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I came, I saw, I got turned into a Brony. Tumblr link http://xeno-the-sharp-tongue.tumblr.com/

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Chapter 39 Promo: S T R O N G E R --- T O G E T H E R · 10:21pm Jul 14th, 2017

“One more day, you couldn't wait one more day?!"

"Are you three injured?"

"Us? You’re the one who went gallivanting off to fight this guy!”

“Ironic, it's it Irys?"

"Why did you think we were hurt Mr. X?"

"Nevermind, I'll explain later."

“Any plans?”

“He’s got three heads, give him one too many things to keep them occupied with.”

In unison the four burst out of formation in different directions, Irys taking to the air and circling around in a swooping arc, Monster X sprinting forward to close the gap, Gigan jumping up and teleporting to a high vantage point; while Megalon dove into the ground shouting the one thing the four had agreed not to have. A team battle cry, let alone one Megalon insisted seemed familiar to him after meeting a certain blue siren.  


[Songs subject to change, still a WIP]

Comments ( 19 )

I already put this on the youtube clip, but;



A team battle cry, let alone one Megalon insisted seemed familiar to him after meeting a certain blue siren.


So, is a certain March 32 special now Cannon, or is the Troll still strong with this one?

Also, from the video, SIX sets of Ghidorah eyes, three on god and three on black? NOT GOOD!!!!!

In Fact....

Is the words STRONG TOGETHER a teaser itself?

I see another 6 eyes down there Tarb, and it's no mere reflection.
I know what you're doing...

Wow, this trailer is epic. It seems that the Dark Hunters will have their own arc and they'll have to deal with GKG, but judging by the second half dozen eyes below the first red half dozen eyes, it seems that Kaizer Guidorah will also return. Hope the next chapter comes soon for the expectation is humongous.

So the Dark Hunters' big fight will be against Ghidorah and Kaizer? :rainbowhuh:

Though aside from that, it's bound to be troublesome.

3v1, it'd be a toss up of who wins. 4v1? I'd say Ghidorah would be on the ropes here.

Assemble! Kurai Kariudo Sentai - Kaijuranger! (Dark Hunter Squadron - Kaiju Rangers!)

Oh yeah, I'm hype for this. Not sure how you took such a team of disparate kaiju and pulled them together into a team of characters that are among the best parts of this story, but I salute the effort, and it'll be something to see all four of them fighting together. They really do deserve their own team theme.

And hey, cool to see that Megalon's rocking the Mumen Rider theme! Even if it changes down the road, its cool you liked it enough to use it here. :twilightsmile:

1. Rereading your PMs, sorry for wait >X<
Plus side is I've been very productive on writing, average 3k words a day.

2. I decided to throw you and the folks who liked the song a bone. I was very tempted to use Uzu's theme from Kill La Kill, which I found in my music folder in a backlog

(1:08 seconds to the main rift)

But I thought it be kiiiinda jerkish to do that community call-out and then suddenly pick a random song I found in my back library.

If only you could see my shit eating grin.

Admittedly Uzu's theme is also pretty dang awesome and fitting. As you said, this is a WIP so ultimately you should go with whatever music you think works best, even if its tracks you end up finding on your own down the road.

What's the music? I recognize some of it (like at 1:37, it's the music used during the fight in Power Rangers vs Voltron: PS, what were you're thoughts on that episode?). Anyway, looking forwards to the next chapter. It's going to be a wham episode, I just know it

Hmm STRONG TO GET HER? :trixieshiftleft:

Is it really a teaser? It's a legitimate question. :rainbowhuh:

Stronger Together

Huh? I never noticed the R. :twilightsheepish:



It's Ghidorah.

I'm so hyped!:pinkiehappy:

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