with catching up on some much needed writing. Speaking of updates, I am currently working on the final chapter of SoV. Also on deck are ch 13 of PotU, which hasn't been updated since winter! I have part 18 of WC open, and mostly done. And I'm also mulling thoughts for part 2 of Evil Ways, working backwards from how the chapter ends.

What about Primeval?

My money is on Xen being the one to face KG. As far as we know, Junior isn't yet on a train back to Canterlot. X could seem like the next likely candidate, but him being in Zenith right now and Bagan so far not having a reason to deploy him again makes me think he won't be seeing KG again for awhile yet.

Ah, I know roughly what will happen, but I don't have a particular outline yet.

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