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Hello Fluttercord Fans and shipper fans alike! My name is MissKoiFishPony, but you can call me Miss Koi or Missy:) I love My Little Pony, I love to write, I love Fluttercord.

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Miss Koi Reviews The MLP 2017 Movie Trailer · 11:24pm Jul 8th, 2017

Well, good thing the MLP movie trailer came out just recently or else I would have been tempted to review early of “Discordant Harmony” and “The Perfect Pear”;)

Yes folks, it’s finally here:) Not just the trailer, but finally a theatrical MLP movie that’s not centered around the Equestria Girls, but actually our favorite pony based cast:) And we’ve waited how long for this to happen you say? Well, not only ever since the show began, but ever since we received news of the first Equestria Girls movie coming our wayXD Lol! And when I first heard news of this 2017 movie coming out in October, you can bet on Pinkie’s cupcakes that I was happy and thrilled:)  However, keep in mind, I was also trying not to hype this movie too much because of my past experiences with upcoming movies. I hyped up Zootopia too much before I watched it. Not that it ended up as a bad movie, but it wasn’t as super amazing and mind blowing as I thought it would be for me versus other people’s reactions to the movie:

As much as I would and could watch this movie again, at the time, I wasn’t as determined to do so. Don’t get me wrong Zootopia fans, it is a good movie and I am going to watch the sequel without a doubt. But again, I hyped myself too much by watching the clips too much and seeing way too many reviews on it. So, going into Moana, I was hopeful, happy, but cautious and had to keep checking myself. Haha lol I even listened the whole soundtrack before seeing the movieXD But I tried to not listen to it so much, not visualize anything while listening to it, and enjoy it for what it is. That’s probably what I’m going to do with MLP movie soundtrack if it comes out early before the movie premiers like Moana did. Anyway, because of this, Moana turned out to be super amazing, mind blowing, and just plain beautiful. My favorite Disney movie of the new Modern Disney lineup:

So, that’s my goal for this movie: To be hopeful, happy, but cautious and keep checking myself at any chance I get. Try to not watch this trailer too much, try to not watch all the clips and trailers after too much, and of course not to read too many reviews and to not go in with too many expectations. That’s why I didn’t say anything for the teaser, I want to see the official trailer to get a better sense of what I’m actually going to look at. Anyway, what I will say is, I did watch this trailer a lot, over and over again, to see if I missed any necessary details before my review. And turns out, it helped. Especially when it comes to the style, the look, and animation of this movie:

Now, my first impressions on this matter were that while I liked the incredible fluidity of the animation itself and especially when it comes to character animation, and I do admit that it surprasses the show in this respect and that’s saying a lot from me because I always thought that the show had great fluid animation considering its flash/on the computer, HOWEVER I was set back by how big the eyes are on the pony characters :0 I know our ponies usually have big eyes, but I don’t know, something about their shadowing and depth and how unproportional they are to their heads and bodies was just bugging me for some reason:/ Especially on the Mane Six:/

Plus, some of the shadowing on the characters, especially on the Mane Six, look a little off to me because it almost felt like too much shadowing because their bright colored coats are so bright and the shadowing just looks too noticeable. But then it doesn’t sometimes in the bright sunny scenes randomly OR whenever the Mane Six are in a dark or neutrally lit area. But, this problem about the eyes and shadowing and proportionality doesn’t carry over for the Mane Six when they are sea ponies (by the way, sea ponies!:D But, we’ll talk more about them later in the review;))

The reason why it doesn’t is because the heads in this scenario are not too big, but rather they look like they are back to normal tv pony head size, and thus the eyes are smaller and this is more proportional with the long and graceful and elegant sea pony bodies. Plus, they’re in a dark place, so shadowing is not an issue and thus making their designs stand out even more. Also, this new style and animation and look or whatnot is not bad or off-putting on non-pony characters like most of our new characters voiced by major celebrities:

The reason why Sia’s character Songbird Serenade or Tempest or Princess Skystar don’t look bad or off-putting design wise in my eyes cause 1) We can’t see Songbird’s eyesXD, 2) Tempest’s eyes are nice and narrow and she has a nice dark coat that goes with the shadowing, and 3) like the rest of the sea ponies, Skystar has a well designed and proportional body to make her look cute and elegant and such:) But, we’ll get to all of the new characters trust me;)

As for the backgrounds, on first impressions, are beautiful and are very much like the show only more detail and depth and color and match the movie’s overall style and tone. Especially the darker settings or places in neutral lighting.

