• Member Since 24th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen Sep 19th, 2022

Dash The Stampede

That crazy girl that writes random comedies, detailed inanimate transformations, and sad/dark heartwrenchers. $$60,000,000,000 says you can't catch me! I'm the Equestrianoid Typhoon! Peace and Love!

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A look back at Three Years a Tragedy Author · 3:05pm Jul 16th, 2017

Story time!

Oh, not like, posting a story, just.. read!

I started writing on the site, and gained most of my followers for, my random-comedies and occasional emotional darkfic. I've tested the waters of noir and shameless smut, of adventure and romance. Crackfics were a specialty.

Never did I intend to write a tragedy.

Ghost Town started as a sequel to a shameless snuff smut inflation fic, which happens to be the most viewed story on my list, and I only intended to weave a simple three-chapter endeavor of the implications of what could have possibly followed my terrible terrible endings.

Instead, it grew. And grew. Two years digging around it to come up with seven chapters! For a one-shot writer, this was tough. Hard. Impossibly so at points where software crashes erased entire finished chapters. I still soldiered on, unsure where I was going to really leave this story, where I could possibly bring it.

I'm no grand tale-weaver like shortskirtsandexplosions or multi-chapter churner like the fine folks who write those incredibly long Fallout crossovers, so I didn't quite know how to bring all the ideas and inspirations given to me by those writers to fruition with my limited skill set and experience on the writing front. As with most of my ideas, once I set it aside, I lose my inspiration and it is very very hard to bring it back. That's why my one-shots are always so varying, most, if not all are first-draft posts, ideas that flutter through my mind and which I use for a few lines of jokes or memeing to get a laugh out of people.

This was no different. That's why you're seeing me again after two years of silence, why I'm back here now instead of reveling in the feeling of accomplishment writing this three-chapter ending in three days two years ago.

I've grown as a person and as a matter of principle, I let a lot of fine folks down when I disappeared. I felt mighty awful 'bout that, and wanted to come back to make up for leaving my followers and friends behind without barely a word edgewise.

Well, here's my words, two years too late, as I see many might have moved on since then.

I guess what I'm trying to say is I'm not as satisfied with it as I could be, I have tons of ideas for how it could have gone differently, with less exposition, less telling and more showing, but not enough experience with the long story craft that I couldn't tell when or where I could have ended it, I didn't have a planner for these types of things! I can at least be proud that I came back and finished what I started, even if I already let a lot of you down. I just hope that if I stick around a little more, I'll have something new-ish for you all to enjoy once again.

Starting to right my wrongs

Report Dash The Stampede · 342 views ·
Comments ( 6 )

I admit I found the ending very depressing but it did feel appropriate. I'm curious as to what you have planned for this and I want to see what you might do

It's not so much the question of what I might do with it as it is the question of what could I have done differently?

This story is complete. Don't let my mindless ramblings give you the idea I can do more for this fic than I already have. I'm surprised I even came back to finish it!

I'm merely saying I started off with grand old plans in my mind for this fic but if I had the prowess to actually make those come to fruition? We might be looking at a story five times longer :V
I could easily talk for hours on how I wanted it to turn outbut I'm just not a multi-chapter epic writer. My ideas fizzle once I stop writing usually, which makes updates near impossible.

Im sorry if this bursts a bubble,I'm just immensely proud to have marked it complete.

I should have rephrased, what I meant was that I wanted to see what you had panned for things in general, not that story specifically.

Oh,in that case, sure! I'm thinking of posting a couple old transformation fics and some random chapters on older works but nothing too too grand.

I mean maybe a random comedy?

I haven't actually watched past season 5's ending as far as I remember, so there's a lot of material that could be formed in the future!

I'm sure you'll think of something, the plotbunnies will start going at it once you watch some more.

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