• Member Since 2nd Aug, 2013
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I came, I saw, I got turned into a Brony. Tumblr link http://xeno-the-sharp-tongue.tumblr.com/

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King Ghidorah Arc Teaser 2: Cage · 1:56am Jul 4th, 2017

Forgive me...

For so long I have been sad and alone
Here in my tower of crystal and stone
Spring's warm song will comfort me till you're here
Letters of hope give me one final smile
And my dreams take flight, my treasure's right in my sight
I can will anything, Memories will sing to me
I'm no longer alone
I'm a queen on my throne
Dreams always whirling
Neverending stories
And they keep me going
....Here in my castle of crystal and stone

Cruel dreams of despair may tear at my pride
But, courage and wisdom flashes in my mind
My new light makes darkness cower and cry
Weakness may chain my wings down for the night
But, I will become free and bravery's all I need
I can win anything, and remove the sting in me
I've become brave at last
Not afraid of the past
Dreams are apart of me
Pain tries to capture me
But, I know I'll surely be free...
....Free of my castle of crystal and stone

Comments ( 16 )

And the prodigal troll returns.

Riddles, they boggle the mind



I promise a short story free of charge later tonight to make up for this :raritywink:

The story better be King Ghidorah being a complete and utter bastard or something of the like. I need more King Ghidorah in my life.

“I tore you apart. I’m still here. I never left. I can’t lose you again.”? Kaizer Ghidorah? Oh, @*!$!

Your teasers only confuse me, to be honest.

I have far too much of a headache to even TRY to crack that coded message.

What website can I use to crack this code?

"I tore you apart
I'm still here - I never left
I can't lose you again"

Probably a reference to the Glimmers.

Cracked the Code, "I tore you apart, I'm still here I never left, I can't lose you again"

This has something to do with Controller 011?

I cracked the code before commenting; I just had no idea what you could be teasing, Grendelson.

I tore you apart
I am still here, I never left
I can’t lose you again

hmm... Kaizer? Maybe... not too sure

"I tore you apart. Im still here, I never left. I cant lose you again."

I have a feeling this has to relate to Kaiser Ghidorah in a sense.

"I Tore you apart." I think what he means is he tore monster X apart mentally. he lost his memories and turned his friend into a full on cyborg (IE Gigan).

Im still here, I never left relates to the ending of dragon knight, with MX sealing kaiser away so that ones obvious.

I cant lose you again is the only part im kind of stuck on.

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