In terms of backgrounds in the sunlight, they look amazing <3 Up close that is.

But far away, however, some of it looks like it’s in almost uncompleted CGI:

But this airship that Tempest comes in follows in this path as well:

And this doesn’t go well with the 2D look of the characters and some of the upclose background shots that almost look like paintings.
BUT, HOWEVER, after seeing this trailer a couple of times, I realized that the shadowing on characters and some of these CGI backgrounds and such ARE MEANT to look good in a theater or on Blue Ray. Think about it. Shadowing and depth (which CGI is used to show this as well) is use to show how rich and alive a world is. 3D worlds like in 3D movies that require 3D glasses use this to help the audience to join in and explore the new world presented in the movie. I have a feeling that the size of the movie screens, and a reasonable sized television with Blue Ray can help fix this problem I’m pointing out. That, and keep in mind for those backgrounds that look CGI, the camera was moving with the characters and such. Though, I’m still not sure on Tempest airship though.

However, while I don’t think for now how the whole seeing it in theaters or on Blue Ray will fix the whole eye problem I mentioned, but I think once I start watching the movie and focus on its story and dialogue and the fluidity of its animation, I’ll get over it;) Trust me, this is nothing to do with hating the new style and all that they took to do this movie. I’m open to new styles and looks and such for our ponies, especially for an official movie in theaters, as long as the animation is good, it had some effort put into it, and that the story is good and the characters we know are still true to themselves:) When you think about it, this new style isn’t too different from our usual show style other than more shadowing and depth and more variety of warm and rich colors and that everything just pops out more;)

Now, let’s start talking about all the new characters that will help move the movie’s story along. Especially, with the first two, Tempest and Grubber:

Tempest is a very interesting character when it comes to analyzing this upcoming movie for me. When the character designs for the new characters got released awhile back, I was intrigued by her because of her broken horn. During and after this trailer, I was intrigued by how much I saw of her. Which makes me think, like most of the bronies pointed out by now, that she become a reformed villain by the end of the movie. Plus, it looks like based on the trailer (trying to not hype myself up or anything), but she can still do magic but more dark or combative magic by using her sparking to create a ball of unstable magic and use her martial art skills to kick or buck the magic towards her enemies. Awesome!:D

My thinking is that the reason why she’s working for the Storm King and his plan to kidnap Twilight (or possibly the other princesses and the rest of the Mane Six too, but the trailer implies mainly they are after Twilight) (which I will expand more on his plan when I talk about his character later in this review), because his plan could mean the restoration of her horn back. And she wants her horn back to just simply be whole again. A real unicorn again. I can imagine a unicorn losing a horn would be like losing a voice or a soul or a heart if you were a human. A horn is almost at the core being of a unicorn, so I can imagine Tempest as a character full of pain but trying to mask it with strength and coldness in order for the world to not take advantage of her just simply because she has no horn. I can imagine Twilight (and/or the others) taking either of the following options to reform her: 1) Twilight and/or the others use the magic of friendship to restore Tempest’s horn and they become friends, OR 2) {my personal favorite option of the two} have Twilight and/or the others make a speech to Tempest how she doesn’t need magic or the magic of friendship to restore her horn. She doesn’t need her horn. Tempest is still who she is because of her strengths and talents and the other things that make up who she is. Tempest is moved by this, reforms, helps them to defeat the Storm King, then friendship. The reason why I like option 2 better is because this movie could provide a good message/inspiration to those who have lost a limb in some form (whether you were born without a certain limb or lost it in a tragic accident or war), you shouldn’t feel like you are broken or compare yourself to others or compare your past self with your news shelf. You can still be who you are and more, and be strong with that limb or part. No one should feel broken because they don’t have that one thing. And I think Tempest’s character could serve as an inspirational character for that reason<3

