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The Bridge: Continuity Bites, Minor Spoilers · 12:55am Jul 17th, 2017

Just some background continuity bites about subjects I've been asked about before. Enjoy! Chapter 39 is nearing completion at over 15k words as we speak.

-Godzilla Junior does emit radiation just like his father and grandfather do, at least when in his full kaiju form. This is why he was careful not to be around humans too often or have them close to him for anything other than brief instances. However unlike those two, he's also constantly absorbing all the radiation around him. This is how he both feeds of solar radiation (remember, sun burns are basically radiation burns; he just uses his much larger surface area to help) and effectively recycles his own emissions. So as soon as he moves through an area, he's cleaning it back up. It's just that initial ejection of radioactive particles he can't stop.

-Nightmare operates by bonding to a host and bringing out their inner insecurities, frustrations, and doubts. She then magnifies these thoughts and subsequent emotions to form the Nightmare form. Nightmare Moon was formed by Princess Luna's jealousy of her sister, insecurities about the populace, and anger over her being the younger sister; so she attacked her sister, wanted to force the populace to worship her, and took a larger and more mature form to match Celestia's older age. Nightmare Rarity was formed over Rarity's insecurity over possibly being replaced and overlooked, so she took an unforgettably beutiful, larger, powerful form and wanted to become a queen. In theory, any individual could be a potential host for Nightmare; doesn't need to be magically inclined or female.

-King Kong was born sometime in the 1920s-1930s, with the S.S. Wanderer visiting Skull Island in 1933. The Wanderer crew encountered the juvenile Kong and attempted to capture him, but Kong's parents (whom resemble the 1976 and Lady Kong versions as an FYI) halted the attempt and grounded the ship. It's unknown what happened to the crew afterwards. Neither of Kong's parents were fully grown either, roughly 45 and 48 meters tall respectively at the time of their deaths. King Kong's parents died in 1954, having to fight Ramarak and a horde of other large Skullcrawlers shortly after an encounter with a very unwelcome guest.

-Spoilers for Eclipse Times. Ardent Sentry's future husband is none other than Knight Shroud. Due to Knight Shroud feeling shame over accidentally helping catalyze the Nights Rebellion, she proposed he take up her name when they married to help protect him. Knight Sentry took it a step further and insisted they're children use the name Sentry, both out of respect for their mother's heroism and to further distance themselves from the Nights.

-The song Queen Amatheia used to create The Shroud was the same one her daughter, Princess Hymnia created a year prior. It condenses the power of love, be it familial, romantic, or both, and uses it as the foci for the spell. Queen Amatheia used the love for her daughters, now thought lost to her forever, and of the other mermares as a means of powering it. On the wish for the tragedy to never happen again, the love of a queen and mother created The Shroud. But due to the taxing spell and heartbreak, it wasn't enough for Amatheia to survive the effort. And because the song was known only to Hymnia and her family, the means to turn The Shroud off were lost to history. This is why The Shroud is so hard to turn off and Queen Maui has been working at it for years to try and find a means to do so. The only ones whom know Hymnia's lullaby today are the sirens after Aria Blaze remembered the faded memory and retaught it to Adagio and Sonata.

-The reason Gigan prioritizes in melee combat and bladed weapons is actually because the Nebulans and Xilian co-venture that created him wanted something that could fight an Ultra one on one and stand a good chance at winning. Ultras are notoriously resistant to beam and energy attacks, the silvery parts of their bodies helping absorb and defuse the blasts. So it was thought bladed weapons mixed with high agility, while also having some beams for use if needed, be a good bet; as Ultra have no specific resistance to physical impacts or edges weapons.

-The barrier around Equestria to kept outside lifeforms from entering did not exist yet when the goliath, Kardas, came to the world. It only was put up afterwards to keep out further incursions. This is why the humans and pokemon on board didn't automatically change like the kaiju did.

-The reason Irys is stronger than the other gyaos is because due to genetic drift and sheer random chance over the generations, some of the "glitches" the original gyaos suffered that made them failed Guardian Beasts were fixed with her. She's a mutant, it's just the albinism is one of the more visible mutations.

-There is a reason Luna is not as large or powerful as Celestia despite enough time going by she should have caught up by now to physically grow up. We'll see why soon.

Comments ( 8 )

One thing I would also like to clear up, while Kardas does act like a ship in that he brought the humans and Pokémon to Equestria, that is not his intended and main purpose, and you will see why as the story progresses

Nice spoiler and the Gigan thing makes sense.

So, if the sirens ever returned to Equestria, they could, in theory, provide their distant mermare cousins the key needed to lower the shroud, it would seem.

Also, as a Luna fanboy, I look forward to learning why the Guardian of Dreams has a less grand stature then the Ruler of the Day.

I figured that spoiler after reading the last chapter, still good to have it confirmed though.

King Kong's parents died in 1954, having to fight Ramarak and a horde of other large Skullcrawlers shortly after an encounter with a very unwelcome guest.

Considering the time placement, size of Kong's parents, and the clue from Humanity's Stand. I'm gonna guess that the very unwelcome individual was none other than Grandpa Gojira.

What would you say sent Bridge! Ramarak into hibernation after the battle that took the lives of Kong's parents?

This is interesting, still I am wondering why Luna is weaker than Celestia.

Goji 54 went to Skull Island?

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