Haha lol I don’t know if my attachment to Tempest has anything to do with the fact that she has the same name as my top favorite Shakespearian playXD

Overall, I do believe that our favorite mean girl from The Devil Wears Prada, besides Meryl Streep as Miranda, will do an excellent job playing Tempest:)

As for Grubber, I personally don’t mind him:) Again, I’m waiting to see the movie to really pass a judgement on him. But I think everyone should keep in mind that not all comic villain minions are not bad as in bad annoying characterization: (for example, remember iago and the hyenas?)

Now, let’s talk about the Storm King:

Wow, that is definitely not the face I was expecting for someone called the Storm King to makeXD Certainly, a character I thought would take more of Tirek due to his design looking like Tirek’s and how his intimidating name and style seems to speak and live up to titleXD And that’s what I love about this whole thing <3! Instead of giving us what we expect like another Tirek, the MLP staff put thought and consideration into making the Storm King and made him his own character <3 Truly, the MLP staff has not lost their touch when it comes to making new characters to enter into the story of our main heroes:) This notion gets supported by the characterization we get in the first issue of the MLP movie prequel comic, which focuses mainly on the Storm King (IF YOU DON’T WANT SPOILERS, TURN BACK NOW!)

Alrighty then, are you we good? Good! Let’s talk about this comic and the Storm King:) The comic shows the Storm King to be a creature of a dual personality of sorts, but a dual personality at his control supposedly (I don’t know, we’ll have to wait and see on that point;)). He is both a menacing and cold and series, but still jovial and dare I say down right sillyXD But overall, just pure dominance. A true dominant personality. But he is only silly and jovial when he wants to be, in order to get what he wants and to show his dominance over others. He is kinda like Discord, in a sense, like most people are saying but I want to say Discord is more mainpulative to get his ultimate goal of chaos than he wants to be dominance and control. True, Discord likes to overpower others and be the best at what he does, especially back in his villainous days, but Discord at the end of the day is a spirit who embodies the good and the bad of chaos. The light and the dark. He is chaotic neutral in its pure essence, more chaotic good these days. In his first episodes, he saw control and dominance over Equestria as means to spread his chaos, express himself, and get the land and play things to embody his chaos in and nothing more. Plus, Discord is more about power over the mind and thinking rather than power or persuasion and presence like the Storm King. The Storm King, on the other hoof, is dominant and over-powering because his ultimate goal is control. But not control through monarchy means, but through magic and riches. Especially riches. As the Storm King put it, he wants to be recognized a force of nature to reckoned with, to conquer the world and have it at his dispose.

This makes things interesting and fun because, according to the Storm King’s voice actor Liev Schreiber, he considers this character to be one of the more intense roles he’s played. And that’s saying something since the guy played Sabretooth 0-0

The point is, with the quick to anger temperament that the Storm King has shown in the comics, I have a feeling that (and not to make predictions or anything), but the Storm King might be more bi-polar and uncontrolled in this dual personality if he gets frustrated enough and angry enough. Thus, overall and considering the other factors I stated above, this guy will certainly be a fun and unpredictable villain for this movie ;)  We shall see after the movie if he becomes a favorite for me, for bronies, and for the franchise or not. All that I know is, he definitely has an actor that can bring out that two sides of himself flawlessly:) But, in terms of his plan for the movie, I predict that because he’s after magic, he might be targeting Twilight (and/or the princesses and the Mane Six and especially Equestria) because of the magic of friendship, which he might believe comes from one source either in one pony or one princess or all the princesses or things like that. From some magic wielding ruler like the king and queen of the cat people in the comic. But, what doesn’t he know and expect is that the magic of friendship comes from the collective Twilight and Mane Six together. If apart, Twilight is just another alicorn princess but without that friendship magic. And Twilight will keep telling him that, but he won’t listen because he believes that true power comes from one source. Again, this is all just speculation here. Some of the fans say he might be reformed because of his jovial side and I say….um maybe?:/ I’m not sure. It might, but then again, I have a feeling he’s just the big bad guy in the movie. It might be too much to have two reformed baddies in one movie, but if they do that, we shall see if we like it depending on how they handle it.
The comic also including a tiny sub plot and introduction to another new character to the movie, voiced by a talented Broadway performer Taye Diggs but we didn’t see much in the trailer itself (which is interesting), Capper:

This feline fellow is from the magical land of...Abyssinia. AKA cat toy and scratching post heaven:D Haha lol, all joking aside, it’s cool that the comics/MLP staff based a fictional kingdom on something real and historical:)

In terms of Capper so far, Not much characterization so far, comic wise and trailer wise. All that we know is that he has a striped tabby friend named Chummer, they sneaked into the Storm King’s ship for revenge or escape or something else, and on the wiki page, he is described to be reformed con-artist. Hmmm. Does this mean he use to be a con artist in his kingdom or he is a con artist in the movie but then becomes reformed once he helps the Mane Six and all that? Guess we’ll have to see either in the movie or wait for comic issue #2 or # 3 for this prequel arc and see if they touch on Capper’s backstory. Based on how much he didn’t see of him in the trailer, I have a feeling that he might be important to the story, at least in terms of maybe getting closer to the Storm King and his kingdom in order to rescued a captured Twilight and/or princesses with the Mane Six at his side. But he does this in order to possibly get revenge on the King for what he did to his kingdom. Again, I don’t have much to say on that regard because I’m trying to not have too many expectations for this movie, and there isn’t too much on Capper yet.

BUT, I will say this about Capper. Guys, I’m going to get serious on y’all. I finally found Rarity’s Prince Charming. I finally found someone I can legitimately ship with hard core with no regrets as my OTP for her, and I’ve been waiting so long since she is my second favorite pony. Guys, I ship Capper x RarityXD

(Mwhaha yes there’s people on the Internet shipping themXD Yes my children, ship! Ship to your heart's content XD! Lol so hardXD)
Yes, I’m one of those shippers that uses that one screenshot of them together and automatically ship themXD So yes my fans, judge meXD! Judge me to your heart’s content XD! Haha lol XD

Haha lol, what do you call this ship?!XD Rapper?!XD Haha yes, Rapper confirmed BD XD

Haha lol, I have more stable and reasonable reasons for shipping this besides the two standing next to each other and Capper seemingly looking towards Rarity’s way and the fact that the two characters look surprisingly good together in terms of design. I mean, the two share the same shade of purple in their hair for Pete’s SakeXD Anyway, you guys can be the judge of whether my reasons are reasonable and understandable or notXD Most likely, they may not beXD

(Me as Pinkie in this pic)
The main reason why I ship these two together because one of my predictions (but trying to not make this into a huge expectation) is that Capper will be a very quick and witty and smart aleck character;) With him being a con artist and a cat and all;) Haha lol! I can kinda see him as Wesley from the Princess Bride:

The reason why I’m hoping he will be is because it would be amazing if Rarity could have someone to match wits with. Especially romantically. To me, Rarity is one of the sharpest and wittiest characters on the show. That’s why I love her so much <3 I don’t know, it would be great to get some fun and funny banter between the two in the movie:) I love witty couples, and if this guy is as smart as Rarity, then this should be fun:3 That is, if they have any scenes together which I’m hoping they will. However, most likely, the following options will occur: 1) They won’t show any shipping moments or significant potential shipping moments for Capper when he is with the Mane Six and make it strictly friendship and plationic and whatnot (this option seems the most realistic in my opinion); OR 2) maybe they’ll show him mostly with Twilight or Applejack since they seem to be the most likely characters to clash with him and whatnot and give those two characters shipping moments with him (but I have a feeling before and after the movie, this guy will be shipped with everyone. Just like Big Mac lol;)) But Rarity can be a character to clash with him too, and the MLP staff was unpredictable when it came to the Storm King, so...you may never know when it comes to these things lol;) Anyway, I just think it would be a nice conclusion and irony to Rarity’s arc in finding Prince Charming by falling in love with a Con Artist and a quote on quote “Beast” kind of character:) Plus, I think it would be funny that Rarity fell in love with or thought Capper was cute/call him cute or kitty because she has a catXD

It would be hilarious if Opal ends up having a crush on Capper XD Lol!

Anyway, guys...you shouldn’t be surprised that I ship these strange ships of mine;)

I have so many ideas for Capper x Rarity stories and such, but I’m trying to hold up on shipping and stories until the movie premiers and such. Again, trying to not having expectations and get my hopes up and all that. But this ship makes it soooo hard to resist X0! Anyway, I hope the next trailer and movie clips and such show more clips of Capper, especially clips of him talking:)

The last thing they included in the movie prequel comic are the parrot pirates who are not gyphons because they mainly walk around on two legs instead of four!:D

But sadly no Captain Celaeno yet in the comics, but luckily she’s in the trailer:)

And based on the trailer, she and her crew are just full of personality and fun to them and they were one of the main highlights in this trailer for me ^^ It sounds like Zoe Salanda will have fun playing Captain Celaeno as well and bring alot of life to her character:) I just hope they tell us what they are in the movie and in the comic. Are they gryphons or this world’s version of harpies or something? It also looks like Captain Celaeno and Rainbow Dash will have a fun friendship as well, oh Dashie and her bird friends;)

Lastly, let’s talk about...the sea ponies!:D

(No, that those.)

(There you go! That’s it ^^)
I cannot tell you guys how much I love these guys and how long I’ve waited to see sea ponies (just like every brony right now pretty muchXD). As a Koi Fish pony, sea ponies are cousins to the koi fish pony kind. We’re part of the merpony family, but sea ponies (as it seems based on the trailer) live in the ocean, in their kingdom called Seaquestria (haha lol that nameXD) versus Koi Fish ponies like me live in fresh water areas like lakes, rivers, ponds, and etc. So, don’t get us confused;) Anyway, based on these designs, I am now curious about how my OC would look like in this style. If there are any artists out there that would love to draw my OC in this style for fun, let me know cause I would love to see it<3
But the designs I am fascinated by are the ones for Queen Novo and Princess Skystar because the glowing antennas like that one scary fish from Finding Nemo:D

Oh boy, I just ruined Novo and Skystar for you guys didn’t I?XD It probably made you wonder if they are carnivorous creatures versus the typical friendly plant eating ponyXD Haha lol yeah, I don’t think soXD I think those antennas are just there to show that they have magical powers like an alicorn, unlike the typical sea pony. Which I feel like it’s a nice touch versus just putting a horn there, but using real life animal features specialized for the water environment in order for these characters to belong to their own world and make themselves different from Equestrian ponies and the typical sea ponies back in the old days:)
I’m so excited to hear Uzo Aduba from Orange is the New Black as Queen Novo, but above all else, I am as hyped as fangirling Rainbow Dash for my girl Kristen Chenoweth as Princess Skystar!:D

For those who may or may not know, I LOVE KRISTEN CHENOWETH!:D She’s my absolute favorite in everything!:D Broadway, movies, shows, animated movies and shows, she’s just always great and adorable and beautiful and amazing in everything she does:D Especially when she gets to sing too cause she has a great but unique singing voice:D Her operatic voice is just to die forXD! My only expectation for this movie, the only one and it has to be fulfilled above all cost is that...Miss Kristen Chenoweth in this movie...has to sing. Princess Skystar has to sing. I’m serious you guys. This actress is known for her singing and it would be a crime against Hollywood to not make this woman sing, especially for an MLP movie that’s a musical. C’mon Daniel Ingram and MLP staff, make it happen. I know that you can do this.I mean, why would you bring her on if you are not going to make her sing?:/
Here’s a video that should help emphasize my point;)

Maybe have her sing like a welcoming musical number into the Seaquestria kingdom, almost a new version of the old sea pony song but better;) lol!

All that I know is, I love how into it Kristen is for this role:D She said in an interview how before each recording session, she made sure that her hair was always on point like a princess’s hair should be/how Princess Skystar’s hair should be;) She calls it her method acting;) Haha lol, oh my gosh I just love how much Kristen loves being a princessXD

On a side note, speaking of music, the song used in the trailer was the best!:D Another great highlight to the trailer that really made it pop^^ It was adventurous, fun, and in tone with the show<3 I can’t wait to hear the full version of it on the soundtrack. By the way, when is the soundtrack coming out? Is it coming out September or October? On the soundtrack, I would love to hear the songs by the Storm King (every musical needs a great villain song, especially that can match his dual personality;)), Tempest (a song that express her angst and her emotional journey throughout this story), and Capper (again, you had a Broadway performer on your hooves, use his talent!)

Overall my friends, this trailer perfectly expresses the tone of our beloved show<3 Plus, it’s adventurous, and just generally fun:) I can’t say whether it will be good or not because I want this movie to be good by not having bars of expectations on it, BUT I can say that it will not only be different from the Equestrian Girls, it will be different from every animated movie premiering on the big screen right now:) In a good way:) This trailer gets 9 hearts out of 10<3

Comments ( 4 )

Seriously Missy!?
I was a die-hard Fancy x Rarity shipper.
And now I think about it and I be like 'Capper and Rarity? Why not.'
But overall,over the review, thx for everything.
I'm so pumped for this movie! (Almost as pumped as Bendy and the Ink Machine Chapter three... But not quite).
Overall, great, and we need to talk more. We haven't talked in forever.
Do you know if the Storm King is going to be a reformed villain as well? Thx!

itself and especially when it comes to character animation, and I do admit that it surprasses the show in this respect and that’s saying a lot from me because I always thought that the show had great fluid animation considering its flash/on the computer

When I first watched the trailer I pretty much had to do a double take to make sure this wasn't a fan animation. I got flashbacks to Lullaby for a Princess from this. It looks so frickin' good!

HOWEVER I was set back by how big the eyes are on the pony characters :0 I know our ponies usually have big eyes, but I don’t know, something about their shadowing and depth and how unproportional they are to their heads and bodies was just bugging me for some reason:/ Especially on the Mane Six:/ 

Huh... I kinda of see what you mean but I didn't really see much of a change in eye proportions myself.

Also, this new style and animation and look or whatnot is not bad or off-putting on non-pony characters like most of our new characters voiced by major celebrities: 

I only have one question... how does Mr. Kitty Cat here play into the story?

But this airship that Tempest comes in follows in this path as well: 

Yeah that really stood out to me. Looked out of place a bit. I'm actually wondering if it's not finished yet. Like they'll edit it to make it integrate better before the film comes out. But again maybe not.

Tempest is a very interesting character when it comes to analyzing this upcoming movie for me. When the character designs for the new characters got released awhile back, I was intrigued by her because of her broken horn.

I love her design, but she looks like such an OC. XD lol

And I showed the trailer to a friend of mine and he said Grubber looked like a chubby Stitch. XD He looks more like a honey badger to me. As for the Storm King, from what It looks like, he's more of a secondary villain with his own agenda. Tempest could have allied with him for her own personal reasons while the Storm King has his own. Kind of like Tempest will be the one we see most of and who does most of the work, but that's the storm king's plan--use her for his own gain.

And ah yes, Capper. I've seen how he's looked at Rarity. Spike better watch out. ;3

And one last thing...


I now ship Capper and Rarity.


Seriously Missy!? Seriously? I was a die-hard Fancy x Rarity shipper. And now I think about it and I be like 'Capper and Rarity? Why not.'


I now ship Capper and Rarity.

My response: Victory! Conversion!:pinkiecrazy: Mwhahaha lol, victory is mine:pinkiecrazy: Congrats y'all, welcome to the dark side of crackshipping with a now power filled Missy:pinkiecrazy: Haha lol XD I don't know if this adds fuel to the fire or not, or if this is considered movie spoilers or not, but man I can't keep but think of Capper and Rarity at the line "Rarity's generosity will earn her a new friend for life in the new movie" (I mean, it's possible that this line could refer Rarity making friends with Princess Skystar or Tempest or heck Captain Celeano but my gut is telling me that Princess Skystar will be Pinkie's new friend and Captain Celeano's new friend will be Rainbow Dash, so it has to be Capper and RarityXD)


Do you know if the Storm King is going to be a reformed villain as well?

Well, that was one of the main things I was kinda going back and forth on in this review. I know Tempest will most likely, but most likely no because Storm King is the main baddie to face but because of his complicated personality, it might be possible. But, we shall see. I want to see more of him in order to a full predication on that one.


When I first watched the trailer I pretty much had to do a double take to make sure this wasn't a fan animation. I got flashbacks to Lullaby for a Princess from this. It looks so frickin' good!

Apparently, it used Toon Boom or Boon which is the same program used to make the Rise of the Moon animation (made by the people who made the Snowdrop animation awhile back:)) But you're right, the animation style very much speaks of the Lullaby for a Princess animation video too:)

Huh... I kinda of see what you mean but I didn't really see much of a change in eye proportions myself.

Haha lol that's okay, that just means you won't have any problems adjusting to the style like I am;) LolXD

I only have one question... how does Mr. Kitty Cat here play into the story?

Good question my friend;) Will he a good kitty? A bad kitty? Or both?XD Lol! As I speak, I can hear the fans say "Both! Both! Both!:D" Haha lolXD

Yeah that really stood out to me. Looked out of place a bit. I'm actually wondering if it's not finished yet. Like they'll edit it to make it integrate better before the film comes out. But again maybe not.

Well, according to a tweet by one of the animators or staff members for the movie that they are still finishing some stuff on the movie, so that might be a possiblity question mark?:/

I love her design, but she looks like such an OC. XD lol

Haha lol, she totally doesXD Like an edgy OCXD I think it's because she has the typical bad guy outfit with all the leather and straps and such, and the fact that she has a dark purple with a slightly lighter purple design which is close to having a red and black OC design basicallyXD Lol!

And I showed the trailer to a friend of mine and he said Grubber looked like a chubby Stitch. XD

Haha lol yeah he totally doesXD

As for the Storm King, from what It looks like, he's more of a secondary villain with his own agenda. Tempest could have allied with him for her own personal reasons while the Storm King has his own. Kind of like Tempest will be the one we see most of and who does most of the work, but that's the storm king's plan--use her for his own gain.

Yeah, I can see that too:) That's what I was trying to say: I think they're working together in a way, but not completely, to accomplish their own agendas but then once the Storm King gets what he wants, he then betrays Tempest.

And ah yes, Capper. I've seen how he's looked at Rarity. Spike better watch out. ;3

Soooo, does that mean you might consider shipping them?:3 Haha lol yeah Spike, you better watch out buddyXD Yet at the same time, I still don't want to see poor Spikey Wikey's reaction if this turns out to be true in the movie :'( I don't want to see our poor baby dragon sad:(


Huzzah! The song of my cousins!:D Make me proud cuzs;)!